The following fees shall be applicable in the administration and enforcement of these Subdivision Regulations:
Jan. 1, 1995
to Beginning
Dec. 31. 1995 Jan. 1, 1996
to Beginning
Dec. 31. 1995 Jan. 1, 1996
(a) Minor subdivision/lot split $ 20.00 $ 20.00
(b) Lot consolidation (combination) 20.00 20.00
(c) Major subdivision fees:
(1) Sketch plat submittal 25.00 50.00
(2) Preliminary plat submittal 75.00 150.00
(3) Final plat submittal 100.00, plus 200.00, plus
$10.00 for each $10.00for each
lot over 20 lotover 20
lot over 20 lotover 20
(4) Final plat revisions 50.00 100.00
(5) Signage fees:
A. Each street identification sign 137.50 275.00
B. Each "Stop" or "Yield" sign 37.50 175.00
C. Each speed limit sign 75.00 150.00
"No Parking" and other traffic control signs will be provided at City expense, at no cost to the developer.
(Ord. 93-62. Passed 10-3-94.)