The City Engineer shall review the application and shall grant the permit if the Engineer determines that the proposed grade changes will not adversely affect the public welfare, health, safety and convenience or do not require a conditional use permit per Chapter 1135 of the Planning and Zoning Code. In granting said permit the City Engineer may impose reasonable conditions relating to:
   (a)    The method of removing or depositing the soil or substance.
    (b)    The term of the permits.
   (c)    The type and/or quantity of the soil or substance to be removed or deposited.
    (d)    The effect on adjoining property by virtue of odors, dust, drainage or erosion.
   (e)    A surety to provide for the repair of the probable effect upon a public right-of- way particularly damage to the road surface, and any expenses incurred by the City to clean the roadway of mud or debris.
   (f)    Restoration of land.
   (g)    Such other matters as may reasonably be required to protect the public health, safety, welfare and convenience. Any conditions so imposed by the City Engineer shall be made a part of the permit and shall bind the applicant, and all successors or assignees.
   (h)   A permit fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) which includes the first two acres plus twenty dollars ($20.00) for each additional acre), or fraction thereof, over the first two acres, shall be collected, plus a reasonable deposit to be drawn upon for the cost of the required inspections. Said deposit shall be the cost of two hours inspection per week for the term of the permit.
   (i)   The applicant is responsible to call and schedule inspections of the site when the work is started and when operations cease. The applicant shall also call and schedule inspections when the erosion controls are either, installed, added to or altered. Self performed erosion and sediment control inspections by the applicant are required as indicated in Chapter 1353 of the Mentor Code of Ordinances. When the applicant does not schedule inspections the city shall make and charge against the deposit the cost of inspections to check the status, and/or conditions of the site and the status of the erosion controls, and any roadway cleanup or site restoration. The City Engineer may direct additional funds be deposited if there is less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) remaining on deposit and the work will likely exceed one week to complete. Failure to deposit funds so directed or pay for inspections is cause for attachment of the required surety bond.
      (Ord. 10-O-91. Passed 10-5-10.)