(a)   The fees provided for in Section 915.01 shall be waived for organizations that meet the criteria set forth in subsection (b) hereof. Such organizations will be allowed one free use of a room per month as determined by the Recreation Department.
   (b)   To be considered for such a waiver, an organization must be nonprofit or not- for-profit, with its principal place of business in Middleburg Heights and with at least seventy- five percent (75%) of its current membership residing in Middleburg Heights. A list of the current membership including residence addresses must be provided to the Recreation Department.
   (c)   If the qualifying organizations specified herein hold meetings, events or functions where an admission is charged, then the fee for such meeting, event or function shall be the same as set forth in Section 915.01.
   (d)   The Recreation Director reserves the right to revoke the use of City property for violation of any rule or regulation established by the Recreation Director.
   (e)   The Recreation Department will determine which room or rooms will be used by the group.
   (f)   Each group user shall specify on its permit the name, contact telephone number and title of at least one person who is authorized to act on behalf of the group and who must be in attendance at all times during the user group’s use of the City facility.
   (g)   Closing time for the Community Center is 10:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Closing time for the Community Center on Sunday is 8:00 p.m. Arrangements for longer rental times must be specified with the Administrative Assistant.
   (h)   In addition to the civic groups eligible under Section 915.02(b), the Recreation Director is authorized to set all policies and procedures for rental fees for the Community Rooms, and change them as deemed necessary.
(Ord. 1993-25. Passed 3-23-93; Ord. 2000-43. Passed 4-25-00; Ord. 2004-15. Passed