The following are the statements of purpose for each of the city's zoning districts established in this zoning code.
(A) Agricultural "AG" District. The purpose of this district is to serve as a holding classification for land which may eventually be required for more intensive uses. The regulations for the agricultural zone discourage the premature urban development of the rural areas, and discourage or prohibit all commercial or industrial development, except for certain agriculturally related commercial, industrial, and recreational activities that are appropriate for the zone.
(B) Rural Settlement "RS" District. This zone consists of an area one mile in diameter and is centered over several small, unincorporated rural settlements in and around the city. The purpose of this zone is to preserve the rural service nature of the settlements, but also permits the expansion of residential and rural service business developments. Until adequate facilities are provided, urban development at urban densities is discouraged.
(C) Low Density Residential "R-1" District. The purpose of this zone is to provide space for low density single-family dwellings which can be provided with approved sewer and water services.
(D) Medium Density Residential "R-2" District. The purpose of this zone is to provide, in addition to single-family dwellings, space for two-family dwellings and multifamily residential dwellings up to five (5) units, and the customary accessory uses and structures in areas which can be provided with approved sewer and water services.
(E) High Density Residential "R-3" District. The purpose of this zone is to provide space for multifamily residential units, in addition to single-family and two-family dwellings, in areas which can be provided with approved sewer and water services.
(F) General Business "B-1" District. The purpose of this zone is to provide space for a variety of retail sales and service uses in the city.
(G) Highway Business "B-2" District. The purpose of this zone is to encourage the establishment of areas for highway business uses. This zone is specifically designed to service the motoring public.
(H) Central Business "B-3" District. The purpose of this zone is to provide space for those retail sales, service, and public uses that generally serve the entire community, and can best perform that service from a centralized location.
(I) Light Industrial "I-1" District. The purpose of this zone is primarily for manufacturing and assembly plants, warehousing, wholesale establishments, and other similar uses which are conducted with a minimum of noise, glare, vibrations, odor, dust, and other objectionable characteristics.
(J) Public and Semipublic "P-1" District. The purpose of this zone is to identify land which is owned and used by a public entity, including schools, cemeteries, parks, playgrounds, and forest service land.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)
(A) Where a zoning district boundary line divides a single lot, the uses and development regulations for the more restrictive district shall be applied to the entire lot.
(B) Whenever any street, alley, or other public way is vacated by official action of the city, the zone boundary shall be automatically extended to the center of the vacated public right-of-way, and all areas included in the vacated area in question shall be subject to all appropriate regulations of the extended area.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the following requirements shall be met:
(A) No building or premises shall be erected, reconstructed, structurally altered, or used for any use or purpose that is not in compliance with the zoning code, except as regulated by § 154.124
: Nonconforming Uses and Structures.
(B) Every building erected after the date of adoption of the code shall be erected on a lot.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)
All territory which may be hereafter annexed to the city shall be classified in whichever district classification as recommended by the Planning Commission and approved by City Council in accordance with § 154.123
: Zoning Text and Map Amendments.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)