(A) There is hereby created and established a Planning Commission consisting of the Mayor, the Service Director and three citizen members who are electors of the City appointed by the Mayor to serve for a term of four years, provided that the citizen members serving under the general statutory form of government at the time this Charter becomes effective shall continue in office exercising the powers, duties, and functions provided for the Commission under this Charter until their respective terms shall expire. Thereafter each citizen member shall be appointed for a term of four years and shall continue in office until his or her successor is appointed. However, no one citizen member of the Planning Commission shall be permitted for any reason to serve more than five (5), four (4) year terms on the Commission after the date of this amendment.
(B) The Planning Commission shall have the power and duty to hear applications for land use, zoning classifications or districts and, as merited, to submit written recommendations for legislative action or to render final determinations for administrative action; to initiate, review and recommend legislation, rules and regulations on all matters of municipal planning, land use, and zoning classification; and to exercise such other powers, duties and functions as provided by Council. (November 6, 2012)
(A) There is hereby created and established a Board of Zoning Adjustment consisting of five members to be appointed by the Mayor to serve for terms of four (4) years each, provided that the members currently serving at the time this amendment becomes effective shall continue in office exercising the powers, duties, and functions provided for the Board under this Charter until their respective terms shall expire. Thereafter each member shall be appointed for a term of four (4) years and shall continue in office until his or her successor is appointed. However, no one citizen member of the Board of Zoning Adjustment shall be permitted for any reason to serve more than five (5), four (4) year terms on the Board after the date of this amendment.
(B) The Board of Zoning Adjustment shall have the power to hear and decide appeals for exceptions to and variances in the application of resolutions, ordinances, regulations, other legislative measures and administrative determinations governing zoning in the City, as may be required to afford justice and avoid unreasonable hardship. The Board of Zoning Adjustment may make advisory recommendations to Council and the Planning Commission concerning zoning matters; and shall exercise such other powers, duties and functions as provided by Council. (November 6, 2012)
There is hereby created and established a Citizens' Advisory Council on Recreation consisting of thirteen members to be appointed by the Mayor to serve for terms of four (4) years each provided that the members currently serving at the time this amendment becomes effective shall continue in office exercising the powers, duties, and functions provided for the Council under this Charter until their respective terms shall expire. There shall be one member from each ward, three at-large members, one City representative, and two members recommended by the Boards of Education of the Newark City School District and the Newark Catholic School System, respectively, and confirmed by the Mayor. The Citizens' Advisory Council on Recreation shall have those powers, duties and functions as provided by ordinance or resolution. However, no one citizen member of the Advisory Council shall be permitted for any reason to serve more than five (5), four (4) year terms on the Council after the date of this amendment. (November 6, 2012)
(A) Not later than the last day in March, 2002, and every five (5) years thereafter, Council shall appoint, by vote of at least six (6) members, a Charter Review Commission consisting of five (5) electors of the City, no more than three (3) of whom may be of the same political affiliation. Council may appoint, at any time, a Charter Review Study Group to consider issues of importance to the governance of the City during the period between the appointment of any mandatory Charter Review Commission. The term and number of members of such a study group shall be determined by Council as deemed most appropriate at the time of the appointment. The Charter Review Study Group shall have no authority to recommend alterations, revisions, or amendments to the Council or to submit any such alterations, revisions, or amendments to the electors for consideration.
(B) In addition to the appointment of the mandatory Charter Review Commission as set forth above, Council may at any time appoint, by a three-fourths (3/4ths) majority vote, a discretionary Charter Review Commission consisting of five (5) electors of the City. At no time, however, shall there be in place more than one (1) Charter Review Commission. Any discretionary Charter Commission appointed by Council shall submit a final report and shall be dissolved prior to the date upon which a mandatory Charter Review Commission is appointed as set forth herein. No discretionary Charter Review Commission may be appointed until such time as any existing mandatory Charter Review Commission is dissolved and the members released from their respective appointment.
(C) Any Charter Review Commission, whether mandatory or discretionary, appointed by Council shall review the Charter of the City and, within the time designated by Council at the time the members are appointed, or within any extension thereof granted by Council, recommend to Council such alterations, revisions, and amendments, if any, to this Charter, as in its judgment are desirable. Council shall not extend the term of any discretionary Charter Review Commission or any individual member thereof except by a three-fourths (3/4ths) majority vote. After consideration of the recommendations of the Charter Review Commission, Council shall submit all such proposed alterations, revisions, or amendments to this Charter to the electors of the City in the manner provided by the constitution of the State of Ohio. The terms of the members of the commission shall terminate at the end of the period designated at the time of their appointment, or any extension thereof, by Council as set forth above. (November 6, 2007)