The following definitions shall apply in the interpretations and enforcement of this chapter:
   AWWA: American Water Works Association.
   ACCELERATED STORM WATER RUNOFF: That additional storm water runoff generated by the reduction or elimination of pervious land surfaces through the construction of roads, sidewalks, parking lots, buildings and other improvements to real estate.
   ADMINISTRATIVE SUBDIVISION: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   APRON: An extension of a driveway lying between the right of way line and the curb and gutter (or the pavement edge if there is no curb and gutter) of the street. Maintenance shall be provided by the owner of the extended driveway.
   BASINS: Basins are of two (2) types, as follows:
   A.   Detention Basin: An area of land set aside for the purpose of holding accelerated storm water runoff for a specific period at times during and immediately following rainfall and containing a controlled outlet having a predetermined flow based on standards set forth in this chapter.
   B.   Retention Basin: A substantial area of land set aside for the purpose of holding accelerated storm water runoff for a specific period at times during and immediately following rainfall which land contains a permanent body of water with storage for this accelerated runoff above the normal water surface elevation and containing a controlled outlet for a predetermined flow of the additionally stored water which flow is based on standards set forth in this chapter and which would in no way reduce the surface of the permanent body of water to a point below its normal elevation.
B-BOX: The water shutoff box located in the parkway commonly referred to as a curb box, buffalo box, or B-box.
   BENCHMARK: A permanent or semipermanent physical mark of known elevation referenced to a recognized datum.
   BERM: A manmade slope raised generally above the surrounding finish grade.
   BUILDING PERMIT: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   COLLECTOR: The village treasurer or his authorized representative appointed to issue bills and collect all user charges.
   COMBINED SEWER: A sewer that collects and carries both surface water runoff and sanitary sewerage wastes from residential, business, commercial, institutional and industrial establishment together with surface water and water carried wastes from pavements, parking lots and any other surfaces.
   CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT: The area lying between the project right of way limits and the platted street limits within which the village, by concurrence in the establishment of the project right of way lines, will permit the state to enter to perform all necessary construction operations.
   DETENTION (DRY STORAGE): Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   DEVELOPMENT: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   FEDERAL ACT: The federal clean water act (33 USC 466 et seq.) as amended (pub. law 95-217).
   FLOOD: A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from overflow of inland waters, or the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source.
   FLOOD FREQUENCY: A period of years, based on a statistical analysis, during which a flood of a stated magnitude may be expected to be equaled or exceeded.
   FLOOD FRINGE: Refer to section 22.102 of this code.
   FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS (FIRM): Refer to section 22.102 of this code.
   FLOODPLAIN: Refer to section 22.102 of this code.
   FREEBOARD: That portion of a detention basin bank extending above the high water level.
   GRADE: The elevation above mean sea level used for establishing the following:
      Base (Established) Grade: The average elevation of the established curb extending the width of the front of the lot, or where no curb is established, the average elevation of the crown of the street adjacent to the front of the lot.
      Finished Grade: The elevations or contours resulting from excavation or filling as approved by the village.
      Natural Grade: The normal contour of the land prior to alteration or improvement.
   IEPA: Illinois environmental protection agency.
   IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: A surface that has been compacted or covered with a layer of material so that it is highly resistant to infiltration by storm water. Such surfaces include hard pavements, such as concrete, asphalt, brick, slate, gravel and boulders; wood decks and structures.
   INTERCEPTING SEWER: A sewer owned by the metropolitan sanitary district of greater Chicago into which the sewage from a sanitary sewer main or mains is discharged and is transmitted to a sewage treatment plant.
   MWRD: Metropolitan water reclamation district of greater Chicago.
   NFPA: National fire prevention act.
   NATURAL OUTLET: Any outlet in a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface or ground water.
   PERSON: Any and all persons, natural or artificial, including any individual, firm, company, municipal, or private corporation, association, society, institution, enterprise, governmental agency or other entity.
   PUBLIC SEWER: Refer to "public utility" as defined in section 15.202 of this code.
   PUBLIC UTILITY: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   RETENTION (WET BOTTOM): Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   RIGHT OF WAY: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   SANITARY SEWER: A sewer that carries liquid and water carried wastes from residences, commercial or industrial plants and institutions, together with minor quantities of storm, surface and ground waters that are not admitted intentionally.
   SANITARY SEWER MAIN: A sewer into which the sewage from two (2) or more building sanitary sewer services is discharged.
   SANITARY SEWER SERVICE: That part of the sanitary sewer between the connection to the sanitary sewer main, including the connection, and the external walls of the building.
   SEWAGE (Also Known As WASTEWATER): A combination of the liquid and water carried waste from residences, single or multiple, commercial or industrial buildings and institutions.
   SEWER: A pipe or conduit that carries wastewater or drainage water.
   SEWERAGE SYSTEM: The facilities for collecting, conveying, treating and disposing of sewage.
   SIGHT TRIANGLE: Refer to section 9.201 of this code.
   SITE PLAN: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   STORM SEWER: A sewer that carries storm water and surface water but excludes domestic sewage and industrial wastes.
   STREET: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   STRUCTURE: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   TRUNK LINE: A line that collects sewage from one or more sanitary sewer main lines and carries it to either an interceptor or a treatment plant.
   VILLAGE ENGINEER: Refer to section 15.202 of this code.
   WASTEWATER: See definition of Sewage.
   WATERCOURSE: A channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently.
   WETLANDS: Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
   ZONING ORDINANCE: Refer to section 14.101 of this code. (Ord. 5253, 5-21-2002; amd. Ord. 5426, 4-20-2004)