(A)   Purpose. The industrial district is established to provide exemplary standards of development for industrial areas to insure compatibility with other land uses and to provide for industrial employment opportunities for residents of the community.
   (B)   Special requirements.
      (1)   All manufacturing or processing shall be conducted completely within enclosed buildings except as allowed by conditional use.
      (2)   All storage of supplies and equipment shall be within enclosed buildings. No storage will be allowed in trailers or vans.
      (3)   All storage buildings and vans that have been grandfathered in shall be identified as to any hazardous or toxic material stored inside and identification shall be displayed by a method approved by the building official.
      (4)   Substantial landscaping and screening shall be installed and maintained on industrial sites adjacent to residential districts to effectively separate the uses and promote the public health, safety, and welfare.
   (C)   Minimum requirements.
Lot, minimum area
Public sewer
20,000 sq. ft.
On-site sewer
2 acres
Lot, minimum width
150 ft.
Front yard, minimum
30 ft.
Side yard, minimum
Interior lots
10 ft.
Corner lots
20 ft.
Adjacent to residential zoned lot
20 ft. with a vegetative buffer or fence of not less than 8 ft. in height
Rear yard, minimum
10 ft.
Adjacent to residential zoned lot
10 ft. with a vegetative buffer or fence of not less than 8 ft. in height
   (D)   Permitted principal uses.
      (1)   Airports and hangers;
      (2)   Art equipment supplies, manufacturing;
      (3)   Bags, boxes, and paper containers, manufacturing and storage;
      (4)   Bottling establishments;
      (5)   Books and looseleaf binders, fabrication and assembly;
      (6)   Brewery, as defined and regulated in 114.75.
      (7)   Cabinet and woodworking establishments;
      (8)   Clothing manufacturing;
      (9)   Camera and photographic manufacturing;
      (10)   Cold storage plants, locker plants;
      (11)   Commercial printing, publishing, and engraving firms;
      (12)   Confectionery and related products, manufacturing and packaging;
      (13)   Creameries, milk stations, bottling works;
      (14)   Dental instruments and supplies;
      (15)   Distillery, as deined and regulated in 114.75.
      (16)   Dry-cleaning and dyeing establishments;
      (17)   Electric lighting and wiring equipment, manufacturing;
      (18)   Electronic tubes and other components, manufacturing;
      (19)   Electrical products and appliances, manufacturing and assembly;
      (20)   Express and hauling stations;
      (21)   Footwear, manufacture and fabrication;
      (22)   Grain and seed elevators;
      (23)   Hand and edge tools, manufacturing and assembly;
      (24)   Hardware warehousing and distribution operations;
      (25)   Ice plants and ice cream plants;
      (26)   Jewelry manufacture;
      (27)   Laboratory instruments and associated items, manufacturing and assembly;
      (28)   Laundries;
      (29)   Luggage, handbags, and similar items, manufacturing and assembly;
      (30)   Lumber yards;
      (31)   Mail order houses;
      (32)   Medical and surgical instruments and supplies;
      (33)   Newspaper plants and offices;
      (34)   Office furniture and supplies;
      (35)   Optical instruments and lenses, manufacturing and assembly;
      (36)   Patterns, design and manufacturing;
      (37)   Pottery shops;
      (38)   Precision instruments;
      (39)   Plastic extrusion and moulding and fixtures;
      (40)   Plumbing fixtures and equipment, wholesale;
      (41)   Processing and storage plants not involving a discharge of noxious to toxic matter;
      (42)   Public garages;
      (43)   Radio and television, assembly and parts fabrication;
      (44)   Recycling and/or handling and/or processing of waste;
      (45)   Sport equipment, manufacture and assembly;
      (46)   Scientific and research instruments and equipment, manufacturing and assembly;
      (47)   Signs and advertising display materials, manufacturing and assembly;
      (48)   Storehouses, warehouses;
      (49)   Telephone and telegraph technical apparatus, manufacturing and assembly;
      (50)   Temperature controls, fabrication and assembly;
      (51)   Trade schools;
      (52)   Vehicle repair;
      (53)   Welding supply; and
      (54)   Wholesale business facilities.
      (55)   Winery, as defined and regulated in §114.75
   (E)   Permitted accessory uses.
      (1)   (a)   Buildings and structures for a use accessory to the principal use;
         (b)   Cargo boxes cannot be stacked and cannot be more than 10% of the principle building in area;
      (2)   Off-street parking and loading as required in this chapter;
      (3)   Nameplate and business signs subject to §§ 156.130 et seq.; and
      (4)   Fencing and screening as permitted in this chapter.
   (F)   Uses requiring a conditional use permit.
      (1)   Heavy manufacturing or any use involving pollution or other hazards;
      (2)   Any manufacturing, processing, or assembly conducted outside of a structure;
      (3)   Other manufacturing, processing, storage, or commercial uses determined by the Planning Commission or the City Council to be of the same general character as permitted uses above and found not to be obnoxious, unhealthful, or offensive by reason of the potential emission or transmission of noise, oxidation, smoke, dust, odors, toxic or noxious matter, or glare or heat;
      (4)   Adult entertainment establishments to be considered only if 1,320 feet from residential districts; and
      (5)   Planned unit developments shall only be permitted on an area of at least one acre.
(Ord. 134/94, passed 3-24-94; Am. Ord. 453, passed 7-18-19; Am. Ord. 492, passed 4-21-22)