A.   Protection Of Pavement: Any person moving any house or building over or across any street shall, when so provided in the permit, cause such street to be protected by laying planks thereon. (1984 Code § 16-9)
   B.   Injuring Or Moving Utility Poles, Wires And Trees: Nothing in any license or permit granted shall be construed as authorizing the holder thereof to break, injure or move any telegraph, telephone or electric light poles or electric line wires or in any way injure shade trees or other property without permission from the owner thereof. (1984 Code § 16-10)
   C.   Obstructing Street Or Railway: No building or part of a building shall be allowed to stand still in any public street for more than twenty four (24) consecutive hours, except with written consent of the superintendent of streets, and no building shall be allowed to obstruct any railway except with the consent of the railway company. (1984 Code § 16-11)
   D.   Permission To Alter Trees And Plants: No person moving any building shall cut down or trim any trees or disturb any shrubbery, flowers or grass or use the parkings or break off any branches of any tree along any street without the permission of the director of park and recreation. (1984 Code § 16-12)