General Provisions
52.01 Introduction
52.02 Definitions
52.03 Submission requirements and plan approvals
52.04 Detention requirements
52.05 Conveyance requirements
52.06 Emergency access easement requirements
52.07 Flood control and management
52.08 Water quality
52.09 Soil erosion and sedimentation control
52.10 Reporting
52.11 Enforcement
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
52.25 Applicability and exemptions
52.26 Prohibited discharges and connections
52.27 Exempted discharges and connections
52.28 Storage of hazardous or toxic material
52.29 Private property maintenance duties
52.30 Spill reporting
52.31 Inspections and monitoring
52.32 Enforcement; compliance
52.33 Stop-work order
52.34 Failure to comply or complete
52.35 Suspension of access to the storm drain system
52.36 Corrective action
52.37 Appeals
52.99 Penalty