Use | Lot Area2 (sq. ft.) | Lot Frontage (ft.) | Front Yard (ft.) | Side Yard (ft.) | Rear Yard3 (ft.) | Distance between any two Bldgs (ft.) |
All Uses | 5 acres | None | 100 | 50 | 40 2 story 50 3 story | 25 |
1 For uses permitted in the LI District you may follow the standards of the LI District except that the front yard depth shall be a minimum of 100 feet.
2 The minimum lot area for an adult entertainment business is one acre.
3 The rear yard depth shall be increased five feet for each story above three.
(b) Distance from R-Districts. With the exception of uses occurring at the time of the enactment of this Zoning Code, and of those substitution uses considered by the Board to be of the same general character of the pre-existing uses, buildings in the General Industrial District shall be located no less than 200 feet from any R-District.
(Ord. 08-33. Passed 5-4-09.)