No driver of a vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral while they are in motion and when such vehicles are conspicuously designated as required in this chapter.
(Ord. 98 § 1 (part), 1993: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 12.08.001)
A funeral composed of a procession of vehicles shall be identified as such by the display upon the outside of each vehicle of a pennant or their identifying insignia or by other method.
(Ord. 98 § 1 (part), 1993: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 12.08.002)
No person shall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly-made pavement or freshly-painted marking in any street when a barrier or sign is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or marking, or when a sign is in place stating that the street or any portion thereof is closed.
(Ord. 98 § 1 (part), 1993: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 12.08.005)
A. Whenever any ordinance of this city designates and describes any street or portion thereof as a street the use of which is permitted by any commercial vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons, the city traffic engineer is authorized to designate such street by appropriate signs as "truck routes" for the movement of vehicles exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons.
B. When any such truck routes are established and designated by appropriate signs the operator of any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons shall drive on such routes and none other except that nothing in this section shall prohibit the operator of any vehicle exceeding a truck route having ingress and egress by direct route to and from restricted streets when necessary for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or structure located on such restricted streets or for the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling or construction of any building or structure upon such restricted streets for which a building permit has previously been obtained therefor.
C. The provisions of this section shall not apply to passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the public utilities commission, or any authorized transit authority, or to any vehicle owned by a public utility while necessarily in use in the construction, installation or repair of any public utility.
D. Murrieta Hot Springs Road, from I-15 to I-215, is designated as a truck route in accordance with this section.
(Ord. 183T § 1, 1998: Ord. 98 § 1 (part), 1993: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 12.14.001)
A. No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway past a traffic control point, designated by the ranking peace officer on duty within the affected area, under conditions in which traffic is congested at or near the control point, three or more times in one direction within a three-hour period. A peace officer may give written notice upon the person passing the control point a third time. Further driving past the control point shall constitute a misdemeanor. The beginning and end of the portion of the street subject to cruising controls shall be clearly identified by signs that state the appropriate provisions of Section 21100(k) of the California Vehicle Code and this section of the Murrieta Code.
B. This section shall not apply to the following vehicles: in-service emergency vehicles, taxicabs for hire, buses and other vehicles being driven for business purposes. A violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 98 § 1 (part), 1993: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 12.14.002)