The purpose of this chapter is to provide a method for the adoption of specific plans, in order to provide adequate development flexibility for innovation in residential building types, land use mixes, site design, and c velopment concepts. In addition, it is the purpose of this chapter to provide a method for amending specific plans to ensure their continued effectiveness and responsiveness to market demands over time.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
Specific plans are a significant tool to implement the general plan, as well as an inducement to the development of mixed use developments desired by the city. A specific plan documents the proposed extent, distribution, in-tensity, and location of major components of public and private drainage, energy, parks, sewage, solid waste disposal, transportation, water, and other essential facilities proposed to be located within or needed to support the land uses described in the plan, as well as implementation and financing methods and added benefits to the city as a whole.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
The council is authorized to approve specific plans and specific plan amendments. The director and the commission shall provide written recommendations to the council regarding specific plan adoption and amendments. A public hearing in compliance with Chapter 16.76 shall be required.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
This chapter shall apply to the following:
A. General Plan. All sites designated in the general plan for a specific plan;
B. Council Determination. The council may determine that because of a project's size, mixed uses, adverse environmental impacts, local controversy, or other factors, a specific plan is required for a privately-initiated project; or
C. Benefit to the City. Any area(s) of the city where the applicant believes that implementation of a specific plan will benefit the proposed project and the city.
(Ord. 293 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
Adoption of a new specific plan or an amendment to an existing specific plan may be initiated in the following manner:
A. Council. The council may initiate the preparation of a specific plan;
B. Commission. The commission may initiate the preparation of a specific plan; or
C. Property Owner. The property owner(s) or the authorized agent, or an affected party may file an application for a specific plan. If the property for which a specific plan or specific plan amendment is proposed is in more than one ownership, all of the owners or their authorized agent(s) shall join in filing the application.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
A. Pre-Application Conference Procedure.
1. Before submitting an application for a specific plan, the applicant or prospective developer is strongly encouraged to request a pre-application conference with the director to obtain information and guidance before preparing plans, surveys and other data. Coordination of the preparation of the environmental documentation shall also be discussed.
2. Neither the pre-application review nor the provision of available information and/or pertinent policies shall be construed as a recommendation for approval or disapproval by the city representative(s).
3. An appropriate fee(s) shall be charged for the pre-application conference in compliance with the council's fee resolution.
4. The preliminary consultations shall be relative to a conceptual development plan, which shall include the following:
a. Proposed land uses to be developed within the district;
b. Development concepts to be employed;
c. Schematic maps, illustrative material, and narrative sufficient to describe the general relationships between land uses, and the intended design character and scale of the principal features; and
d. A preliminary time schedule for development, including quantitative data, including population, housing units, land use acreage and other data sufficient to illustrate phasing of the proposed development and potential impact(s) on public service requirements.
B. Associated Amendments. All specific plan and specific plan amendment applications shall be accompanied by an application to amend the following:
1. The general plan to incorporate the specific plan by reference;
2. The zoning map to change the underlying zoning district to a specific plan overlay zone.
C. Application Contents. Applications for a specific plan or specific plan amendment shall contain the following information:
1. Application. Completed planning application form and required fee and attachments (see also Section 16.48.030).
2. Text and a Diagram. A specific plan document (or proposed revisions to an adopted specific plan in the case of an amendment application), containing a text and a diagram, prepared in compliance with the city's specific plan guidelines.
(Ord. 293 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)