16.24.040 Application Submittal Requirements.
Applications for development within the hillside overlay zoning district shall comply with the submittal requirements of this chapter. When a development project is a specific plan or master development plan, the submittal requirements shall be incorporated in the appropriate sections of the corresponding documents. If adequate detailed studies are provided with the specific plan and/or master development plan, subsequent implementing development applications shall be reviewed for substantial conformance with these plans.
Application filing requirements are as follows:
   A.   A Natural Features Map. This map shall identify slope banks, ridgelines, canyons, natural drainage courses, U.S.G.S. blueline streams, rock outcroppings, sensitive biotic habitat, cultural resources, and other natural features determined to be worthy of consideration for preservation.
   B.   A Conceptual Grading Plan. A conceptual grading plan shall be submitted at a minimum scale of one inch to two hundred (200) feet (this scale may be adjusted with the approval of the department). The plan shall include the following items:
      1.   A legend with appropriate symbols indicating high point, low point, spot elevations, pad and finished floor elevations, top of wall, top of curb, change in direction of drainage, and planned drainage improvements;
      2.   A separate map with proposed fill areas and cut areas, depths of these areas clearly shown in five-foot topographic lines. Quantities of each cut and fill area shall be clearly marked and calculated as a percentage of the total site area. The fill and cut areas shall be either colored green and red, respectively, cross-hatched, or screened to delineate the separate areas;
      3.   Contours for existing and proposed land conditions. Existing contours shall be depicted with a dashed line with every fifth contour darker, and proposed contours shall be depicted as above except with a solid line. Contours shall be shown at minimum intervals of five feet of change in elevation, with two-foot contours in the flatter areas (if using Riverside County flood control district topographic maps, a four-foot interval may be used); and
      4.   Additional information as required to assist department review of the project.
   C.   Drainage Map. A conceptual drainage and flood control facilities map describing planned drainage improvements. The map shall utilize city standards or an acceptable alternate as determined by the city engineer.
   D.   Slope Analysis Map. A slope analysis map for the purpose of determining the amount and location of land as it exists in its natural state and for calculating average slope categories. A base topographical map of the site shall be prepared and shall have a scale of not less than one inch to two hundred (200) feet. The base topographical map shall include adjoining properties within one hundred (100) feet of the site boundaries to portray the site's context. Slope bands in contrasting colors shall be delineated in the range of zero to twenty-five (0—25) percent, twenty-six to fifty (26—50) percent, and fifty (50) percent or greater. A tabulation of the land area by slope percentage shall also be provided.
The exact method for computing the percent slope and area of each slope category shall be sufficiently de-scribed and presented so that a review can be readily made. A heavy solid line indicating the twenty-five (25) percent grade differential shall be clearly marked on the plan. An eight and one-half by eleven (8 1/2 x 11) inch legible acetate reduction of the slope analysis with appropriate legend shall also be provided.
   E.   Slope Profile Drawings. A sufficient number of slope profiles shall be provided to clearly illustrate the ex-tent of the proposed grading. A minimum of four cross-section slope profiles shall be included with the slope analysis. Additional profiles may be required by the city engineer. The slope profiles shall:
      1.    Be drawn at the same scale and indexed, or keyed, to the slope analysis map, grading plan, and project site map. Both vertical and horizontal scales shall be indicated;
      2.    Show existing and proposed topography, structures, and infrastructure. Proposed topography, structures, and infrastructures shall be drawn with a thin, solid line. Existing topography and features shall be drawn with a dashed line;
      3.    Extend at least one hundred (100) feet outside the project site boundary to clearly show the impact on adjacent property.
      4.    Be drawn along those portions of the site where:
         a.   The greatest alteration of existing topography is proposed;
         b.   The most intensive or massive development is proposed;
         c.   The site is most visible from surrounding land uses; and
         d.   Where grading will impact natural drainage conditions.
      5.    At least two of the slope profiles shall be roughly parallel to each other and roughly perpendicular to existing contour lines. At least one other slope profile shall be roughly at a ninety (90) degree angle to the other slope profiles and existing contour lines.
   F.   Indicate Source of Data. Both the slope analysis and slope profiles shall indicate the datum, source, and scale of topographic data used in the slope analysis and slope profiles.
   G.   Geotechnical Report. A geotechnical and soils report, prepared by a registered geotechnical engineer to city standards and in sufficient detail to substantiate and support the design concepts presented in the application as submitted. Additional environmental studies and investigations, including, but not limited to, hydrologic, seismic, access/circulation, and biota research may also be required to help in the determination of the buildable area of a site.
   H.   Design Guidelines. Design guidelines shall be provided for projects that are to be reviewed by the commission. Otherwise, illustrative building elevations showing all sides shall be provided.
   I.   No Grading Proposed. In the event that no grading is proposed, (e.g., custom lot subdivision) a statement to that effect shall be filed with a plan that shows possible future house plotting, pad grading, driveway de-sign, and septic system location for each parcel proposed. The plan shall be prepared on a topographic map drawn at a scale of one inch to two hundred (200) feet.
   J.   Additional Information. The following items may be required if determined necessary by the director to aid in the analysis of the proposed project:
      1.   A line of sight or view analysis;
      2.   Photographic and/or computer generated graphic renderings;
      3.   A topographic model and/or large scale detailed partial model; or
      4.   Other illustrative techniques determined necessary to aid in review of the project.
   K.   Exceptions to the filing requirements shall be determined by the director.
(Ord. 293 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.24.050 Project Review Procedures.
Projects within designated hillside areas shall be subject to review and approval by the director or the commission in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
   A.   Director Approval. The director shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny development proposal applications when the following conditions apply:
      1.   Development plan permits;
      2.   Extensions of time; or
      3.   Building permit reviews.
   B.   Commission Approval. The commission shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny development proposal applications when one or more of the following conditions apply:
      1.   When padded building sites are proposed; or
      2.   Proposals referred to the commission by the director.
   C.   Modification of Requirements. The commission may modify or waive a development standard when an improved or more sensitive design will result. Further, where it can be demonstrated that imposing hillside development standards would either render a parcel unbuildable and create a loss of its reasonable economic use, or place an undue restriction on the improvement of the property, development consistent with the general plan shall be allowed subject to approval by the commission, if the following findings can be made:
         a.   The site is physically suitable for the design and siting of the proposed development. The proposed development will result in minimum disturbance of environmentally sensitive areas;
         b.   The grading proposed in connection with the development will not result in soil erosion, silting of lower slopes, flooding, severe scarring or other geological instability or fire hazard that would affect health, safety and general welfare as determined by the city engineer;
         c.   The proposed development retains the visual quality of the site, the aesthetic qualities of the area and the neighborhood characteristics by utilizing proper structural scale and character, varied architectural treatments, and appropriate plant materials; and
         d.   The proposed development is in conformance with the qualitative development standards and guidelines as established in this chapter and is conformance with the goals, objectives and policies of the general plan.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.24.060 Hillside Development Standards.
The following are minimum standards and shall apply to a use, development, or alteration of land in compliance with Section 16.24.020 (Applicability). These standards are supplemented by the provisions of the development guidelines contained in Section 16.24.070 of this chapter.
   A.   Hillside Slope Categories. The following descriptions serve as general standards for hillside slope categories to ensure that development will compliment the overall character of the landform.
% Natural
Slope Category
Up to 25%
This is not considered a hillside condition.
25% up to 50%
This is a hillside condition. Development within this slope category is limited to the less visually prominent slopes, and then only where it can be shown that grading, vegetation removal, safety and environmental and aesthetic impacts can be minimized. Impact of access and roadways shall be minimized by following natural contours or using grade separations. Structures shall blend with the natural landform through their shape, material, and color. Special hillside architectural and design techniques are required, which may include the use of larger lots, variable setbacks, and variable building structural techniques and clustering. Padded building sites may be considered in some instances. Where this occurs, the commission may consider padded building sites adjacent to special features when it is found that grading of padded building sites will create a better relationship between the special feature(s) and the building sites.
50% and over
This is an excessive slope condition and development is prohibited.
   B.    Site Design.
      1.   Projects located in hillside areas shall incorporate clustering, variable setbacks, multiple orientations, and other site planning techniques to preserve open spaces, protect natural features, and offer views to residents.
      2.   When clustering techniques are used, minimum lot sizes may be decreased to five thousand (5,000) square feet when it is necessary to preserve sensitive lands (e.g., hillsides, creeks, habitat areas, etc.). Lots may be allowed smaller than five thousand (5,000) square feet, but not smaller than four thousand (4,000) square feet, for up to twenty (20) percent of the total approved lots and only under an approved specific plan when absolutely necessary to preserve sensitive and hillside areas. Lots under five thou-sand (5,000) square feet are prohibited in slope areas of twenty-five (25) percent or greater.
   C.   Driveways and Roadways.
      1.    Driveways shall enter public/private streets maintaining adequate sight distance as determined by the city engineer.
      2.   Driveways shall not be located within three feet of a side property line. Exceptions may be considered based on lot size, percent slope, appropriate drainage facilities and use as a common (joint) driveway.
      3.   Only slopes less than fifty (50) percent (2:1) shall be allowed adjacent to driveways.
      4.   Driveway grades above fifteen (15) percent may only be considered when driveways are aligned with the natural contours of the land, are necessary to achieve effective site design, and safety considerations are met to the satisfaction of the building and safety official, city engineer, and the fire department. Proper design considerations shall be employed, including the use of vertical curves. On driveways that may be approved with a slope greater than fifteen (15) percent, a coarse, all-weather paving material, or grooves for traction, shall be incorporated into the construction.
      5.   Roadways shall conform to the natural landform. Significant alterations to the physical and visual character of a hillside shall be avoided by eliminating large notches in ridgelines and wide straight alignments. Modified or reduced width road sections and split sections shall be considered in the layout of hillside streets to reduce grading and cuts in topography while allowing access for fire trucks and other emergency vehicles.
      6.   Where road construction is proposed in hillside areas, the standards shall be consistent with those identified for high fire hazard areas.
      7.   The extent of vegetation and visual disruption shall be minimized by the combined use of retaining structures and regrading to approximate natural slopes. The view along a street front shall provide a pleasant appearance with a sense of open space and landscaping. The use of terraced walls and landscaping to reduce grading impact associated with retaining walls is encouraged.
      8.   Wet utilities shall be placed in the road right-of-way, where feasible.
      9.   Appropriate roadway drainage and grades shall be provided.
   D.   Architecture.
      1.    The building envelope for primary structures, except for padded building sites, shall be as follows:
         a.    Downhill Lot. The maximum structure height shall be thirty (30) feet, measured from finished grade at the front setback line extending towards the rear of the lot. The maximum height at the side setbacks shall be fifteen (15) feet extending up toward the center of the lot at a forty-five (45) degree angle to a maximum height of thirty (30) feet as measured from finished grade.
         b.    Uphill Lot. The maximum structure height shall be fifteen (15) feet, measured from finished grade at the front setback line extending up towards the rear of the lot at a forty-five- (45-) degree angle to a maxi-mum height of thirty (30) feet. The maximum height at the side setbacks shall be fifteen (15) feet extending up towards the center of the lot at a forty-five- (45-) degree angle to a maximum height of thirty (30) feet as measured from finished grade.
         c.    Cross Slope Lot. The maximum structure height shall be thirty (30) feet, measured from finished grade at the maximum front setback line extending towards the rear of the lot. The maximum height at the side setbacks shall be fifteen (15) feet extending up towards the center of the lot at a forty-five-(45-) degree angle to a maximum of thirty (30) feet as measured from finished grade.
         d.    Architectural Projections Allowed. Architectural projections and variations in roof design are encouraged. Projections above the maximum height limits for architectural features may be allowed subject to approval by the director.
      2.   In steeper terrain, reduction of front yard setbacks may be considered in order to minimize rear yard grading.
      3.   Architectural treatments shall be provided on all sides of a structure. Elements of the architectural treatment used on the front facade shall be repeated on all sides of a structure with additional emphasis on those elevations visible from public rights-of-way.
      4.   Building materials and color schemes shall blend with the natural landscape. Colors shall be earth tones and the value (lightness or darkness) of the specific hue shall be as close to that of the immediately surrounding landscape as possible. Where exterior stucco is used, it shall have a final coat of integrated color in a muted earth tone. Contrasting color accents shall be kept to a minimum.
      5.   Treated wood or materials of a wood-like appearance, having the necessary fire retardant characteristics. are encouraged for exterior surfaces. Use of other natural materials (e.g., river rock) is also strongly encouraged. The reflectivity of exposed surfaces (walls, roofs, windows, frames, and paved surfaces) shall be mitigated by overhangs, trellises, planting, and similar features.
      6.   Exterior lighting shall be located and shielded so as to not impact adjacent property owners in terms of glare and privacy in compliance with Section 16.18.100 (Lighting).
   E.   Walls and Fences.
      1.   Retaining walls, not exceeding six feet in height, may be allowed to reduce grading, preserve natural features, or increase soil stabilization. Within the required front yard setback, individual retaining walls shall not exceed three feet in height.
      2.    Where multiple (terraced) walls are designed to retain larger slopes they shall not exceed six feet in height and shall be separated by a minimum of six feet horizontally. A maximum of two walls shall be placed together. Walls within the required front yard setback shall not exceed three feet in height and shall be separated by a minimum of three feet and shall incorporate landscaping to screen the wall(s).
      3.    Walls that are an integral part of the primary structure may exceed six feet in height; however, their visual impact shall be mitigated through contour grading and landscape treatment.
      4.   Crib walls may be approved on a case by case basis if it can be demonstrated that excessive height is not being created and provisions for extensive landscaping are incorporated.
      5.   Walls and fences shall incorporate materials and colors used in an adjacent structures. Naturally occur-ring materials (e.g., river rock, flagstone, etc.) shall be used whenever possible.
      6.   Walls and fencing visible from the public right-of-way shall be designed to incorporate visual interest through variation in placement, use of planters, differing materials, and modulation of the wall plane.
      7.   Walls and fences shall follow landform grading shapes and contours.
   E.   Landscaping. Revegetation in hillside areas shall reflect the visual patterns found naturally in local canyons and valleys. The landscaping as viewed from urban areas and arterial roadway system shall mask and screen man-made structures.
      1 .    Indigenous, or naturalized plants that blend naturally with the landscape shall be utilized in areas where planting is required.
      2.    Natural landform planting shall be used to soften manufactured slopes, reduce the impact of development on steep slopes or ridgelines. and provide erosion control. These landscape techniques shall serve to reintroduce landscape patterns that occur naturally in the hillsides.
      3.    A "vegetative backdrop" shall be maintained by replanting with native trees or the same vegetation that was removed. The vegetation should screen structures to the extent possible at maturity and preserve the appearance of the natural skyline.
      4.    The surface of graded or disturbed slopes with three feet or greater vertical height shall be protected against damage by erosion through the planting of deep rooted ground cover. Slopes exceeding eight feet in vertical height shall be planted with ground cover and a combination of shrubs and trees that have a high "root-to-shoot" ratio. The size of shrubs and trees shall be determined based on the individual project area as deemed appropriate by the department and/or commission.
      5.    Jute mesh or an equivalent shall be required when planting occurs between August fifteenth and April fifteenth, and when determined, as necessary, by a soils engineer and/or licensed landscape architect.
      6.    Indigenous, native vegetation shall be retained and supplemented within canyons and along natural drainage courses where grading does not occur, provided that it conforms with fuel modification and tire prevention plans.
      7.    Common open areas and front and side yards adjacent to a street shall be adequately landscaped and irrigated. The areas shall be provided with native plant materials that blend with the natural character of the surrounding landscape.
      8.    In order to protect slopes from soil erosion and slippage and to facilitate revegetation, an automatic irrigation system shall be installed on slopes with planting. Design and operation of the irrigation system shall respect the special conditions that exist in hillside situations specific to maintaining slope stabilization and integrity. In all cases, the emphasis shall be toward using plant materials that may eventually not need to be irrigated: therefore, temporary irrigation systems may be used as approved by the city's landscape architect and city engineer. Water and energy conservation techniques shall be utilized (e.g., drip irrigation, alluvial rockscape, etc.) Where irrigation systems are installed above ground, ultraviolet light resistant. brown line or other approved color, shall be used.
      9.    A permanent fuel modification area shall be required around development projects that are adjacent or exposed to hazardous fire areas for the purpose of fire protection. The fuel modification area shall be maintained by its owners, a homeowners' association, or other public nonprofit agency or conveyed in a public easement. Adequate provisions shall be made for the continual maintenance of these areas and the fire chief may require brush, vegetation, or debris to be removed and cleared consistent with the provisions of Chapter 8.32 of the municipal code. Where feasible, fuel modification areas shall be designated as common open space rather than private open space. The recommended width of the fuel modification area shall be based on applicable building and fire codes and the recommendations of the fire chief with consideration given to:
         a.   A worst-case Santa Ana wind condition;
         b.   The natural ungraded slope of the land within the project and in the areas adjacent to the project;
         c.   Fuel loading:
         d.   Access to the project by fire suppression equipment. and access directly to the fuel modified area, and egress out of the project in case of evacuation;
         e.   The on-site availability of water that can be used for fire fighting purposes with regard to fire flows, water pressure, and duration:
         f.   "Built-in" fire protection within structures (i.e., sprinklers etc.);
         g.   Soil erosion and sediment control measures; and
         h.   The fire department fuel modification policy document.
      10.    Fuel modification areas shall also incorporate soil erosion and sediment control measures to alleviate permanent scarring and accelerated erosion.
   G.   Grading.
      1.   Grading shall not take place on natural slopes that exceed fifty (50) percent.
      2.   Slopes created by grading of the site shall not exceed fifty (50) percent or 2:1, without a soils report and stabilization study indicating a greater permissible slope. Slopes shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in height between terraces or benches, except that the commission may permit slopes exceeding these dimensions where the slopes will result in a natural appearance and will not create geological or erosion hazards. The soils report and stabilization study will be subject to third party review prior to approval by the city. Refer to the hillside development guidelines (16.24.070) for methods to accomplish this standard.
      3.   Structures shall not visually impair ridgeline silhouettes. Structures are not permitted closer to a prominent ridge than fifty (50) feet measured vertically on a cross-section or one hundred fifty (150) feet horizontally on a topographic map. whichever is more restrictive. Exceptions to this requirement for public facilities. utilities. and infrastructure necessary to serve the public health, safety, and welfare may be considered by the commission.
      4.   Clearing, excavation, or other earth disturbances shall not be permitted on hillside areas prior to the issuance of a grading permit. with the exception of county/state authorized soils remediation operations, drill holes, and exploratory trenches for the collection of geologic and soil data. Trenches are to be properly backfilled and in addition, erosion treatment provided where slopes exceed twenty-five (25) percent.
      5.   Manufactured cut and fill slopes exceeding ten feet in height which will be either exposed to public view, or are adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas, shall be landform or contour graded, where physically feasible, so that their ultimate appearance will resemble a natural slope. This will include slopes along streets and highways, slopes, adjacent to parks, schools, open spaces, and other public facilities and other prominent slopes. Refer to the hillside development guidelines (16.24.070) for methods to accomplish this standard.
      6.   Landform grading shall be used where zero to twenty-five (0-25) percent (nonhillside) slopes intersect with twenty-five to fifty (25-50) percent (hillside) slopes. Proper transitioning from manufactured slopes created by conventional grading methods to natural slopes shall be achieved gradually and naturally through the use of radii or irregular curvilinear shapes that will blend into the adjoining topography tangentially and not create abrupt changes.
      7.   Fill slopes shall not be placed perpendicular across a canyon. Straight line cut ofF fill slopes shall not be made to appear like a dam. The terminus of the fill shall, instead, be concave in shape to restore the can-yon appearance. This concave configuration shall be in combination with the use of substantially flatter slope ratios (4:1, 3.5:1, 3: I ) at or near the center of this indentation. Symmetrical or unsymmetrical con-cave configurations shall be used depending upon the adjoining or underlying topographic characteristics.
      8.   Minimal radius rounding at the edges of cut and fill slopes is not acceptable. Proper transitioning from manufactured slopes to natural slopes shall be achieved gradually and naturally through the use of radii or irregular curvilinear shapes that will blend into the adjoining topography tangentially and not create abrupt changes.
      9.   In the planning, design, and development of public utilities and infrastructure, every reasonable effort shall be made to minimize grading impacts and harmonize with the natural contours and character of the land.
      10.   Side yard slopes and low (less than twenty (20) feet in height) rear yard slopes whose view is blocked by future structures need not have landform design applied.
      11.   Grading shall be phased so that prompt revegetation or construction will control erosion. Where possible. only those areas that will be built on, resurfaced, or landscaped shall be disturbed. Top soil shall be stockpiled during rough grading and used on pads or revegetated habitat areas, upon the recommendation of the soils engineer. Refer to the hillside development guidelines for methods to accomplish this standard.
      12.    Applicable requirements of the city and state shall be complied with in conjunction with a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit prior to the issuance of a grading permit, which may include, but is not limited to, an Erosion Control Plan, Best Management Plan (including Notice of Intent to be filed with the state Water Resources Control Board) and Construction Monitoring Program.
   H.   Drainage.
      1.    Debris basins, energy dissipating devices, and down drains shall be provided, where necessary, to reduce erosion when grading is undertaken in the hillside areas. Natural drainage courses should be retained where health and safety are not jeopardized. Drainage courses retained in a natural state shall be protected from grading activity. In instances where a crossing is required. a natural crossing and bank protection shall be preferred over steel and concrete systems. Where drainage structures are required, they shall be naturalized with coloration, plant materials, native rocks and/or concealment with grading techniques.
      2.    Drainage channels, slope drainage devices, interceptor drains and terrace drains should be placed in less visible locations. Down drains shall be hidden in swales diagonally or curvilinear across a slope face. In this manner they will be built into the overall landform of the slope. They should also receive a naturalizing treatment which may include native rock, colored concrete, and/or landscaping so that the structure appears as an integral part of the environment. In all cases, a concrete liner shall be used in addition to a naturalizing treatment.
      3.   Cross lot drainage usage shall be minimized. In situations where this is not possible using conventional design. optional techniques (e.g., single loaded streets, reduced densities, etc.) shall be considered. Use of cross lot drainage may be considered only after demonstration that this method will not adversely affect the proposed lots or adjacent properties, and that it is absolutely required in order to minimize the amount of grading which would result with conventional drainage practices.
      4.   Where cross lot drainage is utilized, the following shall apply:
         a.    Project Interiors. One lot may drain across one other lot if a maintenance easement is provided within either an improved, open V-swale gutter which has a naturalized appearance, or within a closed drainage pipe that shall be a minimum twelve (12) inches in diameter. This drainage shall be conveyed to either a public street or to a drainage easement. If drainage is conveyed to a private easement, it shall be maintained by its owners or a Homeowners' Association; otherwise. the drain-age shall be conveyed to a public easement. The easement width shall be determined on an individual basis and shall be dependent on appropriate hydrologic studies and access requirements. Irrigation lines shall be placed above swales to minimize the impacts in the event of a system failure. When irrigation lines cross an open V-swale they shall be placed in a galvanized pipe which is to be clamped to the soil on both sides of the swale subject to the review of the director.
         b.    Project Boundaries. On-site drainage shall be conveyed in an improved open V-swale gutter, which has a naturalized appearance, or within an underground pipe in either a private drainage easement, that is to be maintained by its owners or a homeowners' association, or it shall be conveyed in a public easement. The easement width shall be a minimum often feet. A greater width may be determined necessary on an individual basis and shall be dependent on appropriate hydrologic studies and access requirements.
   I.   Public Safety.
      1.    Residential developments shall be constructed in a manner so as to reduce the potential for spread of brushfires as follows:
         a.   In the case of a conflict where more restrictive provisions are contained in the uniform building code or in the uniform fire code, the more restrictive provisions shall apply.
         b.   Roofs shall be covered with noncombustible materials (e.g., clay tile, concrete shake, tile, or similar materials). Open ends shall be stopped in order to prevent bird nests, or other combustible material, lodging within the roof and to prevent entry of flames.
         c.   Exterior walls and fences shall be surfaced with noncombustible or flame resistive materials. Alternate surface materials may be approved subject to the approval of the fire chief and Building Official. Except as otherwise provided herein, exterior walls shall extend to the ground.
         d.   Balconies. patio roofs, eaves and other similar overhangs shall be of noncombustible or flame resistive materials.
         e.   Plastic webbing, split or whole bamboo, reed or straw-like materials, corrugated plastic or fiberglass materials, and similar flammable materials are not permitted for use on patio covers.
         f.   Vents for attics and underfloor areas shall be designed and located to minimize the likelihood of spreading of fire.
         g.   Chimneys shall be provided with approved spark arresters.
      2.    Adequate water supply and pressure for proposed development shall be required in compliance with fire department Standards.
      3.    The fire chief shall require brush, vegetation, or debris to be removed and cleared within ten feet on each side of every roadway and access drive, and may enter upon private property to do so. This requirement shall not apply to single specimens of trees, ornamental shrubbery, or cultivated groundcover provided they do not form a means of readily transmitting fire.
      4.   If the fire chief determines in a specific case that difficult terrain, danger of erosion, or other unusual circumstances make strict compliance with the clearance of vegetation undesirable or impractical, he or she may suspend enforcement thereof and require reasonable alternative measures designed to advance the purposes of this chapter.
      5.    Site design shall provide for all-weather equipment access to publicly maintained slope areas for maintenance and emergency purposes.
      6.    Structures and facilities shall be restricted in geologically hazardous areas.
      7.    Special construction features shall be required in the design of structures where site investigations con-firm potential geologic hazards.
      8.    Development not on public sewers shall be permitted only after site specific investigations have been conducted that demonstrate the soils are suitable for on-site wastewater disposal and the disposal of wastewater will not degrade the subsurface water quality.
      9.    Due to the hazard associated with saturated soils in areas of steep slopes, irrigation systems in critical areas that have the potential for failure in the judgement of the city engineer shall be required to be equipped with potentiometers to make sure that the systems will not operate when there is sufficient moisture in the soil.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.24.070 Hillside Development Guidelines.
The hillside development guidelines are intended to illustrate and amplify the appropriate development concepts for hillside areas. The guidelines are not intended to be an exhaustive list of standards, but rather policy statements, to encourage development that is sensitive to the unique characteristics common to hillside properties. The guidelines allow for flexibility and they encourage creativity, especially where a specific plan is prepared. How-ever, the development standards provided in Section 16.24.060 shall be considered as a "benchmark" against which hillside development proposals will be reviewed for compliance with the purposes of this chapter.
The guideline's purpose is to allow for innovative or alternate methods of design in hillside areas. Innovation is encouraged as long as the end result is one that respects the natural character of the hillside and is consistent with the purposes of this chapter and the goals, objectives and policies of the general plan .
Conformance with the guidelines will be incorporated in the preparation and approval of subdivisions and individual site developments. During the application review process, the city will evaluate the consistency of the proposal with the purposes of this chapter. Prior to the start of the design effort, it is recommended that the project design team members read the general plan and become familiar with its policies.
   A.   Site Design.
      1.   Design of building sites should be sensitive to the natural terrain. Structures should be located in a way that minimizes grading and preserves natural features (e.g., prominent knolls, ridgelines, etc.)
      2.   Preserve views of significant visual features, as designated on the hillside overlay zone map, as seen from both within and outside a hillside development. When designing lots and plotting homes, the following provisions should be considered:
         a.   Dwellings should be oriented to allow view opportunities. even though views may be limited. Residential privacy should not be unreasonably sacrificed; and
         b.   A significant public vista, skyline, open space corridor, or vertical open space corridor as seen from an interstate, an arterial, or a secondary street should be a major design element in the site planning process.
      3.   Where possible, graded areas should be designed with manufactured slopes located on the uphill side of structures.
      4.   To the extent possible. the width of a building, measured in the direction of the slope, should be minimized in order to limit the amount of cutting and tilling and to better "fit" the house to the natural terrain. The degree of slope will dictate how this is accomplished.
      5.   Clustering of development is encouraged in hillside areas regardless of size. This is particularly important in environmentally sensitive areas in order to reduce the potential for tire hazard, erosion and excess runoff, and to preserve existing natural features and open space.
   B.   Driveways and Roadways.
1. Driveways that serve more than one parcel are encouraged as a method of reducing unnecessary grading, paving, and site disturbance.
   C.   Architecture.
      1.    The form, mass, and profile of the individual buildings and architectural features should be designed to blend with the natural terrain and preserve the character and profile of the natural slope. Techniques that should be considered include:
         a.   Detaching the garage:
         b.   Integrating retaining walls into garage walls on sloping lots to reduce grading and minimize visibility of walls: and
         c.   Including architectural enrichments and variations in roof massing. Roofs should have low profiles to minimize their visual impact. On sloping land, the roof pitch should follow the slope of the hill-side, instead of being perpendicular to the hillside or opposing hillside slope. Care should be taken to avoid the use of gabled ends on downhill elevations. Upper stories should not be cantilevered out of the opposite direction of the hillside slope.
      2.   The design of the structure should give consideration to the lot's size and configuration in order to avoid the appearance of overbuilding and to minimize the blocking of views. For example, within a development, the majority of the units should not be designed with minimum setback to minimum setback.
      3.   Large expanses of a single material on walls, roofs, or paving areas should be avoided. Create interesting, small scale patterns by breaking up building mass, varying building materials, and through design and placement of windows and doors. Building plans and elevations should be varied throughout a development to avoid a monotonous "cookie-cutter" look.
   D.   Walls and Fences.
      1.   Walls and fences can be used to define a sense of place and create an attractive appearance. However, walls should not dominate a view, and their height should be limited adjacent to a street or trail or within a rear yard. Extensive landscaping should be used to reduce the visual impact of walls. In addition, street front walls should incorporate varying design and natural materials. The use of open view fencing is encouraged, so long as adequate public safety and residential privacy are maintained.
      2.   When possible, walls and fences should be designed as an integral part of the building in order to minimize the visual impact on surrounding areas.
      3.   Visually obtrusive solid fencing should be avoided in highly visible areas (unless required for sound attenuation), with the preference being for open (wrought iron) fencing.
   E.   Landscaping.
      1.   Street trees should be provided in select areas to enhance the natural character of the areas and create a more rural appearance. Street tree species selection, and spacing of trees, should be sensitive to the context in which they are planted. Species selection should also be respectful of potential impact on infra-structure improvements (i.e. root damage to streets, sidewalks, etc.).
      2.   Slopes should be designed with informal clusters of trees and shrubs to soften and vary the slope planes, consistent with landform grading concepts.
   F.   Grading.
There are three distinct types of grading proposed in these guidelines, each with a unique quality, each with an individual and appropriate application. Larger sites will most likely incorporate all three concepts in various parts of the plan.
      1.   Minimal Grading. This is typically used for large lot single family homes, custom homes with variable foundations that conform to the existing slopes, and other uses that utilize the least amount of grading in order to get the facility and structures built. This technique embraces the following concepts:
         a.   Grading should be limited to individual flat graded pad areas for residential building sites. Grading should be limited to only the required building areas and adjacent outdoor amenities in steep hillside areas;
         b.   Foundation systems that require little or no grading are encouraged, forcing the architecture to con-form to the land rather than the land to conform to the dwelling:
         c.   Roadways, driveways, and individual building pads should be designed to conform with the contours and to attempt to daylight in the center of the road or building pad to ensure a minimum cut and fill situation; and
         d.   The grading concept minimizes the amount of cubic yards of earth excavated and filled.
      2.    Contour Grading. This concept results in post-development landforms that exhibit many of the characteristics present within natural landforms. Contour grading is typically used in situations where conventional, terraced, grading with benches and slopes might be used but a "softened" grading look is desired. This would be desirable for areas that are limited in public view (i.e. concealed rear yards). Typically, contour grading can reduce required cut and fill volumes as compared with traditional, terraced, grading. The design elements associated with this type of grading include: (See Figure 3-9)
         a.   The use of horizontal and vertical curve variations for slope banks creating a curvilinear pattern;
         b.   Post-development landforms that exhibit natural terrain characteristics (without the heavy modeling effects of landform grading);
         c.   A general rounding of slopes at slope intersections and transition zones with natural grade;
         d.   Pad configurations that are curvilinear; and
         e.   Slopes that are designed with contour grading techniques (e.g., the location of slopes behind structure (not in side yards), slopes in hidden locations, or slopes less than ten feet in height).
      3.    Landform Grading. Graded slopes in this category will replicate the irregular shapes of natural slopes. Landform grading techniques should be used whenever slopes are created that will be open to public view. This is particularly true for slopes that exceed ten feet in height.
The intent of these grading guidelines, is to incorporate the basic principles of the landform grading concept as the preferred method in the design and construction of hillside development projects so that they w ill be in harmony with the natural topography and reflect natural plant distribution patterns. (See Figure 3-10)
Landform grading techniques embrace the following concepts:
         a.   Land plans should flow with the natural topography rather than against it. This means that street pat-terns and building pad configurations follow the underlying topographic features rather than cutting across them:
         b.   Landform graded slopes are characterized by continuous series of concave and convex forms interspersed with mounds that blend into profiles with varying slope gradients and with significant transition zones between man-made and natural slopes;
         c.   Pad configurations are irregular. Slope down-drain devices either follow natural lines of the slopes or are tucked away in special Swale and berm combinations in order to conceal the drains from view. Exposed segments in visible areas are treated with natural rock for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance;
         d.   The technique should be used wherever possible to provide a variety of both slope percentage, slope direction, and topographical detailing in a three-dimensional, undulating. pattern similar to existing terrain: and
         e.   Manufactured cut and fill slopes exceeding ten feet in height that will be either exposed to permanent public view or are adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas should be designed with features characteristic of natural slopes, where physically feasible so that their ultimate appearance will resemble a natural slope. This will include slopes along streets and highways, adjacent to parks, schools, open spaces. other public facilities, and other prominent and visible slopes.
      4.    The following basic grading guidelines and techniques serve to implement preferred landform grading techniques and help avoid unnecessary cut and fill:
         a.    Cuts. When convex shaped natural features. (e.g., protruding minor landforms) are cut, the residual landform should not be a flat slope face, but rather should be restored to resemble the original. This will require more than just rounding at the edges but, in effect, reconfiguring it so the final result will give the appearance of a protruding ridgeline.
         b.    Use of variable slope ratios. Because Landform grading designs require the use of variable slope ratios at greater than 2:1 and may create valleys or concave indentations on building pad areas, they may result in loss of usable area. In addition, engineering and construction costs may increase. Be-cause of this, segments of a cut or fill slope may be designed with variable slope ratios less than 2:1, but not less than 1.5: I within the following guidelines and subject to third party review at the applicant's expense:
            1)   A geotechnical engineer shall certify that slopes will meet standard stability requirements;
            2)   The overall ratio from top to toe will be 2:1 or flatter; and
            3)   Ratios flatter than 2:1 will also be used in the slope design.
         c.    Grading operations should be planned to avoid the rainy season, October fifteenth (15th) to April fifteenth (I 5th). Grading permits shall only be issued when a plan for erosion control and silt retention has been approved by the city without regard to time of year.
         d.    A rounded and smooth transition should be made when the planes of man-made and natural slopes intersect. Where cut or fill conditions are created, slopes should be varied rather than left at a constant angle or create an unnatural, rigid, `'engineered" appearance. The angle of a graded slope should be gradually adjusted to the angle of the natural terrain.
         e.    Manufactured slopes adjacent to roadways shall be consistent with the landform grading and revegetation technique, where physically feasible to create visually interesting and pleasing streetscapes. The higher the slope becomes, the more important the modeling effect of landform grading becomes.
         f.    Top of slope berms shall be used to eliminate the possibility of drainage sheet flow over the slope that would potentially cause an unstable condition. Tops of slopes should be rounded in conformance with landform grading techniques, or increased in size to reduce the visual impact of the back of a home.
   G.   Drainage.
      1.   Natural drainage courses should be preserved and enhanced to the extent possible. Rather than filling them in, drainage features should be incorporated as an integral part of the project design in order to enhance the overall quality and aesthetics of a site, to provide attractive open space vistas, and to preserve the natural character of the site. Encourage the use of natural drainage courses as natural boundaries between neighborhoods.
      2.   Storm drainage runoff resulting from project development should be minimized. Where possible, flood control plans for storm waters should encourage the detention of water for percolation in to the ground-water to conserve it for future uses and to mitigate downstream flooding.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)