A.   Imposition Of Charge; Rate: In order to pay for the costs incurred, both recurring and nonrecurring, the city may collect from within the city and from within any other city or county which enters an intergovernmental agreement for that purpose a user surcharge of seventy five cents ($0.75) per month for each local access line service. All surcharge sums collected by any local exchange access company from users of local exchange access lines shall be remitted directly to the finance officer. (Ord. 1676, 11-1-1990; amd. Ord. 2135, 8-16-2004)
The surcharge shall be imposed upon every local exchange access line using this enhanced 911 system; except, that such charge may not be imposed upon more than one hundred (100) local exchange access lines or the equivalent per single customer billing. All rate review procedures and rate charges shall be in conformance with the provisions of South Dakota Codified Laws chapter 34-45.
   B.   Rate Changes: If the city does not establish new rates for the following calendar year by September 1, then the rates for the following year shall remain unchanged from the current year rates.
   C.   Use Of Proceeds: The proceeds of the surcharge shall be utilized to pay for nonrecurring and recurring costs of the 911 related service as the same are defined by statute.
All funds collected from the surcharge shall be credited to a special fund, apart from the general fund of the city, for payment of nonrecurring and recurring costs and for the general operational expense of the 911 related service, including but not limited to the personnel costs. Said funds shall be administered in accordance with the statutes, in such case made and provided. (Ord. 1676, 11-1-1990)