(a)   Architectural Design Guidelines Purpose and Application. The purpose of these architectural design standards is to define the criteria that will guide applicants as they design new senior facility dwellings that will achieve long term community quality. The ultimate result will be to preserve property values while maintaining a cohesive residential character and appeal.
      (1)   These architectural design guidelines shall apply to all structures within the SF zoning district that contain three or more attached dwelling units and may include both individual property development and multiple lot developments.
      (2)   Attached and detached single-family cluster dwelling structures and attached two-family dwelling structures proposed under an SF zoning district shall follow the architectural design guidelines set forth in Section 1131.11
   (b)   Exterior Building Materials.
      (1)   A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the front building facade and fifty percent (50%) of all other building facades shall be constructed of brick or stone (natural or cultured) with the remaining building faced area consisting of wood, fiber cement siding or stucco.
         A.   For the purpose of determining the minimum percentage of exterior material requirements, all glass located on any building wall facade shall be removed from the calculation to determine the required amount of brick or stone. For example, if a building's front wall face features glass equal to 1,000 square feet out of a total wall face area of 10,000 square feet, 75% of the remaining 9,000 square feet of wall area shall utilize brick or stone materials.
         B.   Applicant must show the specific percentages of each exterior material proposed on the submitted plans. The applicant shall also provide the CAD, or similar format, file for the building to allow the City to verify the exterior material percentage break down.
      (2)   Aluminum and vinyl siding are prohibited.
      (3)   A stucco finish of varying textures is permitted as a supplementary exterior material only.
      (4)   Siding shall have a maximum six inch lap and be trimmed in a traditional manner.
      (5)   Minimum trim board dimensions are as follows: corner trim - eight inches; door trim - six inches; window trim - four inches; frieze board - six inches (unless otherwise noted for lap siding and trim).
      (6)   Blank building elevations are prohibited.
      (7)   All building elevations shall be treated with architectural detailing to enhance the character.
      (8)   Continuing masonry veneers around corners is required.
      (9)   Building material samples required. Samples (color / texture selections) for all exterior materials including but not limited to the following shall be submitted to the City Architect as part of the preliminary plan documents.
         A.   Roof materials.
         B.   Siding material color and material type.
         C.   Stucco (color and finish) stone, face brick.
         D.   Window material and color.
         E.   Trim color.
         F.   Entry door design(s) and color.
         G.   Fences and other detached elements to include color and material type.
         H.   Paving color and material.
      (10)   Additional design and material information. Additional architectural design and material requirements may be imposed by the City Architect and Building Commissioner as reasonably necessary to achieve the zoning district purpose and goals.
   (c)   Building Massing. Front facades shall incorporate variation in mass through one or more of the following methods for every thirty feet of facade frontage:
      (1)   Wall offsets in the form of projections and/or recesses in the facade plane. Wall offsets shall have a minimum depth of two feet.
      (2)   Bay windows.
      (3)   Facade color changes.
      (4)   Use of pilasters, columns, or other detailing to articulate the facades.
      (5)   Roofline changes when coupled with correspondingly aligned facade material changes.
   (d)   Roof Design Guidelines.
      (1)   All new principal structures permitted in the SF zoning district containing up to three occupied or unoccupied stories shall be constructed using a minimum 8/12 pitched roof design.
      (2)   The roof area located over any porch and entrance portions of the principal structure shall be constructed using a minimum 5/12 pitch design.
      (3)   All new principal structures permitted in this district containing four or more occupied or unoccupied stories may be constructed using a flat roof design for both the primary structure and any accessory structures subject to the parapet and cornice requirements set forth below.
         A.   Flat roofs shall be hidden from public view by a parapet and decorated by a cornice.
         B.   The highest point of a parapet shall not at any point exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the height of the supporting wall.
         C.   Cornices may be simple or mixed (straight and curved moldings), but should not exceed twenty-four inches in depth. Cornices shall have a minimum of twelve inches in height, and a minimum of three vertical (not diagonal) changes in plane, and a variety of thicknesses in relief ranging from the greatest at the top to the least at the bottom.
      (4)   Minimum overhang length of twelve inches shall be provided over all faces of the exterior walls of a principal structure.
      (5)   Use individual roof pitches to break up the form.
   (e)   Roof Penetrations and Mechanical Equipment.
      (1)   To the degree practicable, all roof vents, pipes, antennas, satellite dishes, and other roof penetrations and equipment (except chimneys) shall be located on the rear elevations or configured to have a minimal visual impact as seen from the street.
      (2)   Wall mounted mechanical, electrical, communication equipment, downspouts, gutters, service doors, and other building-mounted utility fixtures, shall be painted and maintained to match the building or be screened from view.
      (3)   Mechanical equipment such as transformers and HVAC units shall not be located in front yards.
      (4)   All mechanical equipment, including both ground-mounted and roof-mounted equipment, shall be screened from view from adjacent public and private rights-of- way, as well as from all property zoned or used for residential purposes.
      (5)   Screening elements shall include walls (same material and color as principal structure), landscaping, mounds, parapets or enclosures constructed of the same materials used on the majority of the principal structure or any combination or as otherwise approved or required preliminary plan review.
      (6)   The screening of mechanical equipment will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis based upon the following determinations:
         A.   Site location relative to adjacent properties and public rights-of-way.
         B.   Topography of the subject site relative to adjacent properties and public rights-of-way.
         C.   Whether the subject screening creates visual inconsistencies with surrounding areas.
         D.   Whether the screening substantially meets the overall intent of these SF architectural guidelines.
   (f)   Architectural Design Standards for Building Expansions and Alterations. Where a principal building or accessory building is proposed to be expanded or altered in the SF zoning district, the expansion or alteration shall meet the following standards for materials:
      (1)   The expansion or alteration shall be constructed of materials and proportions similar to the facade that is being extended or altered (i.e., if the side facade of a dwelling is constructed of brick and will be extended or altered, the expanded or altered area shall also be constructed of brick).
      (2)   In all cases, an expansion or alteration may be constructed of materials on the list of approved exterior building materials set forth in Section 1133.08(b).
      (3)   Where an existing building is constructed with brick, stone, cultured stone, cement siding, wood, stucco or synthetic stucco material, such materials shall not be removed and replaced with vinyl or aluminum siding. The siding may only be replaced with the same material or materials on the list of approved exterior building materials set forth in Section 1133.08(b).
      (4)   A majority of glass and similar materials (excluding glass block siding) may be used in building expansions to the rear or side of an existing building.
(Ord. 2022-24. Passed 5-24-22; Ord. 2023-6. Passed 6-27-23.)