(A)   For the purpose of this section the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      (1)   SANITARY SEWER. A sewer which is designed and intended to carry the normal water-carried household and toilet wastes from residences, business, buildings, institutions, industries, and commercial establishments, exclusive of storm water runoff, surface water, or ground water.
      (2)   STORM WATER RUNOFF. That portion of a rainfall which reaches a drain.
   (B)   No person, being the owner of a premises, shall permit the discharge of storm water runoff from said premises into a sanitary sewer located on or appurtenant to said premises.
   (C)   On written notice to the owner of the premises by the City Engineer or the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati that storm water runoff is being discharged into a sanitary sewer, the owner shall have 60 days to eliminate the means of discharge. After the lapse of the 60-day period, each day during which the means of discharge continues to exist shall constitute a separate violation of this section.
   (D)   The discharge of storm water runoff into a sanitary sewer is declared a nuisance. The City Director of Law is authorized to institute appropriate legal proceedings to abate such nuisances.
   (E)   It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to enforce this section.
(‘74 Code, § 50.17) (Ord. 587-A, passed 2-20-79)
Penalty, see § 95.99