The following deletions and/or changes are hereby made to the International Fire Code.
Section 101.1 Insert: Village of Monee
Section 109.4. Insert: Misdemeanor, $750.00, 30
Section 111.4. Insert: $50.00, $750.00
Section 202 delete definition for "Area, Building" and insert: Area, Building. The area included within surrounding exterior walls of a building exclusive of vent shafts and courts. Areas of the building not provided with surrounding walls shall be included in the building area if such areas are included within the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above.
Section 202 delete definition for "Fire Area" and insert: Fire Area. The aggregate floor area enclosed and bounded by exterior walls of a building. Areas of the building not provided with surrounding walls shall be included in the fire area if such areas are included within the horizontal projection of the roof or floor next above.
Section 503.1 Revise the text Where required. " accordance with Section 503.1.1 through 503.1.5".
Insert new Section 503.1.4: Additional Access Requirement. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for buildings and structures three or more floors above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Access shall be provided along at least 75% of each exterior elevation of a building or structure.
Insert new Section 503.1.5: Parking and enforcement. Parking, standing or stopping shall be prohibited on any fire apparatus access road by any non-emergency vehicle without the approval of the fire code official. Signage identifying fire apparatus roads shall be provided in accordance with state or local motor vehicle laws. Written permission shall be provided to the Law Enforcement agency having jurisdiction.
Section 503.2 Revised Text: Specifications. " accordance with Section 503.2.1 through 503.2.9".
Section 503.2.3 Revised Text: 503.2.3 Surface. "Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support a minimum imposed loads of 72,000 pounds and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities."
Section 503.2.4 Revised Text: 503.2.4 turning radius. The required turning radius of a fire apparatus access road shall include an inside turning radius of not less than 45 feet.
Section 503.2.5 Revised Text: 503.2.5 Dead ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an area for turning around apparatus. Fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum inside turning radius of 45 feet and shall have a paved surface of not less than to 27 feet.
Insert new Section 503.2.9: 503.2.9 Placement of fire department access roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall be placed 25 feet from the building, measured from the building's edge to the nearest edge of the access road. Where fire apparatus access roads are in public or private parking areas, the measurement from the building shall be to the rear of the parking stall(s) closest to the drive aisle. Drive aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width.
505.1 Address identification. Revise the text as follows: "...Shall be not less than 6 inches high with a minimum stroke width of 1/2 inch. Interior tenant spaces shall be identified with characters of not less than 4 inches high. Where required by the fire official..."
Add new Section 506.3 Key box tamper switch. A key box required by this section shall be provided with a tamper switch that is supervised by the building fire alarm system. Activation of the tamper switch shall result in a trouble signal being sent to the communications center.
Add new Section 506.3.1 Knox electronic cut-off switch. A Knox Model (KS-2P) preemptive cut-off switch is required in all buildings of all use groups with multiple electrical panel rooms or locations, or in buildings with a service of 800 or more amps. The cut-off switch shall be located as follows:
(1) At the entrance to the building as identified by the fire district.
(2) Mounted not less than five (5) feet nor more than six (6) feet above the adjoining grade.
Section 507.5 Fire hydrant systems. Revise the text as follows: "...shall comply with Sections 507.5.1 through 507.5.13."
Section 507.5.1 Where required. Revise the text as follows: " more than 300 feet from a hydrant..."
Section 507.5.1 Delete exceptions 1 and 2.
Add new Section 507.5.7 Hydrants along street. Fire hydrants shall be located at street intersections and along public streets at intervals not to exceed 300 feet.
Add new Section 507.5.8 parking restricted. Parking shall not be permitted within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant measured along the roadway surface in front of the fire hydrant.
Add new Section 507.5.9 Multiple fire hydrants required. Not less than two (2) fire hydrants shall be located within 300 feet of a building's exterior.
Add new Section 507.5.10 Fire hydrants at H-use group occupancies. Where a building is classified as an "H" use group, the fire chief is authorized to require additional fire hydrants based on anticipated tactical fireground needs.
Add new Section 507.5.11 Water main control valves. Not more than two fire hydrants located on private property may be taken out of service for the repair of private water main.
Add new Section 507.5.12 Distance to roadways, buildings, and grade. Fire hydrants shall be located not closer than five (5) feet, nor more than fifteen (15) feet from road surfaces. Fire hydrants shall be closer than forty (40) feet to a building. The main pumper connection (steamer port) shall face the roadway. The center of the main pumper connection shall be located not less than eighteen (18) inches nor more than 24 inches above adjoining grade.
Add new Section 507.5.13 Fire hydrant type. Fire hydrants shall comply with AWWA Standard C-502. Fire hydrants shall include a minimum six (6) inch distributor water main supply and a six (6) inch barrel. The main pumper connection shall be a four (4) inch outlet with two (2), two and 1/2 (2.5) inch side outlets. Outlet threads shall be NST.
Add new Section 511.0 Plan submittals. Plans shall be provided to the fire department prior to any new building construction or any additions to buildings which indicate the locations of fire hydrants and sprinkler and/or standpipe connections on either public or private property. The location of the fire hydrants and sprinkler and/or standpipe connections shall be approved by the fire code official.
Section 901.5 revise the text: Installation acceptance testing. "...The fire code official shall be notified before any required acceptance testing. All new fire protection systems shall be tested in the presence of the fire code official. The installing fire protection contractor shall notify the fire code official a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours ahead of any required testing."
Section 903.4.1 revise the text: Monitoring. "...shall be automatically transmitted to the fire district's communications center or by an approved method in accordance with NFPA 72".
Section 906.3 revise the text: Size and distribution. "...shall be in accordance with Sections 906.3.1 through 906.3.4. Fire extinguishers shall be located within 5 feet of each exit door and as required by Section 906.3."
Section 907.6.6 revise the text: Monitoring. "...shall be monitored by the fire district's communications center or by an approved method in accordance with NFPA 72."
Section 5704. (geographic limits in which the storage of Class I and Class II liquids in above-ground tanks outside of buildings is prohibited): Prohibited in Residential Districts.
Section 5706.2.4.4 (geographic limits in which storage of Class I and Class II liquids in above-ground tanks is prohibited): Prohibited in Residential Districts.
Section 5806.2 (geographic limits in which the storage of flammable cryogenic fluids in stationary containers is prohibited): Prohibited in Residential Districts.
Section 6104.2 (geographic limits in which the storage of liquefied petroleum gas is restricted for the protection of heavily populated or congested areas): Prohibited in Residential Districts.
(Ord. 1854, 5-23-2018)