The following section contains additional standards that shall be met by an applicant for residential uses that are either permitted with use-specific standards or as conditional uses. In addition to meeting the following standards, all applicants for conditional uses shall be required to comply with all other applicable provisions of this code.
   (A)   Boarding house. Boarding houses are principally permitted in the High Density Residential "R-3" Zoning District and conditionally permitted in the Medium Density Residential "R-2" Zoning District subject to regulations set forth in § 154.126 : Conditional Use Permit and the following:
      (1)   Boarding houses are required to provide off-street parking in accordance with § 154.174 : Off-Street Parking Regulations.
      (2)   Signage for such uses is regulated in § 154.209 : Signs Permitted by Zoning District.
      (3)   There shall not be more than three (3) sleeping rooms used for boarding.
      (4)   Boarding is provided for compensation.
      (5)   The maximum duration for stays at such use shall be thirty (30) continuous days.
      (6)   Boarding houses shall have a resident advisor or manager that shall ensure the continued compliance and maintenance of the facility. The resident advisor shall register with the City Planner.
   (B)   Dormitory. Dormitories are principally permitted in the High Density Residential "R-3" Zoning District and conditionally permitted in the Medium Density Residential "R-2 Zoning District subject to regulations set forth in § 154.126 : Conditional Use Permit and the following:
      (1)   Dormitories are required to provide off-street parking in accordance with § 154.174 : Off-Street Parking Regulations.
      (2)   Dormitories are limited to forty (40) feet in height.
      (3)   Signage for such uses is regulated in § 154.209 : Signs Permitted by Zoning District.
      (4)   A dormitory shall provide, at a minimum, two hundred (200) square feet of living area per occupant.
      (5)   Each dormitory shall have a resident advisor or manager that shall ensure the continued compliance and maintenance of the facility. The resident advisor shall register with the City Planner.
   (C)   Fraternity and sorority houses. Fraternity and sorority houses are principally permitted in the High Density Residential "R-3" Zoning District and conditionally permitted in the Medium Density Residential "R-2" Zoning District subject to regulations set forth in § 154.126 : Conditional Use Permit and the following:
      (1)   Fraternity and sorority houses are required to provide off-street parking in accordance with § 154.174 : Off-Street Parking Regulations.
      (2)   Signage for such uses is regulated in § 154.209 : Signs Permitted by Zoning District.
      (3)   Fraternity and sorority houses shall provide, at a minimum, two hundred (200) square feet of living area per occupant.
      (4)   Each fraternity and sorority house shall have a resident advisor or manager that shall ensure the continued compliance and maintenance of the facility. The resident advisor shall register with the City Planner.
   (D)   Manufactured homes.
      (1)   Basic standards for all manufactured homes. The following are basic standards for all manufactured homes located within a manufactured home or mobile community, a subdivision of factory-built homes, a manufactured home or mobile home zoning district, or an agricultural zoning district:
         (a)   Manufactured homes shall be installed in accordance with the State of Kentucky standards set forth in KRS 227.570 and placed on a permanent foundation system.
         (b)   Each section of a manufactured home shall be inspected for the correct federal or state seal. In the case of manufactured homes, the HUD seal must be identified, as well as any state seal. Confirmation of the seals insures property inspection and use of the unit. Previously owned (used) manufactured homes must qualify for a B-1 seal issued by the Kentucky Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction, State Fire Marshal's Office, and may be permitted only in special manufactured or mobile home districts, agricultural districts, or factory-built home land-lease communities.
         (c)   If a perimeter foundation or curtain wall is not used, an exterior covering material extending from the bottom of the home to the ground or to the top of the foundation shall be used this skirting material shall harmonize with the architectural style of the home.
         (d)   Manufactured homes are required to provide off-street parking in accordance with § 154.174 : Off-Street Parking Regulations.
      (2)   Additional standards for qualified manufactured homes.
         (a)   The additional standards for qualified manufactured homes apply only to manufactured homes that are located in the following:
            1.   Infill neighborhoods where the existing or permitted density is such that adjacent homes are located within one- eighth mile (660 feet) of the proposed manufactured home;
            2.   That are not located in a manufactured home community;
            3.   That are not located in a subdivision of factory-built homes; or
            4.   That are not located in a manufactured home or mobile home zoning district or an agricultural zoning district.
         (b)   The following compatibility standards for qualified manufactured homes relate to architectural features that have a significant impact on the overall assessed value of the structure. This ensures that when a qualified manufactured home is placed in a residential zoning district it is compatible, in terms of assessed value, with existing housing located with a one-eighth (1/8) mile or less radius from the proposed location of the qualified manufactured home.
            1.   The manufactured home shall be new and unused.
            2.   Is affixed to a permanent foundation and is connected to the appropriate facilities and is installed in compliance with KRS 227.570.
            3.   The tongue, axle, and wheels shall be removed from the manufactured home.
            4.   Has a width of at least twenty (20) feet at its smallest width measurement or is two (2) stories in height and oriented on the lot or parcel so that its main entrance door faces the street.
            5.   Has a minimum total living area of nine hundred (900) square feet.
            6.   Is not located in a factory-built home land-lease community.
            7.   The property owner should convert the manufactured home to real estate.
      (3)   Development standards for manufactured homes.
         (a)   With the exception of manufactured homes in a factory-built home community, manufactured homes should be subject to the same site development standards such as buildings setbacks and height that apply to site-built dwellings.
         (b)   Manufactured homes within a factory-built home community shall conform to the site development regulations prescribed in HB417 (an act relating to manufactured home, mobile home, and recreational vehicle communities).
      (4)   Manufactured home communities.
         (a)   Manufactured home communities are conditionally permitted in the Agricultural "AG", Rural Settlement "RS", Medium Density Residential "R-2" Zoning District, and the High Density Residential "R-3" Zoning District and are subject to regulations set forth in § 154.126 : Conditional Use Permit.
         (b)   Manufactured home communities shall be subject to the development plan requirements of § 154.125 : Development Plan and shall require approval by the Planning Commission.
         (c)   Any additions or accessory uses/structures attached to a factory-built home must comply with all applicable city and state permit requirements.
         (d)   A fence, wall, or other type of opaque screen shall be required on all sides of a manufactured home community that faces a public right-of-way or non-factory built residential use.
   (E)   Mixed-use residential. Mixed-use residential facilities located in the General Business "B-l", Highway Business "B-2", or the Central Business "B-3" Zoning District and shall be subject to the following:
      (1)   Residential uses shall only be permitted on the first floor if they are located in the rear half of the building to allow for a non-residential use to utilize the first-floor storefront.
      (2)   Residential uses are permitted to utilize the entirety of the second story or any additional stories.
      (3)   Residential uses shall be subject to the parking requirements set forth in § 154.174 : Off-Street Parking Regulations.
   (F)   Multifamily dwellings.
      (1)   If there are multiple multifamily residential buildings proposed as part of a development, there shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet separating each building.
      (2)   Multifamily residential uses shall be subject to the parking requirements set forth in § 154.174 : Off-Street Parking Regulations.
   (G)   Single-family dwellings.
      (1)   If three (3) or more single-family dwellings are built on a single lot, such development shall be subject to the development plan requirements of § 154.125 : Development Plan and shall require approval by the Planning Commission.
      (2)   If there are multiple single-family dwellings proposed on one lot, there shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet separating each dwelling.
   (H)   Single-family dwellings, attached (townhomes).
      (1)   Attached single-family dwellings (townhomes) shall be subject to the following dimensional standards:
         (a)   Minimum lot area shall be two thousand nine hundred (2,900) square feet per unit.
         (b)   Minimum lot width shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
         (c)   Minimum lot depth shall be one hundred (100) feet.
         (d)   Maximum height shall be thirty (30) feet.
         (e)   Minimum front yard setback of twenty-five (25) if the unit has a front garage or parking access. There shall be no minimum front yard setback if there is rear garage or parking access.
         (f)   Accessory structures shall be subject to the dimensional standards set forth in Table 162-1: Residential Dimensional Standards.
   (I)   Two-family dwellings.
      (1)   If three (3) or more two-family dwellings are built on a single lot, such development shall be subject to the development plan requirements of § 154.125 : Development Plan and shall require approval by the Planning Commission.
      (2)   If there are multiple two-family dwellings proposed on one (1) lot, there shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet separating each dwelling.
(Ord. 22:2019, passed 6-10-19)