A. Violation And Penalty: Any person found to be in violation of any of the provisions of this title shall be subject to penalty as provided in section 1-14-11 of this Code for each offense, with the exceptions of those specific offenses adopted herein, other than by reference, which contain penalties for such offenses.
B. Form Of Citation: In citing violators under this title, the violation shall be noted by referring to "village code section ", then listing the Illinois Vehicle Code section number as adopted under this title.
C. Prima Facie Proof: The fact that an automobile or motor vehicle which was illegally operated or parked is registered with the Secretary of State in the name of said alleged violator; or, in the alternative, in the event that a vehicle sticker issued by the Village has been issued in the name of and to said alleged violator, shall be considered prima facie proof that said alleged violator was in control of or was the operator of the automobile or motor vehicle at the time of such alleged violation. (Ord. 1759, 8-24-2016)