The following section includes additional regulations for permitted accessory uses and structures within the city.
   (A)   Accessory buildings and structures.
      (1)   Residential accessory buildings and structures. Accessory buildings and structures are permitted in the residential zoning district subject to the following requirements:
         (a)   Accessory buildings and structures shall only be permitted in the rear or side yard.
         (b)   On corner lots the minimum setback for accessory buildings and structures shall be the same as the principal structure.
         (c)   If an accessory structure is connected to the principal structure, the setbacks of the principal structure shall apply.
         (d)   Additional dimensional standards for accessory buildings and structures can be found in § 154.162 : Residential Dimensional Standards.
      (2)   Commercial accessory buildings and structures. Accessory buildings and structures are permitted in non-residential zoning districts subject to the following requirements:
         (a)   Accessory buildings and structures shall only be permitted in the side or rear yard.
         (b)   Accessory buildings and structures are subject to the same setbacks as the principal building.
         (c)   Additional dimensional standards for accessory buildings and structures can be found in § 154.163 : Commercial and Mixed-Use Dimensional Standards.
   (B)   Adult day care, home.
      (1)   Adult day care facilities located in residential dwellings are subject to the home occupation regulations in § 154.152 (E): Home Occupations.
      (2)   In-home care is limited to a maximum of four (4) adults, at any one (1) time.
      (3)   Care shall only be provided for a portion of a twenty- four (24) hour day with no overnight stay.
   (C)   Child-care center and preschools. Child-care centers and preschools are permitted as accessory uses to a principally permitted use in the respective zoning district such as a school, place of worship, health club, or office building.
   (D)   Family child care, home.
      (1)   Family child care facilities located in residential dwellings are subject to the home occupation regulations in § 154.152 (E): Home Occupations.
      (2)   In-home care is limited to six (6) children, at any one (1) time.
      (3)   Care shall only be provided for a portion of a twenty- four (24) hour day with no overnight stay.
   (E)   Home occupations. Home occupations are permitted as an accessory use in the residential zoning districts subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   Home occupations shall be conducted only within the dwelling which is the principal residence of the person conducting the business.
      (2)   There shall not be more than one (1) employee that is not a resident of the premises.
      (3)   The occupation is conducted wholly within a building and not more than twenty-five (25) percent of the floor area of one story is devoted to that use.
      (4)   Any signage shall conform to § 154.209 : Signs Permitted by Zoning District.
      (5)   No additional parking burden, due to the home occupation, shall be created.
      (6)   No mechanical equipment shall be used except that which is customarily used for domestic or household purposes and including machinery which is reasonably used in a hobby.
      (7)   No merchandise or commodity should be sold on the premises.
      (8)   There shall be no outside storage, including machinery, equipment, or vehicles, of any kind related to home occupation.
      (9)   The number of vehicles attracted to the premises as a result of the home occupation shall not exceed two (2) at any one (1) time, excluding delivery vehicles temporarily stopped for the purposes of pick-up or delivery.
      (10)   The following are examples of permitted home occupations:
         (a)   Clerical and other similar business services;
         (b)   Instruction in music, dance, or other type of teaching with a maximum of two (2) students at a time;
         (c)   The office of a professional accountant, attorney, broker, consultant, insurance agent, realtor, architect, engineer, sales representative, and similar office-oriented occupations;
         (d)   Artists, sculptor, photographers, home crafts;
         (e)   Barber shops and beauty shops with a maximum of one (1) chair;
         (f)   A licensed massage therapist who provides massage therapy for a maximum of one (1) client at any given time; or
         (g)   Any similar use as determined by the City Planner.
   (F)   Outdoor storage. The outdoor storage of any products or equipment shall be located on the side or rear of the building and shall be screened from view from any residential district and any adjacent right-of-way with a minimum six (6) foot opaque fence, wall, landscaping, or combination thereof.
   (G)   Solar panels. Solar panels shall be subject to the following standards:
      (1)   Ground-mounted solar panels shall be limited to a maximum height of twelve (12) feet and shall be located in the side or rear yard.
      (2)   All solar panels must, at a minimum, meet the setback requirements for the applicable zoning district.
      (3)   Roof-mounted solar panels on pitched roofs shall not extend higher than the ridgeline of the roof on which they are located.
      (4)   Roof-mounted solar panels on flat roofs shall not project more than six (6) feet above the roof surface and shall not exceed the maximum height allowance in the applicable zoning district in which they are located.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)