General Provisions
   95.01   Application of the chapter
   95.02   Definitions
   95.03   Nuisances generally; injunctions; violation; contempt
   95.04   Maintaining certain nuisances
   95.05   Collection of cost of abating dangerous property condition; injunction; rehabilitation
   95.06   Trimming of trees and shrubbery to prevent obstruction
   95.07   Keeping of animals
   95.08   Littering roadways
Unclean Habitations
   95.20   Permitting unclean habitations
   95.21   When habitations are deemed unsanitary
   95.22   Order for abatement or vacation of premises
   95.23   Vacation and abatement hearings
   95.24   Posting notice of vacation
   95.25   Enforcement of vacation order by Fire Chief or Police Chief
   95.26   Enforcement through court proceedings
Septic Tanks, Cesspools, and Refuse
   95.40   Location of privy vaults, cesspools, and septic tanks
   95.41   Unsanitary vaults
   95.42   Removal of contents of vault
   95.43   Deposit of dead animals, offal upon land or water
   95.44   Prohibition against defiling spring or well
   95.45   Dumping of refuse in municipality forbidden
   95.46   Abandoned refrigerators
   95.47   Discarding litter prohibited
   95.48   Power of municipality to fill or drain land
   95.49   Draining slops, etc.
   95.50   Stormwater runoff into sanitary sewer
Weeds and Litter on Private Property
   95.60   Keeping down weeds
   95.61   Notice to owner to cut noxious weeds, remove litter; service
   95.62   Fees for service and return
   95.63   Procedure when owner fails to comply with notice
   95.64   Written return to County Auditor; amount as a lien upon property
Cleaning of Premises
   95.75   Order to clean up premises; sanitary inspection
   95.76   Individual orders for abatement
   95.77   Unclean premises prohibited
   95.78   Periodic inspection
   95.79   Enforcement; court proceedings
   95.99   Penalty
   Obscenity, injunction and abatement, see § 133.15
   Operating a gambling house as nuisance, see § 134.03
   Public gaming as nuisance, see § 134.04
   Unauthorized signs and signals as nuisance, see § 70.26
   Unclaimed and abandoned motor vehicles, see Ch. 98
Statutory reference:
   Authority to enact building code regulations, see O.A.C. § 4101:2-1-09
   Issuance of adjudication orders and stop work orders, see R.C. § 3781.031
   Noise, certain nuisance immunity regarding noise at shooting ranges, see R.C. § 1533.85
   Ohio Basic Building Code, see O.A.C. § 4101:2-1-03
   Power to abate and prevent nuisances, see R.C. § 715.44
   The provisions of this chapter shall be enforceable within this municipality concurrently with the state and federal laws relative to sanitation and health and the ordinances or orders of the local health district relative thereto, and shall not be construed as modifying, repealing, limiting, or affecting in any manner such laws, ordinances, or orders.
(‘74 Code, § 91.01)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   NUISANCE. Means any of the following:
      (1)   That which is defined and declared by statutes or ordinances to be a nuisance;
      (2)   Any place in or upon which lewdness, assignation, or prostitution is conducted, permitted, continued, or exists, or any place in or upon which lewd, indecent, lascivious or obscene films or plate negatives, film or plate positives, films designed to be projected on a screen for exhibition films, or glass slides either in negative or positive form designed for exhibition by projection on a screen, are photographed, manufactured, developed, screened, exhibited, or otherwise prepared or shown, and the personal property and contents used in conducting and maintaining any such place for any such purpose. This chapter shall not affect any newspaper, magazine, or other publication entered as second class matter by the post office department;
      (3)   Any room, house, building, boat, vehicle, structure, or place where beer or intoxicating liquor is manufactured, sold, bartered, possessed, or kept in violation of law and all property kept and used in maintaining the same, and all property designed for the unlawful manufacture or beer, or intoxicating liquor and beer, or intoxicating liquor contained in the room, house, building, boat, structure, or place described in this division (3) where the operation of that place substantially interferes with public decency, sobriety, peace, and good order. “Violation of Law” includes but is not limited to sales to any person under the legal drinking age prohibited in R.C. § 4301.22(A) or R.C. § 4301.69(A), and any violation of R.C. § 2913.46 or R.C. § 2925.03.
   PERSON. Includes any individual, corporation, association, partnership, trustee, lessee, agent or assignee.
   PLACE. Includes any building, erection, or place or any separate part or portion thereof or the ground itself.
(R.C. § 3767.01)
   Penalty and procedure when injunction issued pursuant to division (3) of the definition of nuisance is violated, see § 94.27