A.   Grades: All previous ordinances of the City establishing grades of streets, avenues and alleys in various parts of the City are retained and continued, subject only to such extensions, supplements and interpretations as appear from the records of the Director of Public Works, which records and maps are incorporated herein by reference and adopted as a part of the official record of the grades of streets, avenues and alleys of the City.
   B.   Widths:
      1.   Reconstruction: At such time as any street within the jurisdictional limits of the City is reconstructed, it shall be reconstructed with a minimum width of thirty six feet (36') or the width previously existing, whichever is greater; except, that local residential side streets may be reconstructed to the minimum width of their previously existing dimensions.
      2.   New Construction: Streets newly constructed shall be built at a minimum width of forty feet (40').
A "local residential side street" is defined as a street to which the majority of the platted lots fronting thereon abut as side yards and not as front yards and which street is not classified as a collector street, principal arterial street or minor arterial street, as referenced in the street master plan adopted by the City.
   C.   Minimum Standard Cross Section Of Streets:
      1.   Residential Street Section: The minimum cross sectional area of a residential street in Mitchell shall be not less than eight inches (8") of base course plus three inches (3") of asphalt concrete.
      2.   Commercial Street Section: The minimum cross sectional area of a commercial street in Mitchell shall be not less than twelve inches (12") of base course plus four inches (4") of asphalt.
The above minimum standards may be increased by the Director of Public Works for a particular street if determined to be necessary by testing or design experience. Fabric separation of subbase material and base course may also be ordered by the Director of Public Works based upon conditions in the field or by testing or design experience. (Ord. 2421, 1-7-2013)