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5.02.030 License required.
   A.   It shall be unlawful for any organization to conduct any bingo games in the city of Murrieta unless such organization is a qualified organization and has been issued a license as provided in this chapter.
   B.   It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct any bingo games in the city of Murrieta unless such person is a member of a qualified organization acting on behalf of such qualified organization that has been issued a license as provided by this chapter.
(Ord. 356 § 4, 2006)
5.02.040 Application for license.
   Applications for a license or renewal thereof shall be filed with the office of business licensing with the city of Murrieta on forms prescribed by the finance department and shall be signed under penalty of perjury. Such applications shall be filed:
   A.   Not less than 90 days prior to the proposed date of the bingo game or games; and
   B.   Not later than 30 days after obtaining written verification from the planning department that there is sufficient vehicular access to the premises wherein a bingo game is to be conducted and that such premises contain off-street vehicle parking facilities as required by Chapter 16 of the City Municipal Code; and
   C.   Not later than 30 days after obtaining written verification from the building and safety department that the operation of such game or games is in compliance with the California Building Code; and
   D.   Attach a list of identifying information, including the proper name, sex, date of birth, residence address, phone number, driver's license number, and social security number of all board members or any other individuals deemed responsible in the management of the game of bingo for its organization, which must be provided to the office of business licensing at the time of the original application or renewal of permit; and
   E.   Attach to the application proof showing they are a qualifying organization to operate a game of bingo, which may include proper tax information, organizational bylaws, or other supporting information required by the city of Murrieta.
   Such applications shall not be filed unless the applicant is a qualified organization which has owned or leased property, or has property whose use is donated to it within the city of Murrieta that was used by the applicant for the performance of the purposes for which it is organized, for at least 12 months immediately preceding the filing of such application, and the property upon which the bingo game is to be conducted is property so owned or leased by, or whose use is donated to, the applicant.
(Ord. 356 § 5, 2006)
5.02.050 Term of license and fees.
   The term of a bingo license is one year and may be renewed any time within one year from its date of issuance, upon application therefor. The fee for an initial bingo license shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00), and shall accompany the filing of the application. A license may be renewed upon the payment of a renewal fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00), which has been paid at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the term of the current license, and provided the applicant is in good standing under the current license. When the renewal fee is not paid at least 30 days prior to expiration of the current license, an additional late fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be paid.
(Ord. 356 § 6, 2006)
5.02.060 Application investigation.
   A.   Upon receipt of an application for a license, along with the appropriate fee, the chief of police, or his or her designee, shall investigate the truth of the matters set forth in the application.
   B.   The chief of police, or his or her designee, may make inquiries to any local board or association, or any state or federal agency which the Murrieta police department deems essential in order to carry out a proper investigation of applicant and the organization.
   C.   Upon approval of any application for a bingo license, the office of business licensing for the city of Murrieta will issue the license and the police department shall issue a permit.
(Ord. 356 § 7, 2006)
5.02.070 License not transferable.
   Each license issued hereunder shall be issued to a specified qualified organization to conduct a bingo game at a specific location, and shall in no event be transferable from one organization to another or from one location to another.
(Ord. 356 § 8, 2006)