(a)   "Tree planting" means the use of trees in landscaping.
   (b)   "Major tree" means a living tree with a trunk diameter of at least six inches, measured at a point four and one-half feet above the existing grade at the base of the tree.
   (c)   "Shade Tree Commission" means the established three member commission regulated under Chapter 141.01 of the City's Codified Ordinances.
   (d)    "Safety-Service Director" means the position established under Chapter 129 of the City's Codified Ordinances or his assistant or duly authorized designee for the purposes of carrying out the intent of these regulations.
   (e)   "Tree lawn" means the City right-of-way between the back side of the curb or edge of pavement and the street side of the sidewalk or front property line.
   (f)    "Planning Commission" means the same as that described in Chapter 1131.03 (k) of the City's Codified Ordinances.
   (g)   "Preserved" means to not be removed.
(Ord. 2021-33. Passed 8-9-21.)