(A)   Containers to be provided. Each and every owner, resident, tenant, housekeeper, or other person, persons, or entity occupying any room, dwelling house, apartment, or other building or portion thereof, and producing or responsible for the disposal of garbage, refuse, or ashes which is to be collected by the authorized collector, shall provide, and renew when necessary, a sufficient number of containers to hold the garbage, refuse, or ashes accumulating therein.
   (B)   Kind of container to be provided. All containers shall be cans, plastic bags, or boxes, which where possible shall have strong handles on the outside and be watertight. All cans shall have a capacity of not less than 20 nor more than 32 gallons and have tight-fitting covers, but all industrial or commercial containers may be larger than 32 gallons in capacity for the convenience of the producer and authorized collector. Containers shall be sufficient in number to hold all garbage, refuse, and ashes accumulating on the premises between the collections, and the contents thereof shall be kept in such condition that it can, at all times, be readily and fully removed by the authorized collector who makes collections of such garbage, refuse, and ashes.
   (C)   Location of containers. It shall be unlawful to place containers on public streets, alleys, or other place except private property. Provided on collection days, containers described in division (B) above shall be placed in plain view next to or adjacent to the nearest or most convenient public alley to the householder or person being serviced, for purposes of such collection, by the authorized collector. For those owners, users, residents, or entities being producers or responsible for the disposal of garbage, refuse, or ashes, who are elderly or infirm, the authorized collector will pick up from the front porch or steps the garbage, refuse, and ashes. If more than one container is necessary to hold the garbage, refuse, or trash accumulating on the premises, or if more than one container is used for the garbage, refuse, or trash from any building, all containers shall be placed at the same location for collection. Residents not having access to any alley in their block may place containers on any corner of the block on collection days only. Residents living in areas not divided into blocks with alleys shall deposit containers on streets on collection days.
   (D)   Containers to be maintained by owner. All containers shall be maintained in good and sanitary condition by the owners thereof.
(Ord. 92-22, passed 9-14-1992) Penalty, see § 51.99