(A)   Conditional uses. Conditional uses, as designated in the Use Table, shall be permitted by the Zoning Administrator, or his or her designee, provided the proposed uses comply with the conditions described in this section. A Conditional Use Permit application shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator, or his or her designee, along with any supporting materials and the appropriate fee, as determined by Town Council.
      (1)   Should an application for conditional use be denied, the same request may not be initiated on the same parcel or lot, or any part thereof, for a period of 12 months following the date of denial.
         (a)   A change of ownership shall not alter this requirement.
         (b)   However, upon a written request by the applicant demonstrating a substantial change to the request, the Zoning Administrator may waive the mandatory delay period and authorize acceptance of a new application.
      (2)   Conditional use approvals shall be vested for a period of two years, subject to the rights and restrictions contained within § 156.049, Vested Rights.
   (B)   Special exception uses. Special exception uses, as designated in the Use Table, may be permitted by the Board of Zoning Appeals, provided the proposed uses comply with the conditions described in this section, if applicable, and in § 156.411(A)(3). For special exception uses where no conditions are specified in this section, only the conditions in § 156.411(A)(3) shall apply.
   (C)   Use conditions. The following use conditions shall apply to principal uses in any zoning district where these uses are allowed as Conditional Uses or Special Exception Uses as shown in § 156.325, Use Table.
      (1)   Local food production, agriculture, and horticulture uses.
         (a)   Agricultural sales, produce stand, or seafood stand.
            1.   Structures shall not exceed 2,000 square feet in area, either under a roof or around the perimeter of the structure without a roof;
            2.   Structures shall be located a minimum of ten feet from all property lines;
            3.   Agricultural sales and stand uses are not subject to the paving requirements of this chapter; and
            4.   Signage for such uses shall be limited to one non-illuminated free-standing sign, not to exceed ten square feet in area and eight feet in height, or one non-illuminated sign attached to the structure, not to exceed ten square feet in area. Materials and illumination shall comply with the Commercial Sign Regulations of this chapter.
         (b)   Agricultural storage. All storage areas shall be screened by fencing, landscaping, and/or other appropriate materials so as not to be visible from adjacent public streets.
         (c)   Apiculture.
            1.   There is no minimum parcel size for beekeeping; however, the maximum density is two colonies per 1/4 acre;
            2.   Hives shall be located at least 20 feet from all property lines. The opening of the hive shall be oriented away from adjoining properties;
            3.   For colonies located within 25 feet of a property boundary, a flyway barrier at least six feet in height consisting of a solid wall, fence, or dense hedge parallel to the property line and extending ten feet beyond the apiary in each direction is required;
            4.   A constant supply of fresh water is required. It shall be readily accessible to the bees and to allow them to access water by landing on a hard surface. A water supply is not required during winter and other inactive months; and
            5.   Hives not being actively maintained shall be removed.
         (d)   Brewery, winery, or distillery.
            1.   A significant portion of the crops used in the facility's production of beverages, including, but not limited to, hops and grapes, are grown and harvested on-site;
            2.   All manufacturing activities and storage shall take place within an enclosed building; and
            3.   Structures related to manufacturing and/or storage of components and/or finished product shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any side and/or rear property line.
         (e)   Equestrian facility.
            1.   Any outdoor lighting shall be oriented to minimize spillover or glare on surrounding properties or rights-of-way; and
            2.   Structures, storage areas, and parking areas shall be located at least 50 feet from any external property line.
         (f)   Nursery operation, commercial.
            1.   Ancillary items, such as mulch, sand, gravel or similar materials, and seasonal items, such as Christmas trees and pumpkins, may be sold in addition to plants, but must clearly be incidental to the primary use as a wholesale or retail landscape plant nursery;
            2.   Aggregate materials, such as mulch, sand, gravel or similar materials, are kept inside a building or, if outside, in bins or sufficiently screened from view of adjoining properties or public roads by way of fencing or landscaping;
            3.   Large vehicles, equipment and machinery are housed inside a building or sufficiently screened from view of adjoining properties or public roads by way of fencing or landscaping;
            4.   Accessory uses or structures, such as but not limited to, dumpsters, refuse containers, portable bathroom facilities and the like, are sufficiently screened from view of adjoining properties or public roads by way of fencing or landscaping;
            5.   Plants and other merchandise or materials are kept in a neat and orderly fashion on the premises, either outdoors or inside a building;
            6.   Permanent and temporary buildings or structures are approved through the Design Review Process; and
            7.   All of the preceding is indicated on a site plan for the property approved through the Design Review Process; with such process having discretion in the location and arrangement of the various site components to minimize any negative impacts associated with the use of the property.
         (g)   Sweetgrass basket stand.
            1.   Sweetgrass basket stands shall be limited to 250 square feet in area;
            2.   Sweetgrass basket stands shall be allowed within all buffers;
            3.   All sweetgrass basket stands shall utilize safe ingress and egress;
            4.   Parking for sweetgrass basket stands shall be located in an area furthest from the roadway; and
            5.   Signage for Sweetgrass Basket Stands shall be limited to one non-illuminated free-standing sign, not to exceed ten square feet in area and eight feet in height, or one non-illuminated sign attached to the structure, not to exceed ten square feet in area. Materials shall comply with the Commercial Sign Regulations of this chapter. Off-premises signage is not permitted.
      (2)   Residential uses.
         (a)   Amenity building and/or facility in a residential development.
            1.   Such uses shall not be illuminated; and
            2.   Any buildings shall be primarily open-air.
         (b)   Big house dwelling.
            1.   Big house dwellings may be constructed in the CL District only when the cluster development subdivision design technique is utilized; and
            2.   When located in the CL District, big house dwelling units may comprise no more than 20% of the total number of dwelling units permitted in the development.
         (c)   Cluster development. The cluster development subdivision design technique may be utilized, subject to the provisions of § 156.105 and all other applicable regulations.
         (d)   Continuing care retirement community. For all independent living units, residential density shall not exceed the maximum number established by § 156.104(A).
         (e)   Multi-family Dwelling, Duplex Dwelling and Single-family Dwelling. These uses may be allowed when combined in a structure with any other nonresidential use permitted in the Use District, provided:
            1.   No dwelling unit is located on the street level, or any level that has nonresidential uses;
            2.   All dwelling units have direct access to the street level; and
            3.   Density shall not exceed four units per acre; however, density may be increased to eight units per acre if additional units are dedicated to attainable housing, as provided under § 156.296(A)(3), Term of affordability .
         (f)   Rural compound.
            1.   On lots containing one acre or less, a maximum of three principal dwelling units shall be permitted, provided that all applicable lot area and setback requirements are met for all dwellings as if they were established on individual lots;
            2.   On lots containing more than one acre, the maximum number of principal dwelling units permitted shall be limited by density and lot area and dimensional requirements, not to exceed a total of five dwelling units; and
            3.   Lots shall be arranged to ensure public street access in the event the property on which the dwellings are located is subsequently subdivided for sale or transfer. Such public street access may be direct, or may be provided through an access easement of sufficient width, design, and material so as to accommodate fire apparatus and other emergency and service vehicles.
         (g)   Townhouse dwelling.
            1.   Townhouse dwellings may be constructed in the CL District only when the cluster development subdivision design technique is utilized; and
            2.   When located in the CL District, townhouse dwelling units may comprise no more than 20% of the total number of dwelling units permitted in the development.
      (3)   Community and civic uses.
         (a)   Community service facility. Community service facilities shall be subject to architectural and site plan review to ensure the site and any structures are designed and constructed in a manner that blends in with the character of the area.
         (b)   Cultural facility.
            1.   Cultural facilities shall be subject to architectural and site plan review to ensure the site and any structures are designed and constructed in a manner that blends in with the character of the area;
            2.   When located in the CO District, any buildings associated with such facilities shall be primarily open-air and shall not be illuminated.
         (c)   Cultural festival or event. A special event permit shall be obtained, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 116; however, notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 116, there shall be no limit on the number of special events that may occur within a calendar year on a particular property because the purpose of the districts in which this use may be allowed is to serve as destinations for events, culture, arts, and tourist activity.
         (d)   Personal improvement education. In the MD, Marine District, such educational facilities shall be only those which are water-dependent.
         (e)   Pre-school/educational nursery/day care. Such facilities shall be subject to architectural and site plan review to ensure the site and any structures are designed and constructed in a manner that blends in with the character of the area.
         (f)   Pump station.
            1.   Regardless of the parcel’s zoning or the existing land use on adjacent property, pump stations shall meet the following requirements:
            2.   Setbacks: A seven-foot setback shall be established off all property lines.
            3.   Buffers:
               a.   Shall have a seven-foot buffer with a minimum six-foot tall wood fence or wall of similar materials at the same height; and
               b.   Plantings in the buffer shall include one evergreen tree species per seven linear feet calculated from the exterior of the subject parcel. The evergreen trees shall be as tall as the height of the fence at minimum at time of planting.
               c.   This buffer shall not be required where an access gate to the pump station is located or within two and one-half feet of either side of any underground utility in the buffer. However, access gates must have a primary wood facade, or comparable material. Underground utilities shall be located within the access gate to the greatest extent possible.
            4.   Any protected, significant, or historic trees that will need to be removed for construction shall be mitigated pursuant to the requirements of the Town's Tree Protection Ordinances. Replacement trees are not required to be planted on the pump station property; and
            5.   Existing pump stations to be improved are to conform to these requirements to the maximum degree possible based on site conditions. Those with existing buffers greater than required in these provisions shall maintain the established buffer to the greatest extent possible;
            6.   All pump station site designs shall be approved by the Director of the Planning and Development Department.
         (g)   School, primary and school, secondary.
            1.   Primary and secondary schools shall be subject to site plan review to ensure the site is designed and constructed in a manner that blends in with the character of the area; and
            2.   The architecture of primary and secondary schools should blend in with the character of the area, though a formal architectural review is not required.
         (h)   School, trade/vocational. In the MD, Marine District, a trade/vocational school shall be only that which is water-dependent.
      (4)   Recreation and entertainment uses.
         (a)   Amusement center.
            1.   The parcel on which the use will occur is not located within 1,500 feet, measured in a straight line, of the nearest property line of a church, school, daycare, playground, or public or private recreation facility; and
            2.   The hours of operation shall be limited from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight.
         (b)   Boat launch or dock. The boat launch or dock shall be owned and/or operated by a public or quasi-public organization.
         (c)   Campground or campsite. The campground or campsite shall be owned and/or operated by a public or quasi-public organization.
         (d)   High-impact entertainment.
            1.   In the ED District, such use shall be compatible with the purpose of the district;
            2.   Such use shall generally be located on a major road in predominantly commercial areas;
            3.   In instances where an impact assessment is not required, a traffic analysis may be required to analyze the level of service during events in order for the Zoning Administrator, in consultation with the Town Director of Engineering and Development Services , to determine whether traffic improvements or controls shall be required; and
            4.   Where such uses are not located within a completely enclosed building, the following conditions shall also apply:
               a.   The hours of operation shall be limited to 8:oo a.m. to 11:00 p.m.;
               b.   Noise-generating activities shall be oriented away from residential areas and the location of such activities on the site shall be determined through the Design Review Process;
               c.   If determined to be necessary through the Design Review Process, sound mitigation techniques shall be utilized in order to reduce noise impacts on surrounding properties; and
               d.   Where such uses are located adjacent to residential properties, a Type E buffer with a full masonry wall shall be required.
         (e)   High-impact recreation.
            1.   Such use shall generally be located on a major road in predominantly commercial areas;
            2.    In instances where an impact assessment is not required, a traffic analysis may be required to analyze the level of service during events in order for the Zoning Administrator, in consultation with the Town Director of Engineering and Development Services, to determine whether traffic improvements or controls shall be required;
            3.   For purposes of determining required buffers, such use shall be considered a commercial use and a full masonry wall shall be required; and
            4.   Where such uses are not located within a completely enclosed building, the following conditions shall also apply:
               a.   The hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.;
               b.   Noise-generating activities shall be oriented away from residential areas and the location of such activities on the site shall be determined through the Design Review Process;
               c.   If determined to be necessary through the Design Review Process, sound mitigation techniques shall be utilized in order to reduce noise impacts on surrounding properties; and
               d.   Where such uses are located adjacent to residential properties, a Type E buffer with a full masonry wall shall be required.
         (f)   Neighborhood recreation.
            1.   Such uses shall not be illuminated; and
            2.   Any buildings associated with such use shall be primarily open-air.
         (g)   Shooting range, indoor.
            1.   A total ambient noise level of no more than 67 decibels (dBA) is created at all external lot lines adjacent to residential zoning districts, or 72 decibels at all external lot lines adjacent to nonresidential zoning districts;
            2.   A total vibration level of no more than 65 velocity decibels (VdB) is created at any internal lot line;
            3.   Glare will be less than 50 foot lamberts or one-half of a foot candle on land within residential zoning districts, when measured at the lot line;
            4.   Proof of all permits and approvals required by any state or federal governmental entity are secured in advance, including providing assurance that South Carolina state air pollution control regulations are met; and
            5.   Demonstration that the proposed use meets the above standards must be submitted by the property owner to the Zoning Administrator for review as a conditional use. The Zoning Administrator may require the property owner to conduct periodic monitoring to ensure the standards are continuously met or may undertake such on its own. Equipment used for measurement must meet the standards of the American National Standards Institute. All costs associated with such measurements shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
      (5)   Commercial uses.
         (a)   Adult uses. The parcel on which the use will occur is not located within 1,500 feet, measured in a straight line, of the nearest property line of a church, school, day care, playground, public or private recreation facility, property zoned to allow residential uses, or property with existing residential uses.
         (b)   Animal boarding facility, day care, or shelter.
            1.   Overnight kennels must be located indoors;
            2.   Where located adjacent to residential properties, outdoor areas shall be fenced or walled with an acoustic fence or other sound- absorbing materials; except that this condition shall not apply in the RC-1 and RC-2 Districts; and
            3.   In the RC-1 and RC-2 Districts, outdoor areas shall be located at least 100 feet from all property lines.
         (c)   Artisan workshop or artist studio, with retail sales. In the MD, Marine District, such use shall be consistent with the purpose of the district.
         (d)   Artisan workshop or artist studio, without retail sales.
            1.   In the MD, Marine District, such use shall be consistent with the purpose of the district; and
            2.   In the CC and CL Districts, the following conditions shall apply:
               a.   All structures associated with such use shall be limited to a total floor area of not more than 3,000 square feet;
               b.   All structures associated with such use shall appear more residential in character and shall not detract from the residential character of the surrounding area;
               c.   No outdoor storage of materials or equipment shall be permitted;
               d.   Setback requirements for detached single-family residential uses shall apply; and
               e.   No traffic shall be generated by such use in greater volumes than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood, and any need for parking generated by the conduct of such use shall be met off the street and other than in a required front yard.
         (e)   Short term rentals. All short term rentals are subject to the provisions and conditions adopted in §§ 156.340 through 156.344.
         (f)   Car wash.
            1.   Where such use is located adjacent to residentially-zoned property or property used for residential purposes, a Type E buffer with a full masonry wall shall be required;
            2.   Where such use is located adjacent to residentially-zoned property or property used for residential purposes, hours of operation shall be limited to between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.;
            3.   Noise-generating activities shall be oriented away from residential areas, and the location of such activities on the site shall be determined through the Design Review Process. If determined to be necessary through this process, sound mitigation techniques shall be utilized in order to reduce noise impacts on surrounding properties; and
            4.   When operational changes are made to add noise-generating activities, such as blowers/dryers, to existing facilities, the location of such activities on the site shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator through the Conditional Use approval process.
               a.   If determined to be necessary through this process, sound mitigation techniques shall be utilized in order to reduce noise impacts on surrounding properties.
               b.   In such cases, the limitation on hours of operation specified above shall apply.
         (g)   Gas station. All screening, buffering and public safety measures deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator are in place.
         (h)   Mobile food vending.
            1.    A valid mobile vending permit issued by the Department of Planning, Land Use and Neighborhoods is required prior to setting up or selling merchandise. Permit certificates shall be attached to the mobile vending unit where they are readily visible, and shall include the current name, mailing address and valid phone number of the mobile food vending unit owner;
            2.   Permitted merchandise shall be limited to edibles, hot and cold beverages containing no alcohol, and items related to such merchandise;
            3.   Permission to operate must be obtained from the property representative;
            4.   No more than one mobile food vendor shall be allowed on any given lot at the same time without first obtaining a special events permit, except that there shall be no limit on the number of pushcart vendors occupying a particular lot, nor shall there be a limit on the number of pushcart vendors or vendors with small, tow-behind carts occupying a shopping center;
            5.   Required parking for the primary business(es) shall be minimally affected;
            6.   Signage shall be permitted on the vehicle only to identify the name of the product or the name of the vendor, and the posting of prices. A separate menu board is allowed, not exceeding 12 square feet in area and 40 inches height. This sign must be located on the same property as and within close proximity to the mobile vending unit, and should not be placed on the sidewalk or in the public right-of-way;
            7.   The mobile vendor shall only use single-service plates and utensils. Garbage and recycling receptacles must be made available for patron use and removed from the site daily by the vendor;
            8.   Vendors shall meet all applicable DHEC regulations for mobile food units and possess a valid DHEC permit where applicable;
            9.   Any mobile food vendor or vending unit that has been issued a notice of health violation by any department of the State of South Carolina, which remains uncorrected upon a subsequent inspection, shall have its mobile food vendor permit revoked;
            10.   All vendors must obtain from the town an appropriate, current business license;
            11.   No vendor shall:
               a.   Leave any vehicle unattended;
               b.   Store, park or leave any vehicle overnight on any street or sidewalk;
               c.   Leave from any location without first picking up, removing and disposing of all trash or refuse remaining from sales made by the vendor;
               d.   Solicit or conduct business with persons in motor vehicles;
               e.   Sell anything other than that for which a license to vend has been issued;
               f.   Sound or permit the sounding of any device that produces a loud and raucous noise, or use or operate any loudspeaker, public address system, radio, sound amplifier or similar device to attract the attention of the public;
               g.   Allow any item relating to the operation of the vending business to lean against or hang from any building or other structure lawfully placed on public property;
               h.   Change vending locations without first notifying the Planning Department and submitting the required permissions and site plan; and
               i.   Discharge fat, oil, grease, or waste water into the sanitary sewer system. All waste shall be properly stored and disposed of at a properly designated disposal location.
            12.   Exemptions. Catered events, special events, and mobile food vendors that fall under a peddler's permit.
         (i)   Mobile retail vending.
            1.   All mobile retail vendors shall obtain a valid mobile vending permit issued by the Department of Planning, Land Use and Neighborhoods prior to operation of a mobile retail vending unit. Permit certificates shall be attached to the mobile retail vending unit where they are readily visible, and shall include the current name, mailing address, and valid phone number of the mobile retail vending unit owner;
            2.   Permitted merchandise shall be limited to non-perishable, non-food retail goods, and sale of retail products shall be limited to those allowed under permitted uses as defined in § 156.007 in the zoning district where sales take place;
            3.   Permission to operate must be obtained in writing from the property owner or designated representative, and operations shall be restricted to certain areas as provided by § 156.325;
            4.   No more than one mobile retail vending unit shall be allowed on any given lot at the same time without first obtaining a special event permit;
            5.   Required parking for the primary business(es) on a lot shall be minimally affected, and parking for the mobile retail vending unit shall not interfere with any public roads or ingress or egress thereto;
            6.   Signage shall be permitted on the mobile retail vending unit only to identify the name of the product or the name of the vendor;
            7.   All mobile retail vendors must obtain from the town an appropriate, current business license;
            8.   No mobile retail vendor shall:
               a.   Leave any mobile retail vending unit unattended;
               b.   Store, park, or leave any mobile retail vending unit overnight on any street or sidewalk;
               c.   Conduct sales on any public road, street, highway, or right-of-way;
               d.   Leave from any location without first picking up, removing, and disposing of all trash or refuse remaining from sales made by the vendor;
               e.   Solicit or conduct business with persons in motor vehicles;
               f.   Sell anything other than that for which a license to vend has been issued;
               g.   Sound or permit the sounding of any device that produces a loud and raucous noise, or use or operate any loudspeaker, public address system, radio, sound amplifier, or similar device to attract the attention of the public;
               h.   Allow any item relating to the operation of the mobile retail vending unit to lean against or hang from any building or other structure lawfully placed on public property;
               i.   Remain overnight at any location where operation or retail sales take place, nor operate more than 28 consecutive days at the same location;
               j.   Operate on any unimproved lot or parcel;
               k.   Engage in open-lot or outdoor display of products or merchandise; or
               l.   Change vending locations without first notifying the Department of Planning, Land Use and Neighborhoods and submitting the required permissions and site plan.
            9.   Exemptions. Special events (with a valid special event permit issued by the town) and mobile retail vendors that fall under a peddler's permit.
         (j)   Motor vehicle sales, without outdoor storage. Sales shall be limited to heavy equipment or machinery such as, but not limited to, tandem-axle dump trucks, backhoes, tractors, cranes, and the like.
         (k)   Motor vehicle service or repair.
            1.   All service and repair opera- tions are conducted within a fully enclosed building or buildings;
            2.   Any outdoor storage meets the conditions of this section;
            3.   No obnoxious sound, vibra- tion, fume, light, or electrical disturbance created as a result of such repair or service operation is perceptible beyond the premises.
         (l)   Neighborhood gathering place.
            1.   No structure shall have a footprint exceeding 3,000 square feet;
            2.   Such facilities shall be located on a collector street or thoroughfare or be located at a major intersection within the community; and
            3.   Signage for a neighborhood gathering place shall be limited to one free-standing sign, not to exceed 35 square feet in area and eight feet in height. Such signage may be externally- illuminated. Materials shall comply with the Commercial Sign Regulations of this chapter.
         (m)   Office, general. General Offices located in the ED District shall meet the purpose and intent of the district.
         (n)   Outdoor storage and/or display.
            1.   The display area shall be designated as such on the submitted site plan. No outdoor display will be allowed in other areas;
            2.   There is no elevated display of vehicles or equipment;
            3.   Any outdoor storage of wrecked vehicles, dismantled parts, supplies, or similar materials shall be screened with an opaque fence or wall;
            4.   No outdoor loudspeakers are installed or utilized if the property is within 300 feet of residentially zoned property; and
            5.   Except in the LI, Light Industrial District, heavy equipment or machinery such as, but not limited to, tandem-axle dump trucks, backhoes, tractors, cranes, and the like, are pro- hibited.
         (o)   Restaurant, without outdoor dining.
            1.   Such use shall support the town's Economic Development Strategy; and
            2.   Such use shall be located in the same building, on the same site, or in the same development as a permitted economic development use; by way of example, a restaurant that is located in a hotel and open to the general public is permitted in the ED District.
         (p)   Restaurant, with outdoor dining.
            1.   No outside loudspeaker or amplified music systems are utilized, unless author- ized by a valid special event permit;
            2.   In the ED, Economic Deve- lopment District, such use shall support the town's Economic Development Strategy; and
            3.   In the ED, Economic Deve- lopment District, such use shall be located in the same building, on the same site, or in the same development as a permitted economic development use; by way of example, a restaurant that is located in a hotel and open to the general public is permitted in the ED District.
         (q)   Retail sales.
            1.   In the ED, Economic Deve- lopment District, such use shall be incidental to the primary use;
            2.   In the MD, Marine District, such use must be related to the purpose of the district; and
            3.   In the LI, Light Industrial District, such use shall be incidental to the primary use or, if a principal use, it shall be related to the purpose of the district.
         (r)   Self-service storage facility.
            1.   There is neither commercial nor personal sale of any goods, product, or service performed in individual units, though the facility ownership may sell or rent incidental items including moving and packing supplies or moving trucks. The facility ownership may also hold on-site auctions to sell the contents of a unit or units as a result of non-payment of fees; and
            2.   Any outdoor storage area shall be designated as such on the submitted site plan, and shall not be visible from any existing street or right-of-way. No outdoor storage will be allowed in other areas.
         (s)   Tattoo or body piercing studio.
            1.   The proposed location shall not be closer than 1,000 feet, measured in a straight line from the nearest property line of a church; school; day care; playground; public or private recreation facility; property zoned to allow residential uses; or property in any zoning district with existing residential uses;
            2.   A copy of the DHEC opera- ting permit must be provided to the town; and
            3.   Mobile units are not allowed.
         (t)   Watercraft or marine equipment service or repair.
            1.   All service and repair operations are conducted within a fully enclosed building or buildings;
            2.   Any outdoor storage meets the conditions of this section;
            3.   There is no outdoor storage of wrecked vehicles, dismantled parts or supplies; and
            4.   No obnoxious sound, vibration, fume, light, or electrical disturbance created as a result of such repair or service operation is perceptible beyond the premises.
         (u)   Wholesale sales.
            1.   In the AB District, such use may only be conducted in conjunction with a permitted retail sales use; and
            2.   In the MD District, such sales may only include seafood and related items.
         (v)   Boutique hotel or inn.
            1.   Such uses shall only be located on properties designated as Community Scale Commercial in the 2019 Comprehensive Plan:
               a.   Belle Hall Hub.
            b.   Seaside Hub.
               c.   Sea Island Hub.
               d.   Highway 41 Hub.
               e.   Shelmore Village Hub.
               f.   Six Mile Market Place Hub.
            2.   Waterfront District on Highway 41; or
            3.   Properties designated as Town Scale Commercial or Waterfront District (Patriots Point) in the 2019 Comprehensive Plan.
         (w)   Hotel/motel/extended stay.
            1.   Such uses shall only be located on properties designated as Town Scale Commercial or Waterfront District (Patriots Point and Highway 41) in the 2019 Comprehensive Plan; or
            2.   Properties designated for AB, Areawide Business District uses, and ED, Economic Development District uses, that are located within the Oakland Plantation PD, Planned Development District Ordinance.
      (6)   Transportation uses.
         (a)   Airport or aviation facility. The facility shall be owned by a public or quasi-public organization.
         (b)   Parking lot or structure.
            1.   No overnight parking of trac- tor trailers and/or truck cabs shall be permitted;
            2.   A parking lot or structure located in the PI-1 or PI-2 District shall be available for use by the general public for no charge or for a nominal fee, or shall serve an adjacent PI District use; and
            3.   A parking lot or structure located in the ED District shall serve an adjacent ED District use.
      (7)   Special industry uses.
         (a)   Fuel storage and dispensing facility. Such facility is intended to solely service watercraft in the water and, as such, may only be accessible by watercraft, except as needed to replenish the supply of fuel.
         (b)   Manufacturing and production.
            1.   The use shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building; and
            2.   No obnoxious noise, light, vibrations, smoke, gas, fume, odor, dust, or other objectionable effects are perceptible from outside the building.
(Ord. 14047, passed 8-12-14; Am. Ord. 16043, passed 7-13-16; Am. Ord. 18086, passed 11-13-18; Am. Ord. 19013, passed 4-9-19; Am. Ord. 19080, passed 12-11-19; Am. Ord. 21042, passed 5-11-21; Am. Ord. 22008, passed 2-8-22; Am. Ord. 23005, passed 2-14-23) Penalty, see § 156.034