Unless otherwise noted, the following words and phrases shall have the following definitions and meanings:
   B-BOX: Refer to section 16.202 of this Code.
   DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Refer to section 15.202 of this Code.
   DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: Refer to section 15.202 of this Code.
   ENCROACHMENT: Any building or part thereof, fence, sign or any other structure or object of any type or nature whatsoever, with the exception of facilities for public utilities, which is placed, located or maintained in, on, under or over any street, alley, sidewalk, any other public right-of-way or public property or any portion of the project right-of-way or the roadway right- of-way where no project right-of-way lines have been established.
   ENTRANCE MARKER: Any structure, fence, edifice or other installation erected for the purpose of identification, demarcation or improvement of an entrance to a specific subdivision, neighborhood or business park.
   FIRE CHIEF: Refer to section 15.202 of this Code.
   LOT LINE: Refer to section 14.2401 of this Code.
   LOT OF RECORD: Refer to section 14.2401 of this Code.
   OBSTRUCTION: Any portion of any planting of any kind or nature or any portion of any object, including, but not limited to, earthen berms, rocks, boulders, poles or fences; except as otherwise specified in this article.
   PARKWAY: Refer to section 15.202 of this Code.
   POLICE CHIEF: The Police Chief of the Village of Mount Prospect or the Police Chief's duly authorized agent(s).
   RIGHT-OF-WAY: Refer to section 15.202 of this Code.
   SIGHT TRIANGLE: The triangular area with legs as calculated per the equation, SSD = 1.47*V*t* + (V2)/[30(f.g)], as referenced in A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO. Refer to section 9.308 of this chapter for calculation details.
   STREET: Refer to section 15.202 of this Code. (Ord. 5253, 5-21-2002; amd. Ord. 6144, 5-20-2014; Ord. 6331, 6-6-2017)