16.20.030 Applicability.
   A housing development as defined in State Density Bonus Law shall be eligible for a density bonus and other regulatory incentives that are provided by State Density Bonus Law when the applicant seeks and agrees to provide low, very-low, senior or moderate income housing units or units intended to serve transitional foster youth, disabled veterans, homeless persons, and lower income students in the threshold amounts specified in State Density Bonus Law. A housing development includes only the residential component of a mixed use project. A commercial development as defined in subsection 16.20.100 shall be eligible for a commercial development bonus as provided in subsection 16.20.100.
   The granting of a density bonus, incentive or concession, pursuant to this section, shall not be interpreted, in and of itself, to require a general plan amendment, development code amendment, zone change, other discretionary approval, or the waiver of a city ordinance or provisions of a city ordinance unrelated to development standards.
(Ord. 549 § 2, 2019)