A.   The use of manufactured homes/structures or modular type buildings for business occupancy and not for residential purposes may be allowed on a temporary basis in the following districts only after an applicant has received a temporary use permit for such use:
Highway oriented business
Neighborhood shopping
Central business
Transportation, warehousing and commercial
   B.   The term of the temporary use permit for this purpose shall not exceed thirty six (36) months. Under no circumstances may such manufactured home/structure be placed on the property longer than thirty six (36) months.
   C.   An application for temporary use permit under the provisions of this section shall include the proposed plan for use and improvements of the premises following the expiration of the applied for temporary use permit.
   D.   A temporary use approved under this section shall not transfer with the transfer of ownership of the premises in respect to which the temporary use is approved, and temporary use permit shall lapse upon such transfer.
   E.   Wherever the requirements of this title are in conflict with that of any other laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, deed restrictions or covenants, the most restrictive or that imposing the higher standards shall govern.
   F.   The city council may require a bond in an amount as determined by the council, which would cover the costs of the removal of said building after the expiration of the time in which permit was issued for the temporary placement. (Ord. 2408, 10-1-2012)