In all districts which require a front yard, no obstruction to view shall be placed on any corner lot within a triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting them at points twenty five feet (25') from the intersection of the street lines, except those fences which comply with the fence regulations and a reasonable number of trees or landscaping pruned high enough to permit unobstructed vision to vehicular drivers. (Ord. 07-30 § 2)
A. It is unlawful for any person to erect or cause to be erected or to maintain any barbed wire fence or any similar device except as provided below:
1. Commercial Or Industrial: Such barbed wire shall be allowed so long as it is attached at the top of a fence or similar structure at a height not less than six feet (6') above the ground.
2. Agricultural: Such barbed wire shall be allowed so long as it is not used in connection with a residential purpose.
3. Residential: Allowed only if prior approval is given by the Planning Commission. In a residential area, under no circumstances may the barbed wire extend into the required front yard setback.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or cause to be erected or to maintain any device on a fence with an electrical charge sufficient to cause shock to any person except in agricultural areas. Such electrified fence shall not be energized from a power source which exceeds twelve (12) volts direct current. (Ord. 07-30 § 2)
A. When not located on a property line, fence type uses such as tennis court enclosures, sport court, and swimming pool enclosures, ball diamond backstops, etc., may be erected to a height greater than six feet (6'), but shall not exceed a height of eighteen feet (18').
B. Properties abutting the interstate freeway system may erect a fence to a height not exceeding ten feet (10') on the property line adjacent to the freeway right-of-way.
C. Residential zoned properties adjacent to the UTA light rail commuter rail tracks may erect a fence to a height not exceeding ten feet (10') on the property line adjoining the UTA light rail right-of-way subject to all fencing permit requirements and traffic visibility setback requirements.
D. Residentially zoned properties that abut non-residentially zoned properties may construct a fence to a maximum height of eight feet (8') and must meet any setback requirements.
E. Residential and nonresidential properties abutting a collector or arterial street on a side or rear property line may erect a fence to a height not exceeding eight feet (8') on the side or rear property line adjacent to the collector or arterial street right-of-way.
F. Properties exceeding one-half (1/2) acre in size may erect a fence to a height not exceeding eight feet (8').
G. Residential and nonresidential properties located between Fontaine Bleu Drive and Wheeler Historic Farm that are adjacent to the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal right-of-way may erect a fence on the property line adjacent to the right-of-way to a height not exceeding eight feet (8') subject to all building permit requirements and any traffic visibility setback requirements.
H. Fences over seven feet (7') in height shall be subject to all building permit requirements. (Ord. 17-28; amd. Ord. 24-25, 11-12-2024)
Code enforcement officials shall have the authority to require the removal or relocation of fences which create a hazard to the general public even when such fences comply with the provisions found in this chapter. This shall apply to all fences in all zoning districts of the City. The determination of whether or not a hazard exists shall be made by Code enforcement officials in conjunction with the City Engineer using line of sight visibility safety considerations. Failure to remove or relocate a fence no later than thirty (30) days from receiving the determination that a fence must be moved or relocated constitutes a misdemeanor. (Ord. 07-30 § 2)