Lawns and landscaping shall be kept from becoming overgrown and unsightly and shall be maintained so as not to constitute a blighting or deteriorating effect on the surrounding neighborhood.
   Rank vegetation shall not be permitted on any of the following premises:
   (a)    Within any public right-of-way;
   (b)    Within occupied lots in any residential district and within lots immediately adjacent to an occupied residential lot, subject to subsection (f) below:
   (c)    Within the front setback of commercially zoned property;
   (d)    Within the front setback of industrially zoned property;
   (e)    Multi-family developments;
   (f)   Within twenty-five feet (25') of the right of way and within fifteen feet (15') of each side setback ending at the front setback of unoccupied residential lots in excess of one (1) acre and within the right of way to the rear setback of occupied lots in excess of one (1) acre.
   No owner or occupant of any premises shall permit vegetation to obscure or restrict vision along a public street or at an intersection so as to create a safety hazard.
(1969 Code 96.63; Ord. 17-O-86. Passed 9-19-17.)