Application for a Rental Dwelling Unit Certificate for multi-family apartment structure or single, duplex, or triplex dwelling unit shall be made every other year to the Engineering and Building Department on forms provided. Said application shall be accompanied by fees as set forth in Section 1391.04 hereof. Applications to renew valid certificates shall be filed with the Engineering and Building Department not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the current Rental Dwelling Unit Certification of Occupancy.
   Upon receipt of an application for a Rental Dwelling Unit Certificate the Engineering and Building Department shall schedule inspections of the rental dwelling unit as necessary to determine its compliance with these regulations.
   If a rental dwelling unit is found to be in compliance with this Code, a Rental Dwelling Unit Certificate shall be issued for said unit and shall be valid for a period not to exceed two years.    
   If upon inspection of the rental dwelling unit it is determined that violation of this chapter exists, notice of said violation shall be made to the owner or agent. The owner or agent shall obtain the proper permits as required by the Building Code to correct the noted violations. No Rental Dwelling Unit Certificate shall be issued until the violations have been corrected and the repairs inspected and approved.
(Ord. 07-0-92. Passed 10-16-07.)