Animals Running at Large
90.01 Dogs or other animals running at large; nuisance, dangerous or vicious dogs; hearings
90.02 Strays
90.03 Unavoidable escapes
90.04 Fees
90.05 Quarantine orders of mayor
90.06 Interfering with enforcement of quarantine orders
Offenses Relating to Domestic Animals
90.20 Abandoning animals
90.21 Injuring animals
90.22 Poisoning animals
90.23 Cruelty to animals; cruelty to companion animals
90.24 Animal fights
90.25 Trapshooting
90.26 Loud dog
90.27 Removal of animal waste
90.28 Restrictions on dog ownership for certain convicted felons
90.29 Sexual conduct with an animal
90.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Possession of dangerous wild animals and restricted snakes, requirements and licensing, see R.C. Chapter 935