No person shall encumber any street or sidewalk. No owner, occupant, or person having the care of any building or lot of land, bordering on any street or sidewalk, shall permit the same to be encumbered with barrels, boxes, cans, articles, or substances of any kind, so as to interfere with the free and unobstructed use thereof.
Penalty, see § 94.99
It shall be the duty of the owner or of the occupant of each and every parcel of real estate in the municipality abutting upon any sidewalk to keep the sidewalk abutting his premises free and clear of snow and ice, and to remove therefrom all snow and ice accumulated thereon within a reasonable time, which will ordinarily not exceed 12 hours after the abatement of any storm during which the snow and ice may have accumulated.
Penalty, see § 94.99
(A) Whoever violates any provision of this chapter for which no penalty is otherwise provided, shall be fined not more than $100 for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day that a violation occurs or continues.
(B) Any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of § 94.06 shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $10 and each and every day’s continuance shall be deemed a distinct offense.
(Ord. 425, passed - - )