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   If the to be subdivided is located on both sides of an existing, recorded private that contains an existing private , the   be required to upgrade the portions of the existing private which are contained on the that is being subdivided to meet the standards found in this chapter. It should be understood that all proposed to be public must originate as private until there is formal dedication and acceptance by the or a municipality. All proposed to be private , if designed and constructed to public standards and dedicated by those with the authority to do so, eventually become public. The   determine at the time of application if the   are to be public, private or a combination of both types. The designation be subsequently noted on final plats. The for a commercial or industrial   provide constructed at no less than for public residential collector , regardless of whether the are proposed to be public or private.
   (A)   Travel way minimum. All must have a minimum gravel or paved travel way of 12 feet.
   (B)   Public . All proposed for public use be annotated "public" on plans and plats and be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards necessary to make the eligible to be put on the State Highway Maintenance System at a later date. The standards, hereafter referred to as "," are contained in a publication of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, titled "  - Minimum Construction Standards," a copy of which is available for review in the of the . Designation as public be presumed an offer of dedication to the public.
   (C)   Private .  All not intended for public use be designated “private” on plats and plans and be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards of this chapter. (See also Table 1 in this section.) Where private are proposed as extensions of existing public , the must clearly justify why existing public should not be extended for public use. within are expressly exempt from the provisions of this section and are required only to meet the minimum standards as set forth in § 153.047 of this chapter. Where private designs are approvals of a , a note be placed on the stating: The private indicated on this need not meet the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Transportation for acceptance into the   system.
   (D)   Standards for private . To be approved, all private   meet the minimum design and construction standards according to the   classifications:
      (1)   PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR ROAD is a or a section of a which:
         (a)   Provides direct or indirect access from the entrance of the inward to 25 or more existing or proposed residential and/or dwelling units and is designed to be the main travel path for the residential access. In calculating residential density, dwelling units having access on the subject and dwelling units on side which feed the subject residential collector   be counted. The terminus or LAST BLOCK of a residential collector ending in a dead end be designed to the standards of a local residential   as long as the LAST BLOCK serves fewer than 25 units.
         (b)   Is designed to serve, or has the potential to serve in a future phase, in the same ownership of the that, if developed, will meet the 25 dwelling-unit standard.
         (c)   Connects proposed developments with existing developments where the aggregate sum of dwelling units in both developments is 25 or more.
         (d)   Serves a nonresidential facility located within a residential development, such as a frequently used , club house, golf course, public utility site, and the like. (NOTE: See Table 1, "Collector" column.)
      (2)   PRIVATE LOCAL RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ROAD is a or group of which abuts less than 25 residential or serves less than 25 existing or proposed residential dwelling units and does not connect thoroughfares. (NOTE: See Table 1, "Local" column.)
      (3)   PRIVATE LIMITED LOCAL RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ROAD is a which abuts no more than three (3) residential , each containing or to contain no more than one (1) existing or proposed residential dwelling unit and its associated and which does not connect thoroughfares. (NOTE: See Table 1, "Limited Local" column.)
Limited Local
Number of residential units served
25 +
1 to 24 (1)
1 to 3 (1)
50 feet
45 feet
30 feet
50 feet(2)
50 feet(2)
Sight distance on vertical curves
150 feet
110 feet
110 feet
Centerline radius
110 feet(3)
90 feet(3)
90 feet(3)
Maximum grade
Stone only
Paved surface
Minimum travelway width (2 way )
18 feet
18 feet
14 feet
Minimum travelway width (1 way )
12 feet
12 feet
12 feet
Minimum travelway ()
N/A(2) feet
N/A(2) feet
N/A(2) feet
Shoulder width (each side, 2 way )
6 feet(4)
4 feet(4)
2 feet
Shoulder width (each side, 1 way )
2 feet
2 feet
2 feet
Stone base (ABC) compacted
8 inches
6 inches
6 inches
1-1/2 inches of I-2 or BST
Cut and fill slope
2 to 1(6)
1-1/2 to 1(6)
1-1/2 to 1(6)
Ditch slope
4 to 1
3 to 1
3 to 1
Vertical clearance
13 feet
13 feet
13 feet
6 inches
6 inches
6 inches
(1)Except for width, required standards do not apply to of fewer than 4 . [See § 153.046(A)(5).]
(2)See also § 153.069(I). Alternative   be approved by the (or the for or for approved if the alternative does not constitute a substantial change) based on sound engineering design and public safety concerns.
(3)Reductions in the centerline radius are permitted under specific circumstances. (See § 153.069(G.)
(4)On private local residential , in cases where the existing cross slope is 20% or greater, a two (2) foot minimum shoulder width be permitted. (See also § 153.070.)
On private collector , in cases where the existing cross slope is greater than 10% but less than 20%, a four (4) foot minimum shoulder width be permitted. (See also § 153.070.)
On private collector , in cases where the existing cross slope is 20% or greater, a two (2) foot minimum shoulder width be permitted. (See also § 153.070.)
(5)Asphalt or other similar hard surface material is optional except where the requires the material on steep grades, entrances or intersections.
(6)In cases where the existing cross slope is 20% or greater, 1 to 1 cut-and-fill slopes be permitted. (See also § 153.070.)
(7)New   that include roadway lighting comply with the provisions of § 154.117 (Lighting standards).
ABC - Aggregate base course
I-2 - Asphalt
BST - Bituminous surface treatment (tar and gravel)
      (4)   If not specifically listed in Table 1 above or elsewhere in this chapter, design and subsequent construction of private   be reviewed by the based on the standards and requirements of the NCDOT and with the local NCDOT District Engineer policy modifications. A typical cross section is shown in the NCDOT publication entitled   - Minimum Construction Standards, a copy of which can be reviewed at the Mills River Town Hall.
   (E)    drainage and culverts. All or drainage structures be constructed in accordance with . drainage side ditches be constructed with sufficient depth and width to carry the expected volume of stormwater runoff. Where the crosses streams or minor watercourses, culverts be designed and installed in accordance with . Development plans show all the drainage culvert locations, as well as the length, diameter and type of culvert.
   (F)    construction. All must be constructed with suitable stone and compacted properly. Used asphalt is unacceptable as a base course. The subbase must be of suitable soil capable of supporting the above. The should be built so that water will drain from the surface into side ditches. Because of the difficulty of operating vehicles on steep grades and the high potential for erosion, where possible, should be constructed along the contour of the land. No stone-based   exceed the grades: 15% local residential and 12% collector, and no paved   exceed 18% and 16%, respectively. If combination paved and stone-based sections are proposed, the paved sections must extend 50 feet from any point a grade exceeds the minimum for a stone-based . The   require that a professional engineer or professional land surveyor certify on the that no portion of the (s) have grades that exceed maximum allowable grade as defined herein or submit a final as-built graded center line profile showing grade and alignment for all .
   (G)   Minimum curve radius. Where practical,   be centered in the  . The minimum curve radius (the distance measured from the centerline of the to a fixed point inside the curve) be no less than 90 feet except as provided below. The must include sufficient width for the travelway and the necessary shoulders, ditches and slopes. Where the existing cross slope on private limited local residential   or private local residential   is 15% or greater, a minimum centerline radius of 60 feet be permitted. Where the existing cross slope on private residential collector is 15% or greater, a minimum centerline radius of 80 feet be permitted. Curve radii must be noted on development plans.
   (H)   Intersections. The proposed intersection of all should conform with the corresponding design standards. Adequate sight distances along the proposed   be provided by choosing a good location for the and clearing sight triangles when building the . When connecting , the minimum sight distance is 70 feet along the existing   and 10 feet along the new  . The intersection of must provide an adequate place for vehicles to stop before entering the . must have an apron design at proposed intersections in order to permit a vehicle to enter when another vehicle is waiting to turn.
   (I)   Dead ends, and turnarounds. All or sections thereof with dead-ends or should not exceed 2,500 feet in length. Loop should be encouraged where possible in lieu of . The   require the installation of a temporary turnaround at the end of a phased project or a partial turnaround along any that exceeds 1,500 feet in length. Vehicle turnaround areas be provided at the end of all dead-end that exceed 300 feet. The required turnaround on a dead-end   have a roadway radius of not less than 35 feet. Stub   be designed in locations which will permit the future extension of  .
   (J)   .  
      (1)    on public .  located on proposed public in residential, commercial or industrial   be designed according to for public  . The   submit a copy of the design plans as part of the development plan application. The plans should include certification from a registered professional engineer indicating that the plans meet for public  . The   approve the development plan contingent on submission of the plans to the . However, prior to approval or release of any the must submit a copy of documentation indicating plan approval by NCDOT and a copy of an as-built drawing of the with certification from a registered professional engineer that the meets for public  .
      (2)    on private in residential . If on private in residential are proposed, the must submit a copy of plans showing certification from a registered professional engineer indicating that the plans meet for public   for drainage, hydraulics and minimum live load. proposed for private   comply with for public   for drainage, hydraulics and minimum live load. The proposed must meet the standards for vertical clearance for shown in Table 1. The travelway width across the proposed must not be less than the travelway width of the on either side of the proposed , but in no event the travelway be less than 12 feet. If the travelway of a private is less than 18 feet wide and the is proposed to accommodate two (2) way traffic, a paved or gravel turnout be provided on each end of the proposed to provide space for at least one (1) vehicle to safely pull over and allow an oncoming vehicle to traverse the . However, prior to approval or release of any , however, the must submit a copy of an as-built drawing of the with certification from a registered professional engineer that the meets the standards required in this subsection.
      (3)    on private in commercial or industrial . located on proposed private in commercial or industrial subdivisions be designed according to for public  . The   submit a copy of the design plans as part of the development plan application. The plans should include certification from a registered professional engineer indicating that the plans meet for public  . The   approve the development plan contingent on submission of the plans to the . Prior to approval or release of any , however, the must submit a copy of an as-built drawing of the with certification from a registered professional engineer that the meets for public  .
   (K)   Commercial entrances. Interior in a commercial   comply with Table 1 Construction Standards with no exemption for less than four (4) as granted for residential .
   (L)    lighting standards. If newly constructed   include new roadway or pedestrian lighting, the light fixtures must meet the requirements of § 154.117 (Lighting standards).
(Ord. passed 3-1-2004; Am. Ord. passed 10-13-2005; Am. Ord. 00047, passed 8-23-2007; Am. Ord. 00066, passed 4-28-2011; Am. Ord. 2021-06, passed 4-22-2021; Am. Ord. 2024-01, passed 1-25-2024)