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   Except as may otherwise be provided within this Code of Ordinances, the following fees are hereby imposed as set forth in the following Fee Schedule:
Code Section
Amount of Fee
Code Section
Amount of Fee
Chapter 5: Streets and Parks
Article II. Construction In and Use of Public Ways
5.202 Permit Required; Applications and Fees
F.   Application Fee $1,000. No application fee is required to be paid by any electricity utility that is paying the municipal electricity infrastructure maintenance fee pursuant to the Electricity Infrastructure Maintenance Fee Act
Article III. Driveways
5.307 Permit Fees
New Driveway approach:
-   Curb Cut to Max of 20 feet in width $100
-   Curb Cut over 20 feet and up to 40 feet in width $750
-   Curb Cut over 40 feet in width $1,500
Article IV. Restoration of Village Owned Land
5.402 Permits
B.2.   A permit may be extended by one (1) year for an additional 10% of the original permit fee
5.403 Permit Fees and Financial Responsibility
A.   Shall be accompanied by a permit fee of One Hundred Dollars, $100
Article VI. Small Wireless Facilities
5.605 Permits; Application Process
D.   Shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee
-   Collocate a small wireless facility includes installation of a new pole, $1,000.00
-   Collocate a single small wireless facility on an existing pole or wireless support structure, $650
-   Collocate multiple small wireless facility on existing utility poles or wireless support structures in a single application, $350.00 per small wireless
5.613 Collocation on Village Owned Infrastructure
-   $200 per year
Chapter 6: Traffic Codes
Article XIII. Stopping, Standing And Parking
6.1308 Handicapped Persons; Parking and Exemptions
-   The Village shall be responsible for the provision of such decal or device, its issuance and designated placement within the vehicle. The cost of such decal or device shall be fifteen dollars ($15)
Chapter 7: Offenses and Miscellaneous Regulations
Article VII. Solicitors and Canvassers
7.708 Issuance or Denial of Certificate of Registration
-   A deposit of ten dollars ($10) with the Village Administrator, which amount shall be refunded at the time the certificate of registration is returned intact, no later than five (5) days after the date of expiration of said certificate
Article VIII. Mandates Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act and Illinois Open Meeting Act
7.805 Fees
-   First 50 pages, no charge
-   Letter/legal black and white copies after 50 pages, $.015 per page
-   Certified copies, $1.00 per document in addition to copy charges
-   Large format, audio tapes, digit copies or color copies, actual cost to the Village excluding any personnel costs
Chapter 8: Private Individual Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems
Article VI. Site Suitability
8.606 Procedures and Fees
-    Shall be in accordance with the most recent Resolution Setting Building Permit and Inspection Fees Adopted from the time to time by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
Chapter 9: Building Code
Article I. Administration and Enforcement
9.116 Fees
C.1.   All plan review and Building Permit fees shall be paid in accordance with the most recent fee schedule approved by the President and Board of Trustees.
Type of Permit/Review
Type of Construction
Plan Review
   Commercial (includes tenant build out)
   Residential (involving Changes to structure, HVAC, Electrical or plumbing systems)
New Construction (including additions):
   Auxiliary Structures (garages, barns, stables, gazebos, sheds, etc.,):
      Without HVAC or plumbing
      With HVAC and/or potable water, but without sanitary sewer or septic
   Decks, Patios, Fences, Walls and Driveways
      Swimming Pool or Spa (in ground)
   Satellite Antennae
   Irrigation Systems
   Electrical Generators
$600.00 plus $.25 per square foot
$275.00 plus 1% of construction cost
$5,500.00 plus $.25 per square foot
$600.00 plus $.25 per square foot
$120.00 plus $.20 per square foot
$200.00 plus $.35 per square foot
Building Permit
   Commercial (includes tenant build out)
   Residential (involving Changes to structure, HVAC, Electrical or plumbing systems)
$550.00 plus $1.75 per square foot
$275.00 plus 1% of construction cost
New Construction (including additions)
   Auxiliary Structures (garages, barns, stables, gazebos, sheds, etc.):
      Without HVAC or plumbing
      With HVAC and/or potable water, but without sanitary sewer
      or septic
Decks, Patios, Fences, Walls and Driveways
   Swimming Pool or Spa (in ground)
   Commercial Signs
      New Sign
      Replacement Sign
Satellite Antennae
Irrigation Systems
   Electrical Generators
$5,500.00 plus $.90 per square foot
$600.00 plus $1.50 per square foot
$120.00 plus $.20 per square foot
$200.00 plus $.35 per square foot
Driveway Permit
Where existing curb is to be cut, per opening onto a public right-of-way
*90% refundable upon completion and Village Engineer's inspection revealing acceptable work accomplished in a good and workman like manner
Storm Sewer Permit
$100.00 minimum plus $l/ft over 50 lineal feet of sewer
Public Property Protection Fee
Whenever it is anticipated there will be excavation within the public right-of-way and/or cutting of the pavement
*90% refundable if restoration approved by Village Engineer
Permit Renewal Fee
10% of the building permit fee (good for 12 months)
Removal of Stop Work Order Fee
Reinspection Fee
Building Permit Placard Replacement Fee
Building Permit Plans Replacement Fee
$5.00 per sheet
Partial Occupancy Certificate
*90% refundable upon completion and Building Administrator's inspection revealing acceptable work accomplished in a good and workmanlike manner
Late Permit Fee
$150.00 for each 24-hour period or portion thereof
Building Code Board of Appeals Application
   Fee Schedules - Engineering Services
Amount of Engineering Fee
Plan Review
Fee based on rate of 1.5% of the Village Engineer estimate of construction cost;
$500.00 minimum
Inspection Fee
The permittee shall be charged additional fees for re-inspection and independent geotechnical testing; the fee shall equal the cost to the Village for the services performed
Fee is based on a percent of final estimated construction costs and shall be collected prior to recording of subdivision plat.
•   The percentage shall be 2.5% for projects of $250,000 or more
•   The percentage shall be 5% for projects less than $250,000
   Grading Fees - Individual Lot of Record
Engineering Review Fee Amount
Drainage, Grading, and other Site Engineering Fees
$300.00 plus, where tree fencing is required, an additional $75.00 for tree location inspection
Site Grading Permit Associated with Non-Residential New Building
2% of the Village Engineer's estimate of the site improvement (other than the building) costs; $1,000 minimum
Plan Revision
$100.00 per revision
Site Grading Permit for New Single-Family Building
$300.00 plus, where tree fencing is required, an additional $75.00 for tree location inspection
Site Grading Fee
$2,000 per builder's acres of development*
*80% refundable upon completion and Village Engineer's inspection revealing acceptable work accomplished in a good and workman like manner
Site Grading Fee Not Associated with New Building Construction
2% of the Village Engineer's estimate of the cost of minimum restoration and landscaping of the project site; $200.00 minimum*
*80% refundable upon completion and Village Engineer's inspection revealing acceptable work accomplished in a good workman like manner
   Private Sanitary Sewage Septic Systems Development Fees
Type of Fee
Type of Construction
General Engineering Review Fees
Inspection Fees
•   Sewage disposal systems for newly-constructed or enlarged home or major repairs
•   Minor repairs to an existing individual sewage disposal system
•   Plan revision
$100.00 per submittal
The permittee shall be charged additional fees for reinspection and independent geotechnical testing; the fee shall equal the costs to the Village for services performed
   Watershed Development Fees
Type of Fee
Type of Construction
General Engineering Review and Permit Fees
1.   Erosion Control Only
   a.   Distribution of >5,000 sf to 1 acre
   b.   Disturbance of >5,000 sf to 1 acre with Floodplain or Wetlands
   c.   Disturbance of >1 acre to 5 acres
   d.   Disturbance of >1 acre to 5 acres with Floodplain or Wetlands
   e.   Disturbance of >5 acres to 20 acres
   f.   Disturbance of >20 acres to 100 acres
   g.   Disturbance of >100 acres
2.   Minor Development without Detention
3.   Minor Development with Detention
4.   Major Development with Grading in Floodplain - No Detention
5.   Major Development with Detention - No Floodplain
6.   Major Development with Detention and Floodplain <100 acres
7.   Major Development with Detention and Floodplain >100 acres
Note: Any Developments with Wetland Impacts (Isolated Waters of Lake County) Requires Lake County Stormwater Management Commission Approval
$2,000 +$10/acres over 100 acres
$2,500.00+$10/acres over 100 acres
$6,000.00+$25/acres over 100 acres
Add $ 1,000.00 (plus LCSMC fees)
Note: Acres are "Builder's" Acres (1 Acre = 40,000 square feet)
Code Section
Amount of Fee
Code Section
Amount of Fee
Chapter 11: Health and Sanitation
Article II. Private Irrigation Water Wells
11.202 Inspections and Fees
A. Construction and installation of a private irrigation water well and installation of the appurtenant irrigation system Shall be five hundred dollars ($500)
A.2. Shall be one hundred dollars ($100), which includes the fee for plan review and inspection of the construction
Article III. Regulations of the Collections of Solid Waste
11.303 License Fee; Issuance of License
-   Ten dollars ($10)
Chapter 15: Zoning Regulations
Article XI. Zoning Administration
Application for Variation
Notice of Appeal
Application for Amendment
Application for Special Use
-   Fee will be two hundred fifty dollars ($250)
-   Fee will be two hundred fifty dollars ($250)
-   Fee will be two hundred fifty dollars ($250)
-   Fee will be two hundred fifty dollars ($250)
Chapter 17: Telecommunications
Article II. Registration of Telecommuni- cations Carriers and Providers
17.202 Registration Fee
-   Shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25)
Article VI. Fees and Compensation
17.602 Application and Review Fee
A.   Shall be a fee of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) or one percent (1%) of the estimated cost
B. l.   An applicant whose license or franchise application has been withdrawn, abandoned or denied within sixty (60) days of its application and review fee, be refunded the balance of its deposit less one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500)
17.606 Construction Permit Fee
-   Shall a permit fee equal to five hundred dollars ($500) or 5% of the estimated cost of constructing the tele- communication facility as certified by the applicant's engineer and approved by the Village Engineer, whichever is greater
17.607 Annual Fees
-   Fee to the Village equal to one thousand five hundred ($1,500)
Chapter 17: Telecommunications
Article IX. Cable/Video Service Provider
17.901 Cable/Video Service Provider Fee Imposed
-   Fee in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the holder's gross revenues is imposed
17.902 PEG Access Support Fee Imposed
-   Fee in an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the holders' gross revenues
Chapter 18: Alcoholic Beverages
Article III: Licenses
18.302. Application for License
-   Shall be issued to the applicant, all individuals will submit themselves for fingerprinting by the said Lake County Sheriffs Police Department with a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) for each set
18.306 License Fees
Initial Fee (1st License issued)
Annual Renewal Fee
C License
H License
R License
W License
(Ord. 852, passed 10-20-2020)