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Murrieta, CA Municipal Code
Murrieta, California Municipal Code
Title 4 (RESERVED)
Title 7 (RESERVED)
Title 11 (Reserved)
Title 14 (RESERVED)
16.20.030 Applicability.
   A housing development as defined in State Density Bonus Law shall be eligible for a density bonus and other regulatory incentives that are provided by State Density Bonus Law when the applicant seeks and agrees to provide low, very-low, senior or moderate income housing units or units intended to serve transitional foster youth, disabled veterans, homeless persons, and lower income students in the threshold amounts specified in State Density Bonus Law. A housing development includes only the residential component of a mixed use project. A commercial development as defined in subsection 16.20.100 shall be eligible for a commercial development bonus as provided in subsection 16.20.100.
   The granting of a density bonus, incentive or concession, pursuant to this section, shall not be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, development code amendment, zone change, other discretionary approval, or the waiver of a city ordinance or provisions of a city ordinance unrelated to development standards.
(Ord. 549 § 2, 2019)
16.20.040 Application Requirements.
   A.   Any applicant requesting a density bonus and any incentive(s), waiver(s), parking reductions, or commercial development bonus provided by State Density Bonus Law shall submit a density bonus report as described below concurrently with the filing of the planning application for the first discretionary permit required for the housing development, commercial development, or mixed-use development. The requests contained in the density bonus report shall be processed concurrently with the planning application. The applicant shall be informed whether the application is complete consistent with Government Code § 65943.
   B.   The density bonus report shall include the following minimum information:
      1.   Requested Density Bonus.
         a.   Summary table showing the maximum number of dwelling units permitted by the zoning and general plan excluding any density bonus units, proposed affordable units by income level, proposed bonus percentage, number of density bonus units proposed, total number of dwelling units proposed on the site, and resulting density in units per acre.
         b.   Summary table identifying the proposed on-site parking and how it is allocated within the scope of the project. The applicant shall consult with the provisions of Government Code § 65915.
         c.   A tentative map and/or preliminary site plan, drawn to scale, showing the number and location of all proposed units, designating the location of proposed affordable units and density bonus units, and if applicable, the location of all major transit stop(s) as defined under Government Code § 65915, and/or fixed bus route(s) as described under Government Code § 65915 for a rental project for those sixty-two (62) or older, or a for a special needs housing development, or combination thereof.
         d.   The zoning and general plan designations and assessor’s parcel number(s) of the housing development site.
         e.   A description of all dwelling units existing on the site in the five-year period preceding the date of submittal of the application and identification of any units rented in the five-year period. If dwelling units on the site are currently rented, income and household size of all residents of currently occupied units, if known. If any dwelling units on the site were rented in the five-year period but are not currently rented, the income and household size of residents occupying dwelling units when the site contained the maximum number of dwelling units, if known.
         f.   Description of any recorded covenant, ordinance, or law applicable to the site that restricted rents to levels affordable to very low or lower income households in the five-year period preceding the date of submittal of the application.
         g.   If a density bonus is requested for a land donation, the location of the land to be dedicated, proof of site control, and reasonable documentation that each of the requirements included in Government Code § 65915(g) can be met.
      2.   Requested Concession(s) or Incentive(s).
         In the event an application proposes concessions or incentives for a housing development pursuant to State Density Bonus Law, the density bonus report shall include the following minimum information for each incentive requested, shown on a site plan if appropriate:
         a.   The City's usual development standard and the requested development standard or regulatory incentive.
         b.   Except where mixed-use zoning is proposed as a concession or incentive, reasonable documentation to show that any requested incentive will result in identifiable and actual cost reductions to provide for affordable housing costs or rents.
         c.   If approval of mixed use zoning is proposed, reasonable documentation that nonresidential land uses will reduce the cost of the housing development, that the nonresidential land uses are compatible with the housing development and the existing or planned development in the area where the proposed housing development will be located, and that mixed use zoning will provide for affordable housing costs or rents.
      3.   Requested or Waiver(s).
         In the event an application proposes waivers of development standards for a housing development pursuant to State Density Bonus Law, the density bonus report shall include the following minimum information for each waiver requested on each lot, shown on a site plan if appropriate:
         a.   The City's usual development standard and the requested development standard.
         b.   Reasonable documentation that the development standards for which a waiver is requested will have the effect of physically precluding the construction of a development at the densities or with the concessions or incentives permitted by Government Code § 65915.
      4.   Requested Parking Reduction.
         In the event an application proposes a parking reduction for a housing development pursuant to Government Code § 65915(p), a table showing parking required by the zoning regulations, parking proposed under § 65915(p), and reasonable documentation that the project is eligible for the requested parking reduction.
      5.   Child Care Facility.
         If a density bonus or incentive is requested for a child care facility in a housing development, reasonable documentation that all of the requirements included in Government Code § 65915(h) can be met.
      6.   Condominium Conversion.
         If a density bonus or incentive is requested for a condominium conversion, reasonable documentation that all of the requirements included in Government Code Section 65915.5 can be met.
      7.   Commercial Development Bonus.
         If a commercial development bonus is requested for a commercial development, the application shall include the proposed partnered housing agreement and the proposed commercial development bonus, as defined in subsection 16.20.100, and reasonable documentation that each of the standards included in subparagraph 16.20.100.C has been met.
      8.   Fee.
         Payment of any fee in an amount set by resolution of the City Council for staff time necessary to determine compliance of the Density Bonus Plan with State Density Bonus Law.
(Ord. 574-22, Exhibit B-3 (part), 2022; Ord. 549 § 2, 2019)
16.20.050 Density Bonus.
   All calculations are rounded up for any fractional numeric value in determining the total number of units to be granted, including base density and bonus density, as well as, the resulting number of affordable units needed for a given density bonus project.
   A.   If a housing development qualifies for a density bonus under more than one income category, or additionally as senior housing or as housing intended to serve transitional foster youth, disabled veterans, homeless persons, or lower income students, the applicant shall identify the categories under which the density bonus would be associated with and granted to. Density bonuses from more than one category can be combined up to maximum allowed under State Density Bonus law.
   B.   The density bonus units shall not be included in determining the number of affordable units required to qualify a housing development for a density bonus pursuant to State Density Bonus Law.
   C.   The applicant may elect to accept a lesser percentage of density bonus than the housing development is entitled to, or no density bonus, but no reduction will be permitted in the percentages of required affordable units contained in Government Code § 65915(b), (c), and (f). Regardless of the number of affordable units, no housing development shall be entitled to a density bonus of more than what is authorized under State Density Bonus Law.
(Ord. 549 § 2, 2019)
16.20.060 Incentives.
   A.   Incentives include incentives and concessions as defined in State Density Bonus Law. The number of incentives that may be requested shall be based upon the number the applicant is entitled to pursuant to State Density Bonus Law.
   B.   Nothing in this subsection requires the provision of direct financial incentives for the housing development, including, but not limited to, the provision of financial subsidies, publicly owned land, fee waivers, or waiver of dedication requirements. The City, at its sole discretion, may choose to provide such direct financial incentives.
(Ord. 549 § 2, 2019)
16.20.070 Review Procedures.
   All requests for density bonuses, incentives, parking reductions, waivers, or commercial development bonuses shall be considered and acted upon by the approval body with authority to approve the development within the timelines prescribed by Government Code §§ 65950 et seq., with right of appeal to the City Council.
   A.   Eligibility for Density Bonus, Incentive(s), Parking Reduction, and/or Waiver(s) for a Housing Development. To ensure that an application for a housing development conforms with the provisions of State Density Bonus Law, the staff report presented to the decision-making body shall state whether the application conforms to the following requirements of state law as applicable:
      1.   The housing development provides the affordable units or senior housing required by State Density Bonus Law to be eligible for the density bonus and any incentives, parking reduction, or waivers requested, including the replacement of units rented or formerly rented to low and very low income households as required by Government Code § 65915(c)(3).
      2.   Any requested incentive will result in identifiable and actual cost reductions to provide for affordable housing costs or rents; except that, if a mixed-use development is requested, the application must instead meet all of the requirements of Government Code § 65915(k)(2).
      3.   The development standards for which a waiver is requested would have the effect of physically precluding the construction of a development at the densities or with the concessions or incentives permitted by Government Code § 65915.
      4.   The housing development is eligible for any requested parking reductions under Government Code § 65915(p).
      5.   If the density bonus is based all or in part on donation of land, all of the requirements included in Government Code § 65915(g) have been met.
      6.   If the density bonus or incentive is based all or in part on the inclusion of a child care facility, all of the requirements included in Government Code § 65915(h) have been met.
      7.   If the density bonus or incentive is based ail or in part on the inclusion of affordable units as part of a condominium conversion, all of the requirements included in Government Code § 65915.5 have been met.
   B.   If a commercial development bonus is requested for a commercial development, the decision-making body shall make a finding that the development complies with all of the requirements of subparagraph 16.20.100.C, that the City has approved the partnered housing agreement, and that the commercial development bonus has been mutually agreed upon by the City and the commercial developer.
   C.   The decision-making body shall grant an incentive requested by the applicant unless it makes a written finding, based upon substantial evidence, of any of the following:
      1.   The proposed incentive does not result in identifiable and actual cost reductions to provide for affordable housing costs, as defined in § 50052.5 of the Health and Safety code, or for affordable rents, as defined in § 50053 of the Health and Safety Code; or
      2.   The proposed incentive would be contrary to state or federal law; or
      3.   The proposed incentive would have a specific, adverse impact upon public health or safety or the physical environment or on any real property that is listed in the California Register of Historic Resources, and there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact without rendering the housing development unaffordable to low and moderate income households. For the purpose of this subsection, specific adverse impact means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified, written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date that the application for the housing development was deemed complete.
   D.   The decision-making body shall grant the waiver of development standards requested by the applicant unless it makes a written finding, based upon substantial evidence, of any of the following:
      1.   The proposed waiver would be contrary to state or federal law; or
      2.   The proposed waiver would have an adverse impact on any real property listed in the California Register of Historic Resources; or
      3.   The proposed waiver would have a specific, adverse impact upon public health or safety or the physical environment, and there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact without rendering the housing development unaffordable to low and moderate income households. For the purpose of this subsection, specific adverse impact means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified, written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date that the application for the housing development was deemed complete.
   E.   If any density bonus, incentive, parking reduction, waiver, or commercial development bonus is approved pursuant to this chapter, the applicant shall enter into an affordable housing agreement or senior housing agreement with the City pursuant to subsection 16.20.080.
(Ord. 549 § 2, 2019)
16.20.080 Affordable Housing Agreement and Senior Housing Agreement.
   A.   Except where a density bonus, incentive, waiver, parking reduction, or commercial development bonus is provided for a market-rate senior housing development, the applicant shall enter into an affordable housing agreement with the City, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to be executed by the City Manager, to ensure that the requirements of this subsection are satisfied. The affordable housing agreement shall guarantee the affordability of the affordable units for a minimum of 55 years or a longer period of time if required by the construction or mortgage financing assistance program, mortgage insurance program, or rental subsidy program; shall identify the type, size and location of each affordable unit; and shall specify phasing of the affordable units in relation to the market-rate units.
   B.   Where a density bonus, waiver, or parking reduction is provided for a market-rate senior housing development, the applicant shall enter into a restrictive covenant with the City, running with the land, in a form approved by the City Attorney, to be executed by the City Manager, to require that the housing development be operated as "housing for older persons" consistent with state and federal fair housing laws.
   C.   The executed affordable housing agreement or senior housing agreement shall be recorded against the housing development prior to final or parcel map approval, or, where a map is not being processed, prior to issuance of building permits for the housing development. The affordable housing agreement or senior housing agreement shall be binding on all future owners and successors in interest.
   D.   The affordable housing agreement shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
      1.   The number of density bonus dwelling units granted;
      2.   The number and type of affordable dwelling units
      3.   The unit size(s) (square footage) of target dwelling units and the number of bedrooms per target dwelling unit;
      4.   The proposed location of the affordable dwelling units;
      5.   Schedule for production of affordable dwelling units;
      6.   Incentives or concessions or waivers provided by the city;
      7.   Where applicable, tenure and conditions governing the initial sale of the affordable units;
      8.   Where applicable, tenure and conditions establishing rules and procedures for qualifying tenants, setting rental rates, filling vacancies, and operating and maintaining units for affordable rental dwelling units
      9.   Marketing Plan; Publication and Notification of Availability of Affordable Units;
      10.   Compliance with Federal and State Laws;
      11.   Prohibition Against Discrimination;
      12.   Indemnification;
      13.   City's Right to Inspect Units and Documents;
      14.   Remedies;
      15.   Attorney(s) Fees Provision.
(Ord. 549 § 2, 2019)
16.20.090 Design and Quality.
   A.   The City may not issue building permits for more than 50 percent of the market rate units until it has issued building permits for all of the affordable units, and the City may not approve any final inspections or certificates of occupancy for more than 50 percent of the market rate units until it has issued final inspections or certificates of occupancy for all of the affordable units.
   B.   Affordable units shall be comparable in exterior appearance and overall quality of construction to market-rate units in the same housing development. Interior finishes and amenities may differ from those provided in the market rate units, but neither the workmanship nor the products may be of substandard or inferior quality as determined by the City.
   C.   The number of bedrooms of the affordable units shall at least equal the minimum number of bedrooms of the market-rate units.
(Ord. 549 § 2, 2019)