(A)   Purpose. The General Business District is designed and intended to promote the development of uses which require large concentrations of automobile traffic. The district is also designed to accommodate those commercial activities which may be incompatible with the uses permitted in the B-1 District, and whose service is not confined to any one neighborhood or community.
   (B)   Special requirements.
      (1)   Every use shall be conducted within a completely enclosed structure except as indicated or allowed by conditional use.
      (2)   Business signs and advertising devices shall be regulated by §§ 156.130 et seq.
   (C)   Minimum requirements.
Building area
No minimum
Building height
35 ft.
Lot, minimum area
Public sewer
6,000 sq. ft.
On-site sewer
43,500 sq. ft.
Lot, minimum width
Public sewer
80 ft.
On-site sewer
150 ft.
Front yard, minimum
25 ft. or conformance to existing setback in block
Rear yard, minimum
10 ft.
Side yard, minimum
Interior lot
10 ft.
Buildings exceeding two stories
10 ft.
Corner lot
20 ft.
   (D)   Permitted principal uses.
      (1)   All those uses permitted in B-1 District;
      (2)   Auto wash;
      (3)   Auto sales, unenclosed;
      (4)   Auto storage, new or used;
      (5)   Auto repair garage;
      (6)   Bowling alley;
      (7)   Club or lodge;
      (8)   Health club or gym;
      (9)   Hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast establishment;
      (10)   Implement sales;
      (11)   Lumber yard;
      (12)   Parking and/or commercial storage of vehicles; need not be enclosed;
      (13)   Radio and television broadcasting studios;
      (14)   Repair shop;
      (15)   Tire recapping and supply store;
      (16)   Upholstery shop of any type;
      (17)   Welding shop;
      (18)   Churches; and
      (19)   Single family residence where 50% of the buildings in the block are at present single family dwellings.
   (E)   Permitted accessory uses.
      (1)   Commercial or business structures for a use accessory to the principal use;
      (2)   Off-street parking as required in this chapter;
      (3)   Nameplate and business signs subject to §§ 156.130 et seq.; and
      (4)   Fencing and screening as permitted in this chapter.
   (F)   Uses requiring a conditional use permit.
      (1)   Residence associated with the permitted use;
      (2)   Multiple family dwellings;
      (3)   Any permitted use requiring drive-through facilities;
      (4)   Seasonal businesses;
      (5)   Veterinary clinic;
      (6)   Commercial recreational uses;
      (7)   Gas stations, service stations;
      (8)   Feed stores;
      (9)   Community or convention centers;
      (10)   Kennels for household pets, provided, however, all these kennels are contained within completely enclosed structures;
      (11)   Other commercial uses determined by the Planning Commission or City Council to be of the same general character as the permitted uses above and found not to be detrimental to the general public health and welfare; and
      (12)   Planned unit developments shall only be permitted on an area of at least one acre.
(Ord. 134/94, passed 3-24-94; Am. Ord. 453, passed 7-18-19)