Application for a certificate of registration shall be upon forms provided by the Chief Building Official. The application shall include the name, current address and telephone number of the contractor applying, and designate the form of business organization, whether corporation, partnership, individual or other organization. When the applicant is other than the individual, he or she shall state the name, address and telephone number of an individual charged with the management of the work of the business organization to be performed within the City. The application shall contain such other information as the Chief Building official deems pertinent.
    (a)   Tree contractor applicants shall meet the following criteria:
      (1)   At least eighteen (18) years of age.
      (2)    Able to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
      (3)   Shall keep work site safe at all times as referenced by ANSI Z-133: American Safety Standard for Arboriculture Operations. Specifically, the contractor shall
         A.   Complete the Personal Protective Equipment Hazard Certification in 5.3.6.
         B.   Maintain a first aid kit at the job site.
         C.   Identification of a designated tree debris drop zone.
         D.   Marking of underground utilities prior to stump grinding.
   (b)   When an applicant for registration is a firm or corporation, each responsible member of such firm or corporation, listed as such in the application for registration, shall individually be qualified for registration under the provisions of this section.
   It shall be the responsibility of each registered contractor to immediately notify the Chief Building Official of any changes in the registration provided on his application form and of any change in status regarding the required liability insurance coverage.
(Ord. 17-O-87. Passed 9-19-17.)