1244.03 PURPOSE.
   (a)   The previous Zoning Code, enacted in 1971 and amended various times since, contained broad and cumulative zoning districts with a wide variety of permitted uses in many of the districts. This Code abolished the 1971 districts and created new districts with many of the cumulative aspects of the 1971 Code deleted.
   (b)   In the process of creating the Zoning Map to accompany this Code assumptions were made concerning potential land uses. There will be cases where a property owner, under the 1971 Code, had land use options that will not be available under this Code. It is the purpose of the Board of Revision to provide a process whereby a property owner may seek, without going through a zoning amendment, to have their zoning district adjusted in such a way as to permit a land use permitted under their previous zoning district but not permitted under their zoning district.
   (c)   It is not the intent of this chapter to allow for large scale zoning district changes.
   (d)   It is the intent to allow individual property owners the right to use their property in a way that was legal through the cumulative nature of the 1971 Code.
(Ord. 08-33-A. Passed 5-4-09.)