   70.01   Definitions
   70.02   Authorization
   70.03   Effect of code on existing regulations
   70.04   Traffic Safety Committee
   70.05   Authority to order the installation of traffic devices; duty to install, maintain and conform
   70.06   Obedience to traffic control devices; exceptions
   70.07   Rebuttable presumption that traffic control devices are legally placed
   70.08   Traffic control devices required for enforcement purposes; exceptions
   70.09   Driving to avoid traffic control devices prohibited
   70.10   Officers charged with enforcement; authority of officers to direct traffic
   70.11   Obedience to police, fire officials required
   70.12   Uniform speed limit for business and residential streets, authority to designate
   70.13   Right-of-way at intersections, authority to designate
   70.14   Authority to designate one-way streets
   70.15   Authority to designate turns at intersections
   70.16   U-turns prohibited
   70.17   Authority to designate selective exclusion of traffic on certain streets
   70.18   Election to enforce parking violations as a civil offense
   70.99   Penalty