5.01.   Election, Term and Qualifications.
   (A)   The person elected to the office of Mayor at the November, 1995, election under the general statutory plan of government for cities shall serve as the Mayor under this Charter, with all the powers, duties and functions of the Mayor as provided by this Charter until January 1, 2000. At the regular municipal election to be held in November, 1999, and every four years thereafter, the Mayor shall be elected from the City at large for a term of office of four years commencing on the first day of January next following his or her election.
   (B)   The Mayor shall be an elector of the City under the laws of the State of Ohio at the time of filing for office and during his or her term of office.
   (C)   The Mayor shall not hold any other public office which would be incompatible with the office of Mayor under the laws of Ohio, unless authorized by or under this Charter. The Mayor shall not receive any compensation, other than his or her regular compensation as Mayor and expenses in connection with the City business, for service rendered to the City.