   6-6.1   Purpose of article
   6-6.2   Activities requiring a permit
   6-6.3   Justification for system extensions and modifications
   6-6.4   Procedures and standards for system extensions inside the town limits
   6-6.5   Procedures and standards for extensions of town utilities outside the town limits and/or treatment of wastewater collected by other entities
   6-6.6   Standards for over-sizing town utilities extensions
   6-6.7   Pre-construction conference required when town utilities are over-sized
   6-6.8   Modifications and revocations of approvals
   6-6.9   Video assessment
   6-6.10   Donation/acceptance of extensions to the town
   6-6.11   Enforcement
   6-6.12   Infrastructure reimbursement agreements
   The purpose of this article is to set forth, in a single source, the permitting application requirements and processes for water distribution system and wastewater collection system extension and modification, and regulatory requirements that apply to facilities that interconnect with the town's water and sewer systems. This article is authorized by G.S. § 160A-312(b).
(Adopted 7-10-2018)
   No person shall do any of the things or carry out any of the activities listed in G.S. § 143-215.1(a), or any of the activities in divisions (B)(1) through (3) below for a system which is, or is proposed to become, interconnected to the town's water distribution system or wastewater collection system, unless such person shall have applied for and received:
   (A)   From the town an approval to extend and connect; and
   (B)   From the appropriate permitting agency, a permit and shall have complied with such conditions, if any, as are prescribed by such permit. Activities prohibited without a permit generally include but are not limited to the following divisions (1) through (3) below. The state requires a permit for:
      (1)   Construction or operation of any water system or sanitary sewer system; or
      (2)   Alteration, extension, or modification of the construction or method of operation of any existing or proposed water distribution system or wastewater collection system; or
      (3)   Execution of a contract for the construction and installation of any town-owned water distribution system or wastewater collection system or for the modification, alteration or extension of such a system. (See 15 A N.C. Administrative Code 2H.0100.)
(Adopted 7-10-2018)
   The town recognizes four justifications for the extension or modification of the water distribution and/or wastewater collection systems.
   (A)   Extensions and modifications for the health, safety, and welfare of the public. The town water distribution or wastewater collection system (together the "town utilities") may be extended or modified to provide public utility access to persons when their existing system has failed and is resulting in a demonstrated health risk to them and/or the public.
   (B)   Extensions and modifications in fulfillment of the annual budget.
      (1)   The town shall provide and maintain certain basic components of the town utilities. These components include treatment facilities, water booster pump stations, wastewater pump stations, water storage tanks, sewer outfall mains, and water transmission mains. Extensions or modifications to these components may be constructed and/or improved according to a budget ordinance that is approved by the Town Board of Commissioners (the "Board of Commissioners" or "Board").
      (2)   The town may also extend or modify water distribution mains and sewer collection mains to serving existing dwellings, non-residential buildings or vacant lots, within the municipal limits of the town upon approval by the Board of Commissioners. The town's financial participation in utility extension and modification projects is subject to the availability of funds and other qualifications.
   (C)   Extensions and modifications by private parties within the town limits. Any property owner or other person holding an interest in real property may extend utilities at their own expense as provided in § 6-6.4.
   (D)   Extensions and modifications by any party who provides wastewater collection services. Any property owner or other person holding an interest in real property who receives wastewater collection services through an intermediary, such as a private or public entity who provides waste water collection services may extend utilities at their own expense as provided in § 6-6.4, provided that the town provides sewer treatment services.
   (E)   Extensions and modifications for annexation areas. The town shall meet all requirements related to annexations as prescribed by G.S. Chapter 160A, Article 4A, Parts 1 and 7. The town shall provide the same level of service to newly-annexed areas that is available to the remainder of the town, as provided by the town's adopted ordinances and policies.
(Adopted 7-10-2018; Amended 6-1-2020)
   (A)   Introduction. The town may provide water and sewer service to areas incorporated within the municipal limits of the town according to the provisions of this chapter. Consideration shall be given to each project's conformance with any adopted land use and other plans of the town. If an extension is authorized, then an application shall be made to N.C. DEQ. If a reimbursement agreement AND an extension are authorized, the reimbursement agreement is authorized, it shall meet the requirements of § 6-6.6.
   (B)   Prior to application submittal. Plats, site plans, engineering plans and specifications shall be approved through the appropriate review process, as required by the North Carolina General Statutes and town ordinances, including the zoning ordinance.
   (C)   Application requirements.
      (1)   All persons intending to construct, alter, modify, or expand any town utilities as described in this section shall make timely and proper application to the Town Manager or designee. At a minimum, the applicant shall:
         (a)   Provide a plan that shows the acreage of the area to be served, identify the type of development (residential, commercial etc.), estimates the maximum potential demands that the development may impose on the existing system; and
         (b)   Provide a proposed schedule for the construction of the development and any proposed development phases;
         (c)   Document the intended use of the water and sewer system extension;
         (d)   Apply to N.C. Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ") for the required permits;
         (e)   Grant to the town, at no cost, all on-site utility rights-of-way and easements deemed necessary by Town Manager or designee.
   (D)   Any application determined incomplete by the Town Manager shall be returned to the applicant.
   (E)   Funding of oversized utilities. The town shall take reasonable steps to ensure that adequate funding is available to accommodate any requested oversizing or upsizing needs, as provided in § 6-6.6 below, however the town cannot guarantee the funding of specific proposed projects.
   (F)   Review and approval. The Town Manager will review and approve or deny application, unless the proposal requires a capital investment by the town or over-sizing agreement, in which case the proposal will be reviewed and considered by the Board of Commissioners. The Manager will place complete applications with the proposed capital investment and/or oversize agreement on the next regularly scheduled Board meeting agenda.
   (G)   Appeal to Board of Commissioners. If the Town Manager denies an extension request, the applicant may appeal the decision to the Board of Commissioners.
   (H)   Standards for town utilities extensions. The standards are divided into two categories. The categories are the standards for extensions to new or existing developments, and extensions to non-contiguous or satellite annexations. In any case, the town shall not participate in the cost of the water distribution mains or sewer collection interceptors located within the subdivision or private development property, unless upsizing is required by the town in accordance with § 6-6.6.
      (1)   Standards for in-town extensions to new subdivisions and other developments, including previously developed properties, in contiguous portions of the town.
         (a)   Subject to the provisions of this article, the town shall allow extensions to and within new developments upon the request of the developer or property owner. The responsibility for and cost of such extension within new developments shall be borne by the requesting party, unless upsizing is required by the town in accordance with § 6-6.6.
         (b)   Subject to the provisions of this article, the town shall allow extensions to new developments within the town upon the request of the owner or owner's agent, and the responsibility for and cost of such extensions shall be borne by the requesting party.
            1.   If the town requires lines to a subdivision or other new development that are larger than those necessary to serve the project, the town shall reimburse the owner or developer for any additional material and installation costs incurred because of installing such oversized lines, according to the provisions of § 6-6.6.
            2.   Where a proposed development of property located within the town necessitates a replacement, upgrade, or expansion in size or capacity of water and/or sewer mains and appurtenant facilities that are already available to serve the property (as opposed to an extension of a line to make service available), and the replacement, upgrade, or expansion for the proposed development cannot be constructed in the time requested by the owner or developer the town may enter into a contract with the owner or developer of such property pursuant to which the owner or developer shall pay some or all of the cost of the necessary improvements, according to the provisions of § 6-6.6.
      (2)   Standards for in-town extensions to new subdivisions and other new developments in non-contiguous portions of the town. The town shall allow extensions to and within new developments and/or subdivisions located in annexed property which is non-contiguous to the corporate limits upon request of the property owner or developer; and the entire cost of extending water and/or sewer line(s) shall be borne by the developer/property owner requesting such extension. The town shall pay the proportional share of installing oversized lines that may be required by the town to meet system-wide needs.
(Adopted 7-10-2018)