The Chief Building official shall issue a certificate of registration to each Tree Maintenance or Tree Removal Contractor applying when each of the following conditions have been met:
    (a)    A completed application form has been filed.
   (b)    The applicant has tendered the certificate of registration fee as specified in Section 1311.04.
   (c)    The applicant has furnished evidence of liability insurance in the minimum amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for bodily injury and in the minimum amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) for property damage. The evidence of insurance shall list the City of Mentor as a certified holder at the following address: City of Mentor, attention CBO, 8500 Civic Center Boulevard, Mentor, OH 44060.
   (d)    The applicant has furnished evidence of having duly registered with the Tax Division of the City of Mentor Finance Department, on forms provided by the Finance Department.
   The certificate of registration authorized to be issued hereunder shall be valid for the calendar year in which it is issued and shall be renewed on an annual basis thereafter.
(Ord. 17-O-87. Passed 9-19-17.)