   157.010   Short title; legislative findings and intent; authorization for development agreements; provisions are supplemental to those extant
   157.020   Definitions
   157.030   Town of Mount Pleasant authorized to enter into development agreements; approval of governing body required
   157.031   Developers are subject to established procedures
   157.040   Developed property must contain certain number of acres of highland; permissible durations of agreements for differing amounts of highland content
   157.045   Timeframe for submittal of proposed development agreement
   157.050   Public hearings; notice and publications
   157.060   What a development agreement must provide; what it may provide; major modification requires public notice and hearing
   157.070   Agreement and development must be consistent with comprehensive plan and land development regulations
   157.080   Law in effect at time of agreement governs development; exceptions
   157.090   Periodic review to assess compliance with agreement; material breach by developer; notice of breach; cure of breach or modification or termination
   157.100   Amendment or cancellation of development agreement by mutual consent of parties or successors in interest
   157.110   Validity and duration of agreement entered into prior to incorporation or annexation of affected area; subsequent modification or suspension by town
   157.120   Developer to record agreement within 14 days; burdens and benefits inure to successors in interest
   157.130   Agreement to be modified or suspended to comply with later-enacted state or federal laws or regulations
   157.140   Rights, duties, and privileges of gas and electricity suppliers, and of town with respect to providing same, not affected; no extraterritorial powers
   157.145   Applicability to Town of Mount Pleasant of constitutional and statutory procedures for approval of debt
   157.150   Invalidity of all or part of § 157.140 invalidates ordinance
   157.160   Agreement may not contravene or supersede building, housing, electrical, plumbing, road codes and street specifications or gas code; compliance with such code if subsequently enacted unless explicitly approved by Town Council
   157.170   Assignments