A 40 mph speed limit shall apply on the following state highway system streets: U.S. 601 from the Mocksville corporate limit, a point approximately 0.27 miles north of U.S. 64 (Wilkesboro Street), northward to the town corporate limit, a point approximately 0.05 mile north of S.R. 1461 (Country Lane).
(2003 Code, § 10-5.5) (Adopted 5-7-1991)
A 45 mph speed limit shall apply on the following state highway system streets:
(A) U.S. 64-601 from Ridgeview Drive (NS), northward to the town corporate limit, a point approximately 0.10 miles south of U.S. 64 (Wilkesboro Street);
(B) U.S. 64 from Main Street to the eastern corporate limit;
(C) U.S. 158 east from Lakecrest Drive to the town limits;
(D) U.S. 601 north from Country Lane (NS) to Boyce Drive;
(E) Sanford Avenue (S.R. 1140) from 0.29 mile south of intersection of US 601/64 to town limits;
(F) Country Lane from U.S. 601 to the town limits;
(G) Milling Road from U.S. 158 to the town limits;
(H) Bethel Church Road (S.R. Road 1301) from Milling Road (S.R. 1600) to John Crotts Road (S.R. 1602).
(1989 Code, § 18-65; 2003 Code, § 10-5.6) (Amended 5-7-1991; Amended 11-2-2021)
A 25 mph speed limit shall apply on the following town streets:
(A) Applegate Court;
(B) Ash Drive;
(C) Avon Street;
(D) Azalea Drive;
(E) Beechwood Drive;
(F) Bingham Street;
(G) Birchwood Lane;
(H) Blue Bonnett Court;
(I) Boger Street;
(J) Carolina Street;
(K) Carrie Circle;
(L) Cartner Street;
(M) Cemetery Street;
(N) Center Street;
(O) Charleston Ridge Drive;
(P) Cherry Street;
(Q) Church Street Extension;
(R) West Church Street;
(S) Circle Drive;
(T) Cloister Drive;
(U) Covenant Circle;
(V) Crestview Drive;
(W) Crowe Street;
(X) Cyprus Cove Drive;
(Y) South Davie Drive;
(Z) Delaware Court;
(AA) Duke Street;
(BB) East Coast Drive;
(CC) East Lake Drive;
(DD) Edison Street;
(EE) Eli Avenue;
(FF) Elisha Creek Drive;
(GG) Elmwood Street;
(HH) Etchison Street;
(II) Fairmont Drive;
(JJ) Foster Street;
(KK) Forest Lane;
(LL) Foxdale Court;
(MM) Fulton Street;
(NN) Garner Street;
(OO) Georgia Court;
(PP) Greenwood Avenue;
(QQ) Grey Street;
(RR) Gumtree Court;
(SS) Gwyn Street;
(TT) Hallander Drive;
(UU) Harding Street;
(VV) Heather Court;
(WW) Hemlock Street;
(XX) Hillcrest Street;
(YY) Hillcrest Court;
(ZZ) Hollow Hill Court;
(AAA) Holly Lane;
(BBB) Holman Street;
(CCC) Hospital Street Extension;
(DDD) Howard Street;
(EEE) Hunt Street;
(FFF) Ken Dwiggins Drive;
(GGG) Leila Court;
(HHH) Locust Street;
(III) Magnolia Avenue;
(JJJ) East Maple Avenue;
(KKK) West Maple Avenue;
(LLL) Marconi Street;
(MMM) Marklin Avenue;
(NNN) Marlene Street;
(OOO) Midland Street;
(PPP) Mill Street;
(QQQ) Morse Street;
(RRR) Mountview Drive;
(SSS) Mumford Drive;
(TTT) Naylor Street;
(UUU) Neely Street;
(VVV) New Hampshire Court;
(WWW) Nordwin Court;
(XXX) North Carolina Circle;
(YYY) Oak Street;
(ZZZ) Park Avenue;
(AAAA) Park Place Court;
(BBBB) Pine Street;
(CCCC) Polaris Drive;
(DDDD) Raymond Street;
(EEEE) Rhode Island Court;
(FFFF) Rolling Hills Lane;
(GGGG) South Salisbury Street (Hardison Street to South Main Street);
(HHHH) Sofley Street;
(IIII) Spring Street;
(JJJJ) Spruce Street;
(KKKK) Sterling Drive;
(LLLL) Summit Drive;
(MMMM) Sunny Dell Lane;
(NNNN) Sweetgum Drive;
(OOOO) Tot Street;
(PPPP) Turnberry Court;
(QQQQ) Turnberry Drive;
(RRRR) Virginia Court;
(SSSS) Wandering Lane;
(TTTT) North Wentworth Drive;
(UUUU) South Wentworth Drive;
(VVVV) Whitney Road;
(WWWW) Williams Street;
(XXXX) Winding Creek Road;
(YYYY) Windsong Road;
(ZZZZ) Windward Circle;
(AAAAA) Woodpark Drive;
(BBBBB) Wright Lane.
(1989 Code, § 18-69; 2003 Code, § 10-5.10) (Amended 9-13-2016; Amended 11-2-2021)
A 45 mph speed limit shall apply on the following town streets:
(A) Sanford Avenue from western corporate limit, eastward to a point approximately 0.85 miles east of S.R. 1141, thence eastward to a point 0.50 miles west of Salisbury Street (U.S. 64-601);
(B) Country Lane from U.S. 601 to northern corporate limit;
(C) Milling Road from U.S. 158 to eastern corporate limit; and
(D) U.S. 158 from Lakecrest Drive to northern corporate limit.
(1989 Code, § 18-72; 2003 Code, § 10-5.13) (Amended 11-2-2021)
The following streets or portions of streets are hereby designated as one-way streets or portions of streets:
(A) Foster Street from north to south;
(B) Clement Street from south to north from Depot to Gaither; and
(C) Williams Street from south to north from Hwy 64 to East Depot Street.
(1989 Code, § 18-75; 2003 Code, § 10-5.16) (Amended 10-4-2022)
Intersections at which "stop" is required before entering are as follows:
(A) Ariel Court at Whitney Road;
(B) Avgol Drive at Duke Street and CPP Global Drive;
(C) Avon Street at Raymond Street and at Tot Street;
(D) Avon Street at Raymond Street;
(E) Avon Street at Tot Street on east and west side (none at Raymond);
(F) Azalea Drive and Magnolia Avenue;
(G) Bailey Street at Depot Street;
(H) Beechwood Drive at Magnolia Avenue and Birchwood Lane;
(I) Bethel Church Road at Milling;
(J) Birchwood Lane at Beechwood Drive;
(K) Boger Street at Salisbury Street and South Main Street;
(L) Brookview Court at Whitney Road;
(M) Buck Hill Road at Deer Run Drive at north and south intersections;
(N) Carolina Avenue at Milling Road;
(O) Carriage Cove Circle at Polaris Drive at north and south intersections;
(P) Cemetery Street at North Main Street;
(Q) Center Street at Depot Street;
(R) Chaffin Street at Depot Street;
(S) Charleston Ridge Drive at U.S. 64 East;
(T) Charleston Meadow Loop at Charleston Ridge Drive;
(U) Cherry Street at North Main Street and at Railway Street;
(V) Church Street Extensions at Wilkesboro Street;
(W) Circle Drive at U.S. 601;
(X) Clement Street at Lexington Avenue, both sides of Water Street, both sides of Depot Street and at Gaither Street;
(Y) CPP Global Drive at Salisbury Street
(Z) Crowe Street at U.S. 158;
(AA) Deer Run Drive at Deer Run Drive at west side of loop;
(BB) Deer Run Drive at U.S. 64 E;
(CC) Doe Trail at Buck Hill Road;
(DD) Doe Trail at Deer Run Drive;
(EE) Depot Street at Salisbury Street and at U.S. 64 East;
(FF) Dr. Slate Drive at Meroney Street;
(GG) Duke Street at Salisbury Street and at Hardison Street;
(HH) East Church Street at North Main Street;
(II) East Lake Drive at U.S. 64;
(JJ) East Lake Drive at Polaris Drive;
(KK) Edison Street at Wilkesboro Street and at Garner Street;
(LL) Elisha Creek Drive at Carmel Cove Drive;
(MM) Elisha Creek Drive at Milling Road;
(NN) Enterprise Way at Quality Drive;
(OO) Etchison Street at Martin Luther King Road;
(PP) Forrest Lane and Salisbury Street;
(QQ) Foster Street at Walnut Street and at Railway Street;
(RR) Fulton Street at Milling Road;
(SS) Garner Street at Mumford Drive;
(TT) Greenwood Avenue at U.S. 158 and at Carolina Avenue;
(UU) Grey Street at Ridgeview Drive and at Tot Street;
(VV) Gwyn Street at Avon Street and at Hospital Street;
(WW) Haley Court at Whitney Road;
(XX) Hallander Drive at North Main Street;
(YY) Harding Street at South Main Street;
(ZZ) Hardison Street at Salisbury Street;
(AAA) Hemlock Street at North Main Street;
(BBB) Hillcrest Drive at Martin Luther King Road;
(CCC) Hillcrest Street at Martin Luther King Road;
(DDD) Holly Lane at Beechwood Drive;
(EEE) Holman Street at Martin Luther King Road;
(FFF) Hospital Street at Ridgeview Drive;
(GGG) Hospital Street at Wilkesboro Street and at Valley Road;
(HHH) Howard Street at Duke Street;
(III) Hunt Street at Spring Street;
(JJJ) Islee Court at Whitney Road;
(KKK) Industrial Boulevard at Milling Road;
(LLL) Kelly Avenue at South Salisbury Street;
(MMM) Lakecrest Drive at U.S. 158;
(NNN) Lakeview Drive at Milling Road;
(OOO) Locust Street at Sanford Avenue and at Maple Avenue Extension;
(PPP) Maple Avenue at Salisbury Street and at South Main Street;
(QQQ) Maple Avenue Extension at Salisbury Street;
(RRR) Marklin Avenue at Hospital Street Extension;
(SSS) Martin Luther King Road at North Main Street;
(TTT) Meroney Street at Hospital Street;
(UUU) Mill Street at U.S. 64;
(VVV) Morse Street at Milling Road;
(WWW) Mountview Drive at Bethel Church Road;
(XXX) North Clement Street at West Church Street;
(YYY) Naylor Street at Church Street Extension;
(ZZZ) Naylor Street at Edison Street;
(AAAA) Neely Street at Depot Street and at Walnut Street;
(BBBB) New Hampshire Court at Jericho Church Street;
(CCCC) Northridge Court at Milling Road;
(DDDD) Oak Street at North Main Street and at Spring Street;
(EEEE) Park Avenue and Church Street;
(FFFF) Park Drive at Park Avenue;
(GGGG) Pine Street at North Main Street and at Depot Street;
(HHHH) Poplar Street at North Main Street;
(IIII) Quality Drive at U.S. 601;
(JJJJ) Railroad Street at Depot Street;
(KKKK) Raymond Street at Hospital Street and at Tot Street;
(LLLL) Ridgeview Drive at Valley Road;
(MMMM) Rolling Hills Lane at Milling Road;
(NNNN) South Davie Drive at Sanford Avenue;
(OOOO) Sanford Avenue at Salisbury Street;
(PPPP) Sofley Avenue at Wilkesboro Street and at Garner Street;
(QQQQ) Spring Street at North Main Street;
(RRRR) Spruce Street at North Main Street;
(SSSS) Stewart Street at North Main Street;
(TTTT) Sunset Drive at U.S. 158;
(UUUU) Tot Street at Valley Road, both sides of Gywn Street and at Wilkesboro Street;
(VVVV) Valley Road at Sanford Road;
(WWWW) Virginia Court at Jericho Church Street;
(XXXX) Walnut Street at Railway Street and both sides of Pine Street;
(YYYY) Both ends of Wandering Lane;
(ZZZZ) Water Street at Salisbury Street;
(AAAAA) Water Street at South Main Street;
(BBBBB) West Church Street at North Main Street and at Garner Street;
(CCCCC) West Maple Avenue at South Main Street; and
(DDDDD) Williams Street at Depot Street and at U.S. 64.
(1989 Code, § 18-76; 2003 Code, § 10-5.17) (Amended 11-2-2021; Amended 10-3-2023)
All vehicles shall be parked diagonally within the lines drawn for parking on the following streets or portions thereof:
(A) Main Street from Gaither Street to Water Street;
(B) Water Street from Salisbury Street to Clement Street; and
(C) Salisbury Street from Lexington Road to Gaither Street.
(1989 Code, § 18-77; 2003 Code, § 10-5.18) (Amended 11-2-2021)
The portion of South Davie Drive adjacent to South Davie Middle School; Cemetery Street adjacent to Mocksville Elementary School; and Martin Luther King Road adjacent to Central Davie Academy are each designated as School Zones within the meaning of G.S. §§ 20-141 and 20-141.1. The speed limits in each School Zone is 20 miles per hour during the effective time periods set forth below.
(A) South Davie School Zone. The effective time of the South Davie Middle School Zone is from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the days Monday through Friday when school is in session for which the 20 miles per hour speed limit applies.
(B) Mocksville Elementary School Zone. The effective time of the Mocksville Elementary School Zone is from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the days Monday through Friday when school is in session.
(C) Central Davie Academy School Zone. The effective time of the Central Davie Academy School Zone is from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the days Monday through Friday when school is in session.
(Ord. passed 7-5-2017; Amended 11-2-2021)
(A) Pursuant to the authority granted by G.S. § 20-169 the following portions of streets are temporarily closed during the date(s) and times set forth below.
Event | Street Location | Date and Time |
Daniel Boone Festival | West Depot St. Main St. to S. Salisbury St. | First Saturday in May 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. |
Fourth of July Tractor Parade | Main St. (Martin Luther King Rd to Hwy 64) E. Depot St. and Main St. to Railroad St. W. Depot St. and Main St. to S. Clement St. Gaither St. and N. Main St. to N. Salisbury St. W. Church St. and N. Main St. to Clement St. All side streets blocked at entrance to Main St. | July 4 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. |
Oaks Festival | West Depot St. (Main St. to S. Salisbury St.) Salisbury St. (Gaither St. to Water St.) | Second Saturday in October 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. |
Main Street Superhero Sprint | Main St. (Gaither St. to Hwy 64) | First Friday after Veteran's Day 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. |
(B) Street closures adopted pursuant to this section shall only become effective when signs are erected by town staff or officials authorized by the Town Manager, giving notice of the limits and times of the parade or other event, and adequate traffic controls have been implemented to guide vehicles around the parade or event route.
(Ord. 2018-1, passed 2-6-2018; Amended 10-5-2021; Amended 11-2-2021)
Any person violating this article shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, under G.S. §§ 14-4 and 160A-75 and/or a civil penalty under § 1.8 of this Code of Ordinances.
(Adopted 10-4-2022)