§ 94.03 ROAD NAMING.
   (A)   All roads in the unincorporated areas of Newberry County shall have a unique name.
      (1)   These road names shall not be duplications of word, phonetics, homonyms, or homophones.
      (2)   New road names will not be allowed if they duplicate existing approved county road names.
      (3)   New road names will not be allowed if they duplicate existing approved municipal road names within common US Postal zip code areas.
      (4)   New road names will not be allowed if they duplicate existing road names within US Postal zip code areas that cross boundaries with neighboring counties.
      (5)   New road names will not duplicate or be confusingly similar, to any name of an existing road or street in an incorporated area within Newberry County.
   (B)   Newberry County's E911 Administration Office, a division of the Newberry County Sheriff's Office, shall maintain a complete listing of all roads and their ranges.
      (1)   Any additions or name changes of roads must be conveyed to this office regardless of origination.
      (2)   All new road names must be petitioned through this office by signature of the property owners in favor of the proposed name.
         (a)   Before selection of the name, the owner/contact must confirm that said name is not duplicated or similar to an existing street name through this office.
         (b)   The petition must be returned to this office within 30 days and must contain contact information of 1 individual selected by the property owners to be point of contact to this office. The petition must be accurately completed including a sketch that relates the location of said road.
         (c)   The requested name shall consist of no more than 15 letters and/or spaces.
         (d)   Dead end roads shall not have a suffix of “Road,” “Street,” “Boulevard,” or “Circle” so as not to be misleading to an emergency vehicle looking for a cut-through to another street.
         (e)   Although not recommended, personal names will be allowed as road names if said name is not determined to be misleading to emergency services. However, full proper names will not be allowed.
         (f)   In the event the road affects multiple properties, the road name requires greater then 50% agreement of property owners by signature on the petition to the proposed name.
            1.   If 2 or more persons are listed as owners of a single property, then only 1 signature will be counted toward the majority.
            2.   Each owner has a single vote no matter the amount of property owned.
         (g)   Road names are subject to the final approval of the E911 Coordinator.
         (h)   A road name sign shall be provided for all approved streets or roads in Newberry County to ensure proper identification.
      (3)   New roads within collective developments such as but not limited to subdivisions, mobile home parks, office parks, apartment complexes, and campgrounds will be named through the submission of a petition.
         (a)   If the owner of such collective developments wants to provide their own street signs, they must follow standards as set forth by Newberry County.
            1.   These street signs must be made of a durable, clearly visible material and the lettering must contrast with the color of the background of the sign. Reflective lettering is suggested.
            2.   Lettering must be 4 inches in height; sign blank must be large enough to enable the road name to be clearly recognizable; post must be a minimum of 8 feet above ground.
            3.   Placement of signs must be at each intersection at an appropriate place so as to be visible from all directions of travel.
            4.   After obtaining verification of acceptance by the E911 Coordinator of the road name, these signs must be displayed within a reasonable length of time to identify said roads for emergency and utility services.
         (b)   The cost and installation must be paid for by the property owners.
      (4)   Wherever a single drive accesses 3 or more homes, businesses and/or properties, this drive must be named and addressed in the same manner as all other unincorporated areas.
         (a)   All owners accessing their property from this access is allowed to petition for the name of the road.
         (b)   After obtaining verification of acceptance by the E911 Coordinator of the road name, any resident or business that is already residing on this drive must be re-addressed to reflect the newly established named drive.
         (c)   The road sign will be provided at no cost to the property owner or occupant.
      (5)   Any road currently named may be changed by petition to the Newberry County Planning Commission.
         (a)   The Newberry County Planning Commission will provide a listing all property owners along the concerned roadway.
         (b)   A name change will only be considered in the name approval process only if 75% of the property owners agree by signature on the petition to the proposed name. If 2 or more persons are listed as owners of the property, then only 1 signature will be counted toward the majority.
         (c)    Road name changes are subject to the final approval of the Newberry County Council.
         (d)   The cost and installation for each affected intersection must be paid for by the property owners listed on the petition in favor of the proposed name change.
   (C)   In the event of a controversy in the request for a new road name, the E911 Administration Office will contact all property owners with the suggested road names as well as a name suggested by the county.
      (1)   If greater than 50% agreement of a name is not returned within 15 days, the county's suggestion will be accepted as the road name.
      (2)   If no responses are received by the deadline, the county's suggestion will be accepted.
      (3)   Any continued controversy must be conveyed to the Newberry County Planning Commission for resolution.
   (D)   Naming of road does not imply the road will be maintained by Newberry County. Acceptance for county road maintenance is subject to the requirements of the Newberry County Road Ordinance.
(Ord. 133, passed 4-28-1993; Am. Ord. passed 11-11-1993; Am. Ord. 10-39-05, passed 10-19-2005)
   (A)   It is the responsibility of the E911 Coordinator to manage the E911 addressing system for the purpose of facilitating a continuous and uniform addressing system.
   (B)   All addresses are standardized by procedures set forth by the county and assigned by the E911 Administration Office.
      (1)   Whenever possible, numbers are assigned on the basis of 1 number for every 5.28 feet of frontage along the road, thereby establishing 1000 addresses in 1 mile.
      (2)   Whenever possible, streets running more nearly north and south are numbered from the south to the north, and those streets running more nearly east and west are numbered from east to west with the exception of dead-end roads which number from the intersection to the dead-end.
      (3)   Wherever possible, locations north of east-west roads and west of south-north roads are given odd-numbered addresses, and locations south of east-west roads and east of south-north roads are given even-numbered addresses.
      (4)   Wherever possible, addresses are assigned at the driveway location or to the proper door as determined by the position of the structure to be addressed.
      (5)   These standards may vary to accommodate previous addressing or unusual circumstances.
   (C)   Each house, building, business, or other occupied structure as well as any other structure that requires utility service must be assigned a separate number.
      (1)   An alphabetical letter must be assigned for any out-building to the above that requires separate utility service.
      (2)   Collective developments such as mobile home parks, office parks, apartment complexes, and campgrounds are either assigned internal street names and addressed in the same manner as all other unincorporated areas, or, an overall address is assigned for each point of ingress or egress to the development then assigned individual lot or unit numbers.
      (3)   No permits or utility services shall be granted until the owner has procured the official number for the premises.
      (4)   The address assigned, by agreement with the United States Postal Service, is used as the mailing address of the home or business for delivery proposes.
         (a)   Delivery of mail is not required by Newberry County's E911 service.
         (b)   The US Postal Service governs the placement of the mailbox and its identification. This placement does not dictate the address for the structure.
         (c)   The directions of the US Postal Service do not overrule the guidelines set forth herein.
   (D)   Street numbers are to be posted for dwellings and buildings in 3-inch numbers for dwellings or 4-inch numbers for businesses.
      (1)   If the structure is located less than 100 feet from the road frontage and is not obstructed from view from the road, street numbers may be posted at a visible location immediately above, on, or at the side of the proper door or the structure in clear view from the street or road from both directions of travel.
      (2)   If the structure is located more than 100 feet from the road frontage or obstructed from view from the road, street numbers must be posted at a visible location near the walk, driveway, or common entrance to the building, upon a gate, fence, post, or other appropriate place so as to clearly be visible from the street or road from both directions of travel. This marker is to be on the same side of the road as the residence or business, not across the street.
      (3)   All numbers must be made of a durable, clearly visible material and must contrast with the color of the house, building, other structure, or marker.
      (4)   These numbers must be displayed within 20 days of obtaining the street address.
      (5)   The property owner or occupant must pay for costs and installation of the number.
(Ord. 133, passed 4-28-1993; Am. Ord. passed 11-11-1993; Am. Ord. 10-39-05, passed 10-19-2005)
§ 94.99 PENALTY.
   Anyone who fails to comply with these guidelines shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, triable in Magistrate's Court, and upon conviction, must be fined not more than $200 or imprisoned for a term not exceeding 30 days. Each day in violation constitutes a separate offense.
(Ord. 133, passed 4-28-1993; Am. Ord. passed 11-11-1993; Am. Ord. 10-39-05, passed 10-19-2005)