Garbage and Rubbish Collection and Disposal
   EDITOR'S NOTE: Ordinance 70-29, passed June 23, 1970, authorized the inclusion of the City in Lake County Garbage and Refuse Disposal District No.1.
   The City enters into franchise agreements from time to time for solid waste disposal services. Copies of the latest relevant agreements are on file in the office of the Administrative Director.
   Ordinance 92-0-07, passed May 12, 1992, approved the final draft of the Solid Waste Management Plan of the Lake County Solid Waste Management District. Copies of this ordinance, of the Plan, and of any updates thereto, may be obtained, at cost, from the Administrative Director.
1064.01   Franchise required.
1064.02   Rates; billing; discontinuance for nonpayment; rate reduction. (Repealed)
1064.03   Vehicles hauling garbage and rubbish.
1064.04   Time period on accumulations.
1064.05   Removal from City and approved disposal required.
1064.06   Containers required.
1064.99   Penalty
   Collection and disposal of garbage - see Ohio R. C. 715.43, 717.01
   Employment of scavengers - see Ohio R. C. 3707.39
   Disposal and transportation upon public ways - see Ohio R. C. 3767.20
   Safety standards for refuse containers - see Ohio R. C. 3791.21
   Loads dropping, leaking or shifting - see TRAF. 440.06, 440.10
   Littering - see GEN. OFF. 660.03
   Noxious odors; filthy accumulations; polluting and diverting watercourses - see GEN. OFF. 660.04
   Open burning -see GEN. OFF. 660.08
   Garbage collection bins in Town House Condominium District - see P. & Z. 1256.11