(A)   Standing Committees are those established by North Carolina state statute, city ordinance, or by City Council. The scope, duties, and purpose of Standing Committees are established by statute, ordinance, or at the direction of City Council and are continuing and on-going. The scope or duties of a Standing Committees may only by amended or terminated by City Council.
   (B)   Each Committee shall be composed of at least one (1) and no more than three (3) City Council members to be appointed by the City Council which shall also appoint the chair of the committee. Unless otherwise required by state statute, each committee may have, but are not required, up to four (4) other citizen members appointed by City Council utilizing the same application appointment process as required for appointment to boards or commissions. Unless otherwise provided by statute or ordinance, Council members shall be appointed to serve two (2) year terms beginning January 1 following each city election. Unless otherwise provided by statute or ordinance, non-Council members shall serve two (2) year terms beginning January 1 following each city election and must make application for appointment prior to December 1. Non-Council members that are a member of any Committee who were appointed on or before June 14, 2022 will be permitted to serve their initial term as a member, regardless of if their presence on the Committee even if the Committee has more than four (4) citizen members.
   (C)   Appointment of non-Council members shall be governed by the General Provisions for boards and commissions as set out in § 32.201 of the City Code of Ordinances. All appointees shall be citizens of the City of Monroe except committees involved in zoning or land use matters which shall have one (1) non-Council member appointment who shall be a resident and representative from the city extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) or as otherwise required by law.
   (D)   All Committees including Mayoral Committees and Standing Committees are considered public bodies and shall operate and comply with the North Carolina Open Meetings Law, G.S. § 143.318.9 et seq.
   (E)   City of Monroe appointments to state, regional, or county boards, commissions, or authorities shall be by City Council.
(Ord. O-2023-64, passed 11-14-23)