A.   Sewer Use Charges: To ensure the required financial surveillance, the superintendent shall annually review the cash flows associated with providing wastewater treatment for the city and shall report his findings to the city council at the first regular meeting in September. Any inequities and/or shortages of revenue caused by unforeseen changes in the cost revenue pattern of the POTW shall be remedied immediately by a city council approved adjustment of the unit cost figures. Adjusted unit figures shall be computed in accordance with the principles of this section. Sewer use charges are established for use of the wastewater facilities as established from time to time by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 2400, 4-16-2012)
   B.   Billings And Collections:
      1.   The sewer use charges prescribed by this chapter shall be collected at the same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as water billings rendered by the city to the owner(s) or occupant(s) of any premises or structure so served. Premises which are divided into multiple dwellings or apartments or other distinguishable units, shall be billed for sewer use, including base fees, based upon the number of water meters serving the premises. (Ord. 2374, 9-19-2011)
      2.   Charges for sewer use rendered by the city shall be due on receipt thereof and delinquent twenty (20) days thereafter. Each sewer use charge prescribed by this chapter for which the sewer use is supplied and used, if not paid when due, may be recovered by the city in an action at law. All sewer use charges levied by this chapter which are not paid when due shall be deemed to be delinquent and the water service and sewer service of any such user may be discontinued until payment is made and a reconnection charge is paid.
   C.   Funds Established: There have been established the required accounts for the purpose of managing the revenues derived and to be derived from the city's POTW:
      1.   Operation And Maintenance Account: A separate account to be known as the operation and maintenance account, has been established for the purpose of paying the operation and maintenance costs of the POTW. Funds required for this account shall take precedence to assure satisfactory operation of the POTW.
      2.   Repair And Replacement Account: An account, the repair and replacement account, has been established for repairing or replacing portions of the POTW. Funds shall be deposited into this account at the rate of at least twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) per year.
      3.   Bond Ordinance Account: Deposits required by a bond ordinance shall be made as required by the ordinance. (Ord. 1759, 12-5-1994)